Friday, January 31, 2020
Contemporary studies in physical education Essay Example for Free
Contemporary studies in physical education Essay There are many ways in which the sport of football is controlled and organised, a majority of the sport is monitored and controlled by governing bodies that distribute funds, organise competitions, present awards and ultimately promote the sport so that football can be accessible to everyone. One of the main football governing bodies is UEFA. The Union of European Football Associations governs football all over Europe and makes sure the rules that are formed by this organisation are enforced and abided by, as well as organising competitions and so on. Moreover, as I live in Wales I will talk about the Football Association of Wales or FAW. The FAW are more of a regional organisation that relay rules etc. from UEFA and make sure that there are competitions, and matches taking place all over Wales, as well as distributing limited funds to grass roots schemes and to various clubs in the region. The FAW are based in Cardiff, the capitol, of Wales, which is, in itself relevant as it means that it is easily located. Here are some details I obtained from Personnel: Communications: President Address Desmond W. Shanklin. Plymouth Chambers, 3 Westgate General Secretary Street GB David George Collins. Cardiff CF10 1DP Head Coach Telephone Leslie Mark Hughes. +44 29 2037 2325 Press Officer Fax David George Collins. +44 29 2034 3961 As you can see there are quite a number of personnel working at the top of the FAW, these people make sure that everything goes as much to plan as possible and also make sure that there is some sort of authority associated with the sport. This governing body organises a lot of competitions around Wales resulting in leagues and league tables being formed, one such league is the Welsh Premier. There are many football clubs associated with this league ranging from Aberystwyth, Llanelli and Newtown, to Bangor, Caernarfon and Welshpool. All of these teams are entered into the Welsh Premier and compete against each other throughout the season all in the hope of winning and coming top of the table. The way to find out information on the Internet is to log on to and then look out for the titles reading Welsh football Associations. Regional structure. Although UEFA are a huge organisation, they cannot control every single aspect of the game in all European countries, such as Wales. It is therefore essential that regional, intra-national organisations or governing bodies take as much control as possible and are aware of as much as possible in their area. Wales uses a pyramid system to organise its football events/competitions. The Welsh Premier is Wales national league and the only national competition and all leagues below it operate on a regional basis, the leagues become more localised the further down the pyramid you go. Governing bodies need to structure leagues into regional leagues so that they are more easily managed and are more organised. Like the British Premier League, many foreign countries have adopted segmented or divisional type football leagues. Wales uses this tiered league system to organise many competitions. The Welsh Premier is the top tier or first division and all those below this division are on lower tiers. The second tier consists of two leagues that each covers half of the country. The first represents South Wales and the second, central and North Wales. The champions of both these leagues are promoted to the League of Wales. However although this may sound quite simple, it gets much more complicated the further down the system you go. The similarity is that the teams that come top of the lower leagues are also eligible for promotion. As Ive said, the system gets a lot more mixed up and complex the further down the pyramid you go, with teams having less professional players, and a lower status. The lower less well known teams face a larger competition and less chance of getting promoted due to the larger number of teams. Coaching Awards. It is obvious that if a team succeeds in a particular league and win matches, then, as well as the skill and professionalism of the players being a contributor to their success, the coach of the team must be doing a good job as well. Many organisations present awards to coaches who are seen as successful and who are leading their club well. Without coaches, teams would stand little chance of playing as a team, keeping fit and developing skills, coaches maintain the levels of professionalism whatever the status of the club. Many coaches have to go through training to acquire qualifications in order to coach at the highest level and receive award after doing so. The FA present awards to qualified coaches after they complete training courses at different levels. One such award is the FA Level 1 which is a certificate in coaching football, the course can be taken by anyone over the age of 16 and is an intensive 20 hour course that involves the person dealing with practical coaching, child protection, emergency first aid, over use injuries, child development and growth spurts. Another coaching award is from the NGB or National Governing Body of football. People who have obtained qualifications through their NGB normally go to work shops to further their experience and become better at their job. When someone has obtained qualifications and coaching awards they can pursue a career in coaching their chosen sport and can apply their knowledge acquired through previous courses to coach at various levels. Once in a part time job a coach earn anything from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20 an hour and full time jobs can pay from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½12,000 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20,000 per annum. Promotional/grass root schemes. It is essential for professional and semi-professional teams to be able to pick or select the next best players in order to maintain the reputation of the club and the skill levels required to reach the top of their league. Without grass root schemes young players would not be able to develop their skills or play enough to get recognised by larger clubs. Grass root schemes also make sure that young children are made aware of the benefits of football or any sport and are also taught rules, and the value of teamwork from a very young age. Sports such as football are huge and although the sport does benefit from promotional and grass root schemes, the sport does have a huge following, it is estimated that there are around 70,000 boys playing football for either schools or clubs between the age ranges of under 11 to under 16 and that over 500,000 play between the ages of 9-16. Grass roots football in the United Kingdom is the responsibility of the 43 county football associations that are affiliated with the FA and make sure everything is organised at a local level. Within the individual county associations there are technical directors that oversee the development of football players from their grass roots all the way up to the highest level of the game. There are centres all over the UK that the FA manages and that develop players at grass root levels. Promotional schemes arise all the time around the country and may take the form of celebrity appearances that may boost the turnout of the event and thus the chance of the sport appealing to more young children is increased. The ability to promote a sport such as football depends largely on the willingness of children to participate at grass roots levels and their eagerness to participate at higher levels. Ultimately the children need to have the drive or enthusiasm to take part at low levels of the sport and maintain that ambition so that they will achieve the highest possible level of success in the sport. In Wales, grass roots schemes such as Dragon Sports help to promote football and get more young children involved by using players that can be used as examples of what you can achieve if you persevere. Dragon Sports organise events where the children can turn up and spend the day being taught by professional players and obviously having fun. Regional and national competitions Throughout the country there are various leagues that I talked about previously in my work, these leagues area made up of various teams that compete for promotion to a higher, more competitive league. Regional competitions or matches, are held between more localised teams which compete to win matches in order to gain points and status within their league. If a team win a majority of their games within their own league and against localised opponents, of inter-county matches, they move on to play against the victors from other leagues in various other counties. Ultimately, the teams that are the best in each area of a country will move into a position where they have to play against each other in order to proceed to the next level. After all of the county matches have been played the victorious teams may be promoted into a larger more advanced league that caters for the best regional teams. Theses teams will then play against one another in a national league that offers bigger more prestigious rewards. The teams/clubs at this level are the cream of all the inter-county teams and all compete for national recognition. Doping control and testing. Over the years there have been numerous incidents where athletes have been tested for drugs and were found to have been abusing illegal, performance enhancing narcotics. It is now the norm for most athletes, including footballers, to be tested for doping and drugs that may affect their performance. There are many different ways in which drug testing can be performed, namely, urine samples, hair samples, perspiration and residues found on the athlete or on items of their possession. The urine sample involves the footballer giving a urine sample just before a game, which is tested for the existence of drugs or any evidence of doping. If the results come back positive then the footballer will be suspended and will not be allowed to play in the match or matches following the test until a governing body tells them they are allowed to play. Hair testing involves the footballer/athlete giving a sample of their hair, which, like the urine is tested for evidence of drugs, again, if the test shows that that person has drugs in their system, then appropriate action will be taken. The perspiration test involves the sweat of the athlete being analysed for the presence