Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Sun Also Rises Heroes Essay Example For Students
The Sun Also Rises Heroes Essay The Hemingway Hero Prevalent among many of Ernest Hemingways novels is the concept popularly known as the Hemingway hero, an ideal character readily accepted by American readers as a mans man. In The Sun Also Rises, four different men are compared and contrasted as they engage in some form of relationship with Lady Brett Ashley, anear-nymphomaniac Englishwoman who indulges in her passion for sex and control. Brett plans to marry her fiancee for superficial reasons, completely ruins one man emotionally and spiritually, separates from another to preserve the idea of their short-lived affair and to avoid self-destruction, and denies and disgraces the only man whom she loves most dearly. All her relationships occur in a period of months, as Brett either accepts or rejects certain values or traits of each man. Brett, as a dynamic and self-controlled woman, and her four love interests help demonstrate Hemingways standard definition of a manand/or masculinity. Each man Brett has a relations hip with in the novel possesses distinct qualities that enable Hemingway to explore what it is to truly be a man. The Hemingway man thus presented is a man of action, of self-discipline and self-reliance, and of strength and courage to confront all weaknesses, fears, failures, and even death. We will write a custom essay on The Sun Also Rises Heroes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Jake Barnes, as the narrator and supposed hero of the novel, fell in love with Brett some years ago and is still powerfully anduncontrollably in love with her. However, Jake is unfortunately a casualty of the war, having been emasculated in a freak accident. Still adjusting to his impotence at the beginning of the novel, Jake has lost all power and desire to have sex. Because of this, Jake and Brett cannot be lovers and all attempts at a relationship that is sexually fulfilling are simply futile. Brett is a passionate, lustful woman who is driven by the most intimate and loving act two may share, something that Jake just cannot provide her with. Jakes emasculation only puts the two in a grandly ironic situation. Brett is an extremely passionate woman but is denied the first man she feels true love and admiration for. Jake has loved Brett for years and cannot have her because of his inability to have sex. It is obvious that their love is mutual when Jake tries to kiss Brett in their cab ride home: You mustnt. You must know. I cant stand it, thats all. Oh darling, please understand!, