Sunday, December 29, 2019
Health Care For The Affordable Care Act - 1888 Words
Issues in Health Care Careers These days Health Care professionals face many issues in their day to day services either as doctors, nurses, or non-medical professionals. Aging and end of life care is an issue that a lot of doctors these days are having to face with their terminally ill patients. Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS) is a very hot topic these days and could be a major part of future healthcare services and insurances. With the changes is hospice care and PAS in today’s healthcare system the current system the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will have to be improved to assure that all of these new changes are accounted for and apply to every American. Planning for end of life care for a loved one can be a very difficult process for some families. Knowing that you are going to lose a loved one and planning for how they will be taken care of can be quite stressful. End of life planning can be used in two different scenarios one of which is for terminally ill patients and the other is for the aging and elderly. Planning for end of life care can be quite expensive with all of the doctor visits and counseling’s. In Obama’s Affordable Care Act there is some hope for the elderly for paying for some of these expenses. The Affordable Care Act has a provision within it that encourages seniors to attend an â€Å"end-of-life†counseling. The provision would offer Medicare coverage for end-of-life counseling every five years, or more recurring visits if the patient is dealing with aShow MoreRelatedHealth Care And Affordable Care Act1714 Words  | 7 Pages2010, Congress enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in order to increase the number of Americans covered by health insurance and decrease the cost of health care†(Supreme Court Opinion, 1). In America, it is a basic necessity to possess health care, logically, Congress would like to make such a necessity more accessible to Americans. Due to a divided government, t here are variant views on whether this is necessary and just. Health care benefits all Americans; it is just a matter ofRead MoreThe Affordable Health Care Act1024 Words  | 5 Pagesafter Congress passed the Affordable Care Act and was then signed into law by President Barack Obama. The law was passed that the number of Americans covered by health insurance would increase. In return, the cost of health care will decrease. What is the Affordable Health Care Act? According to the Health Insurance Organization(2015, pg.1) The Affordable Health Care Act, also known as, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) –is the landmark health reform legislation that includesRead MoreThe Affordable Health Care Act1343 Words  | 6 Pages The Affordable Health Care Act in Advanced Practice Kristin Curcione Daemen College â€Æ' The Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) has been a hot topic of discussion since it was signed into law by the President in March 2010. According to the U.S. Department of Health Human Services, the primary upshot of this act was to provide health benefits and access to health insurance to millions of uninsured under the new law. A study conducted by the Commonwealth Fund was released in 2013 identifyingRead MoreThe Affordable Health Care Act972 Words  | 4 PagesThe Affordable Healthcare Act also known as ACA, is very important for us as consumers. But what does it mean exactly? Well the Affordable Health Care Act allows us to have insurance coverage. There are several different ways that we can achieve coverage either as an individual or through our employer. There are many different health care insurance is you can trees from and they all have different things they cover in different cost or premiums. There are several different things that can take intoRead MoreThe Affordable H ealth Care Act1359 Words  | 6 PagesThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a United States federal statute that was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. This particular law has come with much controversy. The law (along with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) is the principal health care reform legislation of the 111th United States Congress. PPACA reforms certain aspects of the private health insurance industry and public health insurance programs, increases insuranceRead MoreThe Affordable Health Care Act1811 Words  | 8 PagesThe Affordable Health Care Act was designed to help Americans gain increased access to healthcare, improve the quality of healthcare, and decrease the overall cost of receiving health care. â€Å"The changing epidemiology of the nation and its impact on the cost of healthcare became one of the major drivers of healthcare reform in the United States,†(Mason et al., 2016, p. 275). Accountable care models were also introduced to improve the quality of healthcare and improve the costs of healthcare. In theRead MoreThe Affordable Health Care Act1403 Words  | 6 PagesThe Affordable Care Act has been a point of contention for many people. I am going to review the Affordable Care Act as far health care provider challenges and benefits. I will look at this from an individual point of view. I will look at this from an employer point of view. I will look at this from an employee point of view. Lastly, I will give my reflection regarding this topic. The most apparent benefit of the Affordable Health Care act is that it makes health insurance obtainable to the uninsuredRead MoreThe Affordable Health Care Act1600 Words  | 7 PagesHealth care has been a prominent issue within the United States. The United States has made strides to make health care more affordable and accessible to all citizens. However, those strides are not enough to truly make health care obtainable for everyone. The Affordable Health Care Act was made to help make health care affordable for everyone so that everyone can receive the care they need. The Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) does not do its job in making health care affordable. It is essentialRead MoreThe Health Of The Affordable Care Act1637 Words  | 7 Pagesas well as managers of health care costs. How can an advocate be involved in a process that limits care to some, while providing more complete care to others? As the elderly population grows, the idea of rationing care has become an ethi cal discussion. Reasons for rationing resources and care might be to preserve dwindling resources or to prevent waste. However, there is a question about who decides what is wasteful or non-beneficial to patient care. The Affordable Care Act is allowing individualsRead MoreThe Health Of The Affordable Care Act1747 Words  | 7 PagesBasic changes were needed in the way Americans got health coverage. Trying to figure out what it was going to cost them starting in 2014, when major parts of the Affordable Care Act, also known as â€Å"Obamacare†, went into effect was the challenge. The four main ways Americans experience healthcare once the Health Reform Law was fully in effect were coverage by an employer, the government, buy it themselves or have none. About half of Americans get insurance through their jobs. About one third through
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay on Hate Speech - Legal, but Unnecessary - 1376 Words
Hate Speech - Legal, but Unnecessary nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;While a clear and concise definition remains forthcoming, it is easier to establish what hate speech is not. Hate speech is wrong but legal in the United States of America mostly because we have the freedom of speech. But the First Amendment exists precisely to protect the most offensive and controversial speech from government suppression. In this case, people are allowed to use hate speech and not get arrested or any legal actions against them. The best way to counter obnoxious speech such as this is with more speech. Persuasion, not violence, is the solution to this problem (Jouhari). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hate speech has been mistakenly tied with other†¦show more content†¦Its just that people should be able to be free of material on the Internet that insults them. The Internet is way most of the hate speech material is presented to the world. Like for example, such things as the beliefs the nazis that of Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had an interesting statement in his Letter from Birmingham Jail that pertains to the subject at hand. Dr. King stated that any law that degrades human personality is unjust and that any law that uplifts human personality is just (Jacobus, 159). However, the First Amendment allows for freedom of speech and protects all speech. There are statements made by certain organizations, groups, or people that degrade human personality or character. So, does this mean that the First Amendment is unjust to Dr. King? I believe if looked at it this way, he would believe that it is unjust. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Henry David Thoreau also had a few ideas that correlate to the topic as well, such as ideas about society. He states that men speak of moving society but have no resting-place without it (Jacobus, 144). What he is trying to say is that men are trying all the time to make our society a better one. Nevertheless, the question I have is how is this possible if such things like hate speech exist? People get mad when other people talk down on them and they usuallyShow MoreRelatedWe Must Stop Hate Speech1709 Words  | 7 Pages During the turbulent tides of the 2016 election, the question of whether or not hate speech is protected under the First Amendment has been brought up multiple times. Hate speech is defined by the American Bar Association as â€Å"speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.†One side argues that hateful comments should not and ar e not protected due to the oppression they bring. After all, why wouldRead MoreThe First Amendment Of Our Constitution1511 Words  | 7 Pagesharmful hate speech that needs to be censored. Although a large amount of things that people find offensive are completely unnecessary we can’t go censoring it to make the problem go away. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you can say anything you want to say but it does mean that you have the right to say most things, and most times speech cannot be censored no matter how appalling it is. Sometimes speech needs to be censored, but there is a big difference between illegal and legal speech that weRead MoreCase Study on a Pastors Right to Freedom of Speech1570 Words  | 6 PagesThe pastor’s right to freedom of speech is justified by the harm principle and the necessity for truth in a democratic society. John Stuart Mill presents a liberal view for the defense of free speech in favour for the fullest liberty to debate (1978, 15). Yet, Mill’s harm principle states the government can rightfully interfere with the pastor’s freedom of expression under the condition to prevent harm to the homosexual community (pg. 9) One problem that emerges is the lack of a universal consensusRead MoreThe United States Should Pass New Laws To Prevent Discrimination704 Words  | 3 Pagespolitically, and economically through history based on sexual orientation, they face verbal abuse, and other hate crimes in every aspect of their lives which it is against the declaration of independence and constitution. Sexuality is one of the most debated issued in our current politics, followed by leading disputes raised in their communities. Which are composed of education, representation, legal regulations, health, and strategies of political action(====). Equal protection of the law isRead MoreFreedom Of Speech : Speech1105 Words  | 5 Pages Freedom of Speech Freedom of Speech, part of the First Amendment, is a privileged right that should not be taken lightly. The Milo Bill is said to protect students’ right to their freedom of speech on school grounds. It was introduced at Tennessee’s State House and is named after Milo Yiannopoulos, a British public speaker who made a career out of â€Å"trolling†liberals and gained publicity for uncalled-for acts, such as racist and harassing comments on Twitter, which got him banned from the socialRead MoreCivil Liberties Essay1315 Words  | 6 PagesCritics believe that American citizens take advantage of civil liberties supporting limits on freedom of speech. They believe that degradation of humanity is inherent in unregulated speech. For example, according to Delgado and Stefancic, a larger or more authoritative person can use hate speech to physically threaten and intimidate those who are less significant (qtd. in Martin 49). Freedom of speech can also be used to demo ralize ethnic and religious minorities. Author Liam Martin, points out thatRead MoreSocial Issues Within The Arena1360 Words  | 6 Pagesthese recent successes are in themselves reasons to celebrate, many people assume that the fight for the rights of the LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer, Intersex, Asexual) community is almost over. Many assume that once all have the legal right to marry, American society will have accomplished an end to discrimination based on sexual orientation. Unfortunately, this is not the case, because people who are a part of the LGBTQIA community face threats on their livelihoods, their careersRead MoreInternet Censorship of Child Porngraphy Essay977 Words  | 4 Pagessystem of surveillance requires the establishment of clear, unalterable rules. But often, such a task can be almost unfeasible since it is quite problematical to define precisely the information that is supposed to be blocked. In the context of hate speech for example, it is important to acknowledge the existence of a line between criticism, whether it is constructive or not, and pure animosity. How can we know for sure that the server will identify accurately these boundaries? Similarly, the matterRead More`` Apple Removes All American Civil War Games From The App Store Because Of The Confederate Flag1382 Words  | 6 Pagesconstitution. In 1989 The Supreme Court of the United States decided on Texas v. Johnson which ruled in favor of the first amendment. Exercising the first amendment can be controversial; however, the censorship of people is unnecessary and it conflicts with the principle of free speech, which is a key aspect of American culture. In the past few years, during the holiday season, â€Å"happy holidays†can be heard instead of the traditional â€Å"merry Christmas.†This is because some people find the term merryRead MoreAfrican American Leaders Post- Reconstruction Essay1320 Words  | 6 Pages In 1854 Abraham Lincoln gave his Peoria, Kansas speech opposing slavery stating the Kansas Act had a declared indifference, but as I must think, a covert real zeal for the spread of slavery, I cannot but hate it. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because†it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world†. Abraham Lincoln became the sixteenth President of the United States in 1861. Growing up in non-slave territories as a child and disapproving
Friday, December 13, 2019
Nursing Shortage Free Essays
Six years prior to the publication of Spetz and Given, reports of the US media indicate a shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in the US. In that article too, forecasts see the continuity of this trend, such as that of the Bureau of Health Professions projecting a shortage of 800,000 nurses by 2020. However, Buerhaus et. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Shortage or any similar topic only for you Order Now al. suggests that the nursing shortage may actually be satiated, with hospital RNs’ employment and earnings â€Å"increasing sharply in 2002.†No matter how we look at it, whether or not the shortage is easing, the problem of shortage is there. The question now is, what causes the shortage of registered nurses? Spetz and Given discusses four reasons that account for the shortage of registered nurses, first of which are licensure delays. Since World War II, nursing shortages have occurred cyclically, and this led to the birth of studies regarding labor markets. They (Spetz and Given) found most of these studies agreeing on the point that â€Å"the delay between people’s choice of the nursing profession and the time they are licensed as nurses is a central reason for these recurrent shortages.†Poor working conditions also account for the shortage of RNs, and this includes wage and benefits in general. Not much was mentioned by Spetz and given, but they have cited that these are â€Å"a primary cause of nursing shortage.†Aiken gives a more detailed explanation, stating that nurses spend an â€Å"inordinate amount of time in nonnursing tasks†resulting from â€Å"poor work design, underinvestment in information and other nurse-saving technologies.†They further add that is associated with high levels of nurse burnout and dissatisfaction. The third reason for the nursing shortage is comprised of wages and demand. Spetz and Given maintains that â€Å"demand for RNs should decline as RNs’ wages increase during a shortage,†and they have seen evidences showing that wages do affect demand. However, there are reasons for demand to be not responsive in today’s labor market. Two of these reasons are the reluctance of health care institutions to reduce staffing, and the growing number of RN Unions that want to maintain, if not to expand, the current staffing levels. Another scenario relating to the issue of wages and demand is seen in Aiken, where it was mentioned that â€Å"the Philippines is the leading primary source country for nurses internationally by design and with the support of the government.†A motivator for Philippine nurses to migrate to other countries is higher wages, which cannot be earned in the local setting. This may account for the shortage that the country itself was experiencing, as Aiken found that â€Å"there are more than 30,000 unfilled nursing positions in the Philippines.†Last of the causes of the nursing shortage, as discussed by Spetz and Given, are exits from the RN workforce. According to them, the magnitude of retirements poses the question of whether it is possible to raise the number of new RNs to meet future demands. One solution to the nursing shortage, and maybe the most popular today, is to recruit foreign nurses. Spetz and Given consider this to be only a short-term option as it is expensive and the WHO reports majority of the countries experiencing nurse shortages, thereby putting a pressure on hospitals to limit foreign recruitment. Buerhaus et. al. goes farther to discuss other issues relating to the employment of foreign RNs to meet US health care demands. They cite impediments such as â€Å"likely negative impact on wages,†â€Å"quality of care,†and foreign policy. Another solution suggested by Buerhaus et. al. is to retain older RNs. In order to do this, facilities of health care systems should be designed so as to minimize physical strain. According to them, â€Å"altering schedules (working fewer hours), developing new roles (becoming mentors to younger RNs), and offering economic incentives can help to retain older RNs.†But among the three broad types of policy responses that Buerhaus suggested, I find increasing the flow of RNs in the workforce to be the most responsive, because that is exactly called for by the situation. This can be done either privately or by the government through raising money to increase faculty salaries and scholarship grants, and expand the physical learning space of nursing students. WORKS CITED: Aiken, Linda, Buchan, James, Sochalski, Julie, Nichols, Barbara, and Mary Powell. â€Å"Trends in International Nurse Migration.†Health Affairs 23.3 (2004): 69-77. 25 November 2008, Buerhaus, Peter, Staiger, Douglas, and David Auerback. â€Å"Is The Current Shortage of Hospital Nurses Ending?†Health Affairs 22.6 (2003): 191-198. 25 November 2008, Spetz, Joanne, and Ruth Given. â€Å"The Future of the Nurse Shortage: Will Wage Increases Close the Gap?†Health Affairs 22.6 (2003): 199-206. 25 November 2008, How to cite Nursing Shortage, Essay examples Nursing Shortage Free Essays This paper aims at analyzing the consequences of understaffing nurses. Some of the outcomes I observed this semester are nurse burnout and dissatisfaction that arise due to nurse shortage. The focus of this context is on the socio-economic impact in the nursing field, ethical bias, legality of the matter and psychological interference that have adverse impact to the nurses, patients, clinical working field and the nursing sector. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Shortage or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this paper, I will look at some of the problems associated with the nursing profession. NURSES WORKING AND CONDITIONS These are stipulations and circumstances, which enhance persistence and commitment to work comfortably as a nurse, with all due satisfaction and dignity for human life, for better supply of work force toward a proper medical care to the patients. NURSE BURNOUT This is a character associated with nurses when they become psychologically or emotionally exhausted to attend the patients. This is because of being overworked, exploited, due to fatigue or due to dissatisfaction in their field of work. INTRODUCTION In order to curtail on the trauma of nurse shortage, I would like to say that nurses’ shortage only creates some awareness that patients are at risk of substandard health care and the working nurses are being overworked. This is because in this semester, I have observed that small nurse/patient ratio does not guarantee for better patients’ outcomes and assurances of proper health services. When nurses become physically exhausted due to being overworked, they cannot perform their duty efficiently. Nursing is a professional course and a career that need to be addressed from all perspectives, to encourage proper working conditions for the nurses in order to have a