of any performance enhancing drugs. This is an effective way of doping control and testing, as there are not many ways in which you can avoid this sort of test, or any of the others for that matter. Residue testing involves the footballer giving an item of theirs to the drug analyst that may have residue from the footballers body on it, this could include a drinking flask, mug etc. that may have the persons saliva on it, or a towel that may have hair on it that could be analysed, i.e. anything that may have any residue on it that could be analysed in order to prove the existence of drugs or doping. Here is an example of how the FA intends to deal with the increase in drug abuse in football; The FA is conducting random drug testing of gifted footballers as young as nine years old. These unannounced spot-checks on 9-16 year olds is being carried out at 147 centres of excellence across England and Wales. However, what I find amazing is that each of these drug tests costs the FA à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½230, but I do think that it is necessary as the drug problems with youth football is escalating. Assessment of development and placement on the performance pyramid. There are five levels to the performance pyramid, these are: 1. Grass roots. Here, everyone is encouraged to take part in the sport and anyone can play it. At this level young children are the focal point as trying to get children involved and interested in a sport from a young age is essential if they are to develop into a potential professional player. This is the stage that many governing bodies and organisations are now becoming interested in in-order to develop players of the future. 2. The second stage is recreation. At this stage, players have developed an interest in the sport and are playing quite frequently. This is also the stage where the player will have developed their interest enough to join a club or team. 3. The third stage is sport. This stage involves the person playing at higher levels and their standards have risen to such a point that means that they have become competitive and driven to win. They will also be playing in some sort of league with aspirations of success. 4. If a football player reaches this level they have entered a stage of excellence. The player probably would have been selected for their talent as a player and will be provided with support so that they can train without much hassle etc. They would be sent to train at a centre of excellence where they will receive professional help from qualified coaches in order to play to the best of their ability. Furthermore, the player will probably be playing at county level with the best players in the area who were also selected for their talent. 5. The final level or stage is elitism. At this stage the player is playing at the highest level and has a desire for winning. Moreover, the chances are that the player is at a professional level and is getting paid to play for a particular team. This is the highest of levels that you can reach in any particular sport. Considering all of the stages I would place myself at stage three, sport. I play football at a competitive level and at quite a high standard. I would say that my interest for the sport has developed into one that I can play football at a level where I feel that winning is important but losing is an inevitable factor. With this in mind I can say that there is little chance of moving to the excellence stage and therefore the elitist stage, as I do have other interests and I do not see football as the only sport that I can play. I believe that I am at this level because I have been playing football since I was seven, and I have developed a love for the sport and can appreciate the effort that is put into playing for such a long period of time. Discussion of the effects on my progress. There are many ways in which I have been helped through my time playing football, there are also many ways in which without extra help, I would not have been able to progress. Without a football organisation such as the FA, there would be little order or organisation in the development of football, such as football clubs at grass root levels. I can also say that the funding that these organisations distribute to various clubs is essential for their survival and maintenance of most equipment and grounds etc. At grass roots level, there is emphasis placed on playing for the enjoyment of the sport, which puts little pressure on players. This way of thinking allows players of the future to develop a love of the sport and thus will tend, like myself, to carry on playing football into their teens and beyond, some will eventually develop their natural abilities to such an extent that they can play football professionally and at an elite level where they can live from the money they are paid by their team/club. From a young age I learnt to play by the rules from grass roots football during matches, I learnt how to control myself in various situations and developed a lot of skills. All of this would have been extremely difficult, if not impossible to do, without the help of governing bodies and organisations such as the FA and FIFA distributing funds and carrying out administrative procedures that ensured players, such as myself, the opportunity to play in a controlled manner in supervised games etc. During my time playing football at club level and at grass roots, I had to pay subscriptions, or subs that would be paid into the FA who would recycle the money and put it back into the various football clubs in the country. This money is used by the FA to fund training camps and centres of excellence throughout the country in order to develop the players of future teams and representatives of our country. Furthermore, without these governing bodies and organisations, lower level clubs, like those at grass root levels, would not be able to support themselves as well as with the assistance of such bodies. The transition from level to level throughout the life of a footballer relies not only on the willingness to pursue the sport, but on the dedication of the governing bodies and organisations to help young players and athletes move on with the most support that they need.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Baptism :: essays research papers
Baptism      There are many positive and negative arguments about infant baptism in the Catholic Church. Baptism is a Christian. Baptism is the second biggest sacrament known to Christian religions. Baptism is a Christian sacrament marked by a ritual, which admits the recipient into the Christian community. In the Roman Catholic tradition baptism is celebrated by immersing a persons head with water.      Infant baptism has a lot of good negative arguments to help make this issue so controversial. One argument is that Catholics baptize at an early age, because of pressure of the Jewish religion. Male Infants of the Jewish faith are circumcised in order to get their right of passage into the church. Feeling the pressure the Catholic church felt that they should use infant baptism as a way of passage for the Christian faith.          Another more prevalent argument is the idea of infant baptism not having any biblical foundation, which is presented by Karl Barth. Barth brings up the facts that Infant baptism was started in the apostolic period, not the period of the New Testament itself. Barth continues his argument with the fact that infant baptism has brought about the fact that people are Christians as a result of birth.      Cyprian of Carthage presents positive arguments on the issue of infant baptism. Cyprian explains that infant baptism obtains remission of both sinful acts and original sin.      A philosopher named Augustine helps to clear up the controversy over infant baptism being right or wrong. Augustine raises the issue that, the apostolic creed states that there is â€Å"one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.†Since the creed presents this then the church followed that infant baptism remitted original sin.      Being raised Catholic it is hard to understand some of the negative comments. For instance I really don’t believe I’m a catholic because of birth. I was taken to church as a child, but as I started to understand the beliefs I could have easily rejected the beliefs of a Christian faith.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Prospects And Consequences Of A Nuclear Winter Environmental Sciences Essay
The predicted clime ensuing from a Nuclear War is termed Nuclear Winter. Scientists predict the explosion of atomic armories would ensue in colder conditions and decreased sunshine on Earth for old ages. This posting will be limited to explicating the general effects of a Nuclear Winter and how to last them as the badness of a Nuclear Winter is dependent upon the graduated table of the atomic struggle. See Figure 1 for inside informations of atomic armories. Direct Environmental effects: The release of carbon black, aerosols and other particulate affair into the stratosphere as a consequence of the tremendous urban fires caused by atomic arm explosion in metropoliss would ensue in: Ozone depletion: The carbon black would absorb solar radiation and get down chemical procedures which would ensue in the dislocation of ozone. A ice chest clime: As shown in Figure 2, carbon black blocks out sunshine and this has the possible to do an mean temperature dip every bit immense as 7 grades. Lower rainfall: Besides shown in Figure 2, soot emanation consequences in reduced precipitation and hence lower rainfall. This is because vaporization peers precipitation. These effects would be long lasting, as air current and rain procedure do non be in the stratosphere to take the particulate affair. See Figure 3 for the predicted sum of carbon black which would be released from states devastated by a atomic war. Secondary environmental effects: Decreased agricultural production: All life beings are sensitive to alterations in clime, incident sunshine and incident UV radiation. A few specific illustrations of how agribusiness would be affected are shown in Figure 4. Destruction of home grounds and extinction of species Such dramatic clime alteration would pass over out the vegetation of home grounds every bit good as pass overing out the species unable to accommodate to the alterations. What to make in the event of a Nuclear Winter: Protect your whole organic structure ( including the eyes ) from the increased UV exposure: Try to avoid direct