maximum labor output for the wellbeing of the patients. EXECUTIVE DISCUSSION Actually, overworking nurses by allowing them to work for long hours and overtime makes nurses to be susceptible to making prescription errors. This is highly exaggerated when the salary income does not correspond with the work nurses do. However, if these errors occur, it is contrally to the nurses’ professional ethics, it is illegal to prescribe a wrong dosage to a patient and again there is abuse of human rights in that the patient can suffer psychological torture if he realizes that he was specified a bad prescription. This is what raises the legal issue of nurses. Because of such mistakes, nurses are forced to spend too much money in hiring private lawyers or insuring themselves against such bias. Beside legal issues, wrong prescriptions of drugs leads to wastage of medicines that could be used by another patient effectively, hence wastage resources since medicines are among the most expensive items. Additionally, Wrong prescription of drugs can lead to loss of life, retardation or other body malfunction. This can cause more harm to the Nation by losing individuals. If overall effects of such errors were analyzed, the conclusion would be wastage of time when prescribing wrong dosage, wastage of resources and drugs, loss of human labor and abuse of human rights. Therefore, there would be bleach of law, socio-economic impact and denial of safe health care. Eventually, this would be a great loss to the nation and the impact is felt in the near future. Therefore, means of solving the above problems need to be realized. I think labor motivations, recruitment of more nurses and retention of the registered nurses should be encouraged in order to maintain successful dedication of nurses to their nation as they work smoothly without strain. Understanding of the staffs’ requirements and avoidance of understaffing in this sector is of paramount importance. According to the article on â€Å"Allied Health Source and ProQuest Nursing†, the executive summary is that nurses are not satisfied in their career. Due to this outcome, some of the repercussions are that physically exhausted nurses do prescribe wrong dosage to patients or they may prescribe right drug but misguide patients on how to use the drugs. Another outcome is that most nurses are leaving the nursing profession and pending nurses are not willing to join the sector. Low level of job satisfaction is the main reason as to why most nurses are migrating to other fields of employments. This again leads to understaffing of hospitals leading to high death rate, failure to provide safe and effective care to the patients. Eventually this results to failure to rescue the patients from undesired death especially in the surgical department where the patients are not rescued. From the same article on nurse staffing and hospital outcomes (Linda H. and Julie S.),it is found that the dissatisfaction is caused by law salary income, poor working conditions such as nonflexible hours of work that do not give married nurses time to look after their siblings. Another finding is that starting salary or wages do not increase with the prolonged period of work, therefore, there is successive exploitation to the nurses. According to the article on â€Å"Allied Health Source and ProQuest Nursing†, work conditions that affect the outcomes of nurses involve lack of labor motivations such as baby boomer packages, failure to provide flexible working hours for the nurses, failure for the government to provide scholarship to nurses who want to advance their knowledge on this career. According to the same article by Linda H. and Sean P. pg 4, nurse burnout is the main consequence of overworking staffs and it can lead to more outcomes. Actually, patients/nurses ratios that are more constructive result to lower nurse burnout and high job satisfaction among the registered nurses. Understaffing nurses can extremely influence patients’ outcomes. Working conditions that affect the outcome of nurses include poor working conditions such as understaffing that leads to overworking the nurses without paying them their due overtime. (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Another condition that affects nursing profession is failure by the health ministry to provide encouraging packages to the nurses and other benefits. These benefits involve giving nurses flexible working hours such that they can concentrate on their family matters or providing nursing homes for their children and care. Other factors include lack of offering free seminar services to the nurses in order to update and sensitize them on the need and benefits to be a nurse and to encourage those leaving the sector to rejoin it. Lack of recognizing their efforts and contributions to this sector is another issue that does not address their working conditions. Nurses must also be insured in order to safeguard their wellbeing and protection in their line of duty. Finally, lack of labor motivations to the nurses such as gifts, prizes and awards to the best performing nurses is something that derails their morale and dedications to be a nurse and can lead to nurse burnout. In this semester, I have also observation that there is high nurses work overload and low technology application. Therefore, there is need to mitigate death rate and increase retention of staffs (nurses) in hospitals. More number of nurses to patients’ ratio can lead to a better patient outcome. Therefore, work force balance for the nurses is maintained in order to enhance proper working conditions for the nurses. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE My experience with the nursing profession tells me that nursing career is not an easy profession the way most people perceive. It needs a call to be dedicated in this service. Note that nursing involves taking care mostly to sick people from casualties to labor ward and mostly contamination is a loaming threats to the nurses. Therefore, the nurse should have a maternal feeling and concern of the high level in order to safe lives strictly obeying the code of ethics. PROPOSAL FOR CREATIVE SOLUTIONS Mostly labor motivation is the main tool to fight decrease of nurses from nursing sector. These will include providing nurses with proper and flexible working hours or services that are more rewarding. Another way is by means of helping them to solve family matters or factors that lead to their failures to work comfortably. These include if possible giving nurses services of caring for their children, the aged or by providing nursing homes to them with free or minor charges. Another solution is to offer aided scholarship to those nurses willing to advance their career especially in areas where more nurses are needed e.g. in gerontology and provision of geriatric clinicians. Again, nurses should be hired or employed from different regions irrespective of ethnicity and racial segregation. Application of latest technologies in nursing sector and outsourcing can be tried to improve working conditions in this sector. Some of the proposals that address outcomes for the nurses are varied to improve the outcomes for the patients. Understaffing of nurses indirectly affects the outcome of the patients. Therefore, proposals for outcomes of the nurses are determining factors to improve the outcomes of the patients. Mostly labor motivation is the main factor to fight decrease of nurses from nursing sector and this can improve the outcomes of the patients. These will include providing nurses with proper and flexible working hours or services that are more rewarding. By allowing nurses to work comfortably, nurse burnout can be avoided, hence patients can be attended with all due care because nurses wont be exhausted. Patients should be allowed to interact freely with the nurses to air their problems and complications. Again, patients should accorded all due respect in their treatment and assured of life continuation through proper medical care. Application of latest technologies in nursing sector and outsourcing can be tried to improve working conditions in this sector. CONCLUSION Some of the problems associated with the nursing profession include poor working conditions that have effects to both the nurses, patients and the nursing sector at large. After analyzing these problems, I have decided to draw a conclusion that creative solutions and labor motivations are the major factors that need to be addressed in order to safe the situation as far as nursing career is concerned. REFERENCE: Burnout, staffing and outcomes of nurses, retrieved on 7TH NOVEMBER 2007, available at Dohm A, â€Å"Gauging the Work Force Effects of Retiring Baby-Boomers,†Monthly Labor Analysis (July 2000):17-25 National union for Nursing, retrieved on 7TH NOVEMBER 2007, available at Strategies to repeal the New Nursing scarcity, retrieved on 7TH NOVEMBER 2007, available at How to cite Nursing Shortage, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer Test free essay sample
Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer Test The Methyl Red test shows which bacteria are creating stable acids through mixed acid fermentation of glucose. This helps to identify enteric bacteria by examining how they metabolise glucose. Every enteric bacteria first produces pyruvic acid from metabolism of glucose. A methyl red positive enteric bacteria, uses the mixed acid pathway when breaking down pyruvic acid to different acids, like lactic, acetic, and formic acids. The Voges-Proskauer test determines if there is acetoin found in a bacterial culture. Using alpha-naphthol and potassium hydroxide detects if there is acetoin in the culture. The test is determined by the digestion of glucose to acetylmethylcarbinol. The test will react with alpha-naphthol and potassium hydroxide if glucose is being broken down and turn a red color. If a test is positive it will show a maroon colored band on the top portion of the broth. Lab Results E. coli is MR+ because it does ferment glucose and the has a high acidity produced during the fermentation. We will write a custom essay sample on Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer Test or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page E Coli is VP- because it does not make acetyl methyl carbinol, a neutral product. E. Coli produces more acidic products S. epidermidis is MR+ and is VP+ because it first changes to acidic products then is able to convert those acidic products into some neutral basic products so it gives both positive results. Organisms and Metabolism Organisms possess different biochemical pathways to metabolize glucose due to the range of different environments glucose metabolism is needed to occur in. With a low oxygen concentration, it isn’t beneficial to have an oxygen-only glycolysis pathway. With no oxygen at all, a similar problem can occur. Without varied methods for glycolysis to occur, there would be an inability to produce energy or ATP for the cells.
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