exposure, and if you do necessitate to venture out, wear sunblock, a chapeau and dark glassess. Counter the colder temperatures: Wear multiple beds to let motion and sweat excessively dispersed. If you are in an country probably to be threatened by a Nuclear Winter, have exigency heating methods readily available as the usual methods of warming by electricity, gas, etc may non be available. Get a consistent supply of nutrient: Reduced agriculture means less or no nutrient may be available from the usual beginnings. Hence, a pre-cautionary stock of non-perishable nutrient would be necessary and being able to turn your ain nutrient would be greatly good. Decision: A atomic winter would be lay waste toing and there would be small civilisation could make to restrict or mend the environmental effects. In a Nuclear Winter, the clime would go much colder, the ozone bed broken down and there would be small rainfall. Consequently, many home grounds would be destroyed and many species forced into extinction. This would alter our planet for good. Hence, it is indispensable that a big scale atomic war ne'er eventuates. hypertext transfer protocol: // bypassSSO=1 hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 1. Casualties and carbon black. ( a ) Casualties ( human deaths plus hurts ) and ( B ) carbon black generated for several states subjected to 50 detonations of 15-kiloton output or to changing Numberss of 100-kt detonations in a Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty war as described in the text. ( Results for 15-kt detonations adapted from ref. 5. ) hypertext transfer protocol: // NUCLEAR WINTER REVISITEDA A by Dr. Alan Phillips, October 2000 Those of us who were involved in peace activities in the 80 ‘s likely retrieve a good trade about atomic winter.A Those who have become involved subsequently may hold heard small about it.A No scientific survey has been published since 1990, and really small appears now in the peace or atomic abolishment literature.A *It is still of import. * With 1000s of rocket-launched arms at â€Å" launch-on-warning †, any twenty-four hours there could be an full-scale atomic war by accident.A The fact that there are merely half as many atomic bombs as there were in the 80 ‘s makes no important difference. A Deaths from global famishment after the war would be several times the figure from direct effects of the bombs, and the lasting fraction of the human race might so decrease and disappear after a few coevalss of hungriness and disease, in a radioactive environment. *The construct of Nuclear Winter* Bombs directed at missile silos would split at land degree and throw a immense sum of dust into the ambiance, as the detonation of a vent does.A It is every bit much as a million metric tons from a big atomic bomb spliting at land degree. A Bombs bursting over metropoliss and surface installings, like mills or oil shops and refineries, would do immense fires and fire-storms that would direct immense sums of fume into the air. A The 1980 ‘s research showed that the dust and the fume would barricade out a big fraction of the sunshine and the Sun ‘s heat from the Earth ‘s surface, so it would be dark and cold like an north-polar winter.A It would take months for the sunshine to acquire back to near normal. A The cloud of dust and fume would circle the Northern hemisphere quickly.A Soon it could impact the Torrid Zones, and cold would convey absolute catastrophe for all harvests there.A Quite likely it would traverse the equator and impact the southern hemisphere to a smaller grade. A While the temperature at the surface would be low, the temperature of the upper portion of the troposphere ( 5-11 kilometer ) would lift because of sunshine absorbed by the fume, so there would be an perfectly monolithic temperature inversion.A That would maintain many other merchandises of burning down at the degrees people breathe, doing a smog such as has ne'er been seen before.A PYROTOXINS is a word coined for all the noxious bluess that would be formed by burning of the plastics, gum elastic, crude oil, and other merchandises of civilization.A It is certain that these toxicants would be formed, but we do non hold quantitative estimates.A The sum of combustible stuff is tremendous, and it would bring forth dioxins, furans, PCB ‘s, nitriles, sulfuric and sulfurous acids, oxides of N, C monoxide and C dioxide in sums that would do current concerns about atmospheric pollution seem absolutely fiddling. There would besides be toxic chemicals like ammonium hydroxide and Cl from damaged storage armored combat vehicles. A Another bad environmental thing that would go on is devastation of the ozone layer.A The decrease in the ozone bed could be 50 % – 70 % over the whole Northern hemisphere – really much worse than the current losingss that we are decently concerned about.A Nitrogen oxides are major chemical agents for this.A They are formed by combination of the O and N of the air in any large fire and around atomic detonations, as they are on a smaller graduated table around lightning flashes.A So after the fume cleared and the Sun began to reflect once more, there would be a big addition of UV making the Earth ‘s surface.A This is bad for people in several ways, but do n't worry about the tegument malignant neoplastic diseases? non many of the subsisters would populate long plenty for that to matter.A UV is besides bad for many other populating things, notably plankton, which are the bottom bed of the whole Marine nutrient chain.A There would probably be plenty UV to cause sightlessness in many animals.A Worlds can protect their eyes if they are cognizant of the danger.A Animals do non cognize to make that, and blind animate beings do non survive.A Blind insects do non pollenate flowers, so there is another ground why human harvests and natural nutrient supplies for animate beings would neglect. A Altogether, atomic winter would be an ecological catastrophe of the same kind of magnitude as the major extinctions of species thatA have occurred in the yesteryear, the most celebrated one being 65 million old ages ago at the cretaceous extinction.A Of all the species populating at the clip, about half became extinct.A The theory is that a big meteor made a great crater in the Gulf of California, seting a trillion dozenss of stone dust into the atmosphere.A That is a 1000 times as much stone as is predicted for a atomic war, but the carbon black from fires blocks sunlight more efficaciously than stone debris.A In atomic winter there would besides be radioactive taint giving worldwide background radiation doses many times larger than has of all time happened during the 3 billion old ages of evolution.A The radiation would notably decline things for bing species, though it might, by increasing mutants, let quicker development of new species ( possibly chiefly insects and grasses ) that could digest the post-war conditions.A ( I should merely advert that there is no manner the radiation from a atomic war could destruct â€Å" all life on Earth †.A People must halt stating that.A There will be plentifulness of development after a war, but it may non include us. ) *Governments did non like the thought of Nuclear Winter* The anticipation of atomic winter was published by a group headed by Carl Sagan in 1983.A The initials of their names were T-T-A-P-S, so the paper and their book has become known as â€Å" t-taps †.A It caused some dismay in authorities circles in U.S.A. and NATO states, non so much because this farther catastrophe would follow a atomic war, but because of the hike it gave to the Peace Movement. A A figure of surveies were published in the following few old ages, including major studies by The Swedish Academy of Sciences ( Ambio ) , the International Council of Scientific Unions ( SCOPE ) , and the U.S. National Research Council. A There was a thrust by authorities and the military constitution to minimise the affair, and after a few old ages the media were speaking about â€Å" atomic fall †.A ( The most amazing prevarications were propagated, e.g. that Carl Sagan admitted that his publication was â€Å" a propaganda cozenage †. ) A It was true that islands and coastal countries would hold less terrible temperature beads than the original anticipations, because of the modifying consequence of the ocean.A They would hold violent storms alternatively, because of the large temperature difference between land and H2O. A In 1990 another paper was published by the T-TAPS group reexamining in item the ulterior surveies, and demoing that some alterations to their 1983 paper were necessary.A Some of these were in the way of more terrible alterations, others towards milder changes.A The general image was small changed.A The book: â€Å" A Path Where No Man Thought †by Sagan and Turco ( one of the T ‘s ) , besides published in 1990, gives an history of current decisions for the serious non-specialist reader.A It gives elaborate descriptions of atomic winters of different badness harmonizing to how many arms were used, and against what targets.A If oil refineries and storage were the chief marks, 100 bombs would be adequate to do a atomic winter, and the smallest sizes of atomic bombs would be effectual in get downing the fires. *A new survey needed* Nuclear Winter seems to be a affair that the peace motion has mostly forgotten about, and the general populace has wholly forgotten about. Equally far as I can happen out, no new scientific survey has been published on the affair since 1990.A I feel certain we ought to be reminding the universe of it.A A new scientific survey is certainly warranted by now.A Computer modeling is a chief tool in atmospheric research, and the capacity of computing machines available to university scientists and in authorities research labs has increased really much in the last 10 old ages ; other atmospheric research has non been dormant.A The progresss need to be applied.A If a new survey happened to demo that the wake of atomic war would *not* include terrible alterations in the conditions and clime it would be great intelligence for the atomic arm constitutions, and somewhat good intelligence for those who are working for riddance of atomic arms, but we should transport on merely the same.A If, as seems more likely, the new survey mostly confirmed the T-TAPS consequences it would beef up our place in duologue and supply a focal point for a promotion run to re-awaken the voting populace to the demand to extinguish atomic arms, and the pressing demand to de-alert them. A An of import country where more information is needed is to demo whether spread of the cold is likely to impact the tropics.A A new survey could be expected to add valuable information.A Many developing states have such serious jobs of force, military disbursement, and illness, that we can barely anticipate the militants at that place to pass much of their attempt in the necessary undertaking of unifying the universe to press the atomic arms provinces to extinguish their weapons.A If it were shown that hoar is probably to make tropical latitudes in the event of a atomic war in the northern states, scientists and authoritiess in the Torrid Zones would cognize it would be an ecological catastrophe for themselves.A Even a autumn of temperature to 10 ° Celsius destroys a rice harvest. A I should stress that this is non a inquiry of forestalling â€Å" proliferation †.A The arms that pose the danger of atomic winter are the bing large arsenals.A It is these that need most desperately to be eliminated.A A war between Pakistan and India with the armories they are believed to hold at present, or the usage of the few arms that a â€Å" knave province †might do clandestinely, would be a regional catastrophe of the most awful magnitude ; but it would non do atomic winter. A Attempts are being started to involvement atmospheric scientists and to solicit support for a new survey. hypertext transfer protocol: //
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
English Skills for Information Technology
Computer specialists develop and maintain the computer equipment and software programs that form the basis of the Internet. They make up the majority of professional and related occupations and account for about 34 percent of the industry as a whole. Computer programmers write, test, and customize the detailed instructions, called programs or software, that computers follow to perform various functions such as connecting to the Internet or displaying a Web page. Using programming languages such as C or Java, they break down tasks into a logical series of simple commands for the computer to implement. Computer software engineers analyze user needs to formulate software specifications, and then design, develop, test, and evaluate programs to meet these requirements. While computer software engineers must possess strong programming skills, they generally focus on developing programs, which are then coded by computer programmers. Computer systems analysts develop customized computer systems and networks for clients. They work with organizations to solve problems by designing or tailoring systems to meet unique requirements and then implementing these systems. By customizing systems to specific tasks, they help their clients maximize the benefit from investment in hardware, software, and other resources. Computer support specialists provide technical assistance to users who experience computer problems. They may provide support either to customers or to other employees within their own organization. Using automated diagnostic programs and their own technical knowledge, they analyze and solve problems with hardware, software, and systems. In this industry, they connect with users primarily through telephone calls and e-mail messages. Essential English for Information Technology List of the Top 200 Information Technology Vocabulary Speak about development needs using modals Examples: Our portal needs an SQL backend.The landing page should include blog posts and an RSS feed.Users can access use the tag cloud to find content. Speak about probable causes There must have been a bug in the software.We cant have used that platform.They might test our product if we ask. Speak about hypotheses (if / then) Examples: If the zipcode textbox is required for registration, users outside the US wont be able to join.If we used C to code this project, we would have to hire some developers.Our UI would have been much more simple if we had used Ajax. Speak about quantities Examples: There a lot of bugs in this code.How much time will it take to ramp up this project?Our client has a few comments about our mockup. Distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns Examples: Information (uncountable)Silicon (uncountable)Chips (countable) Write / give instructions Examples: Click on file - open and choose your file.Insert your user ID and password.Create your user profile. Write business (letters) e-mails to clients Examples: Writing reports Explain past causes for current situations Examples: The software had been installed incorrectly, so we reinstalled in order to proceed.We were developing the code base when we were put on the new project.The legacy software had been in place for five years before the new solution was designed. Ask questions Examples: Which error message do you see?How often do you need to reboot?Which software were you using when the computer screen froze? Make suggestions Examples: What dont you install a new driver?Lets create a wireframe before we go any further.How about creating a custom table for that task? Information Technology Related Dialogues and Reading Social Networking Sites Information technology job description provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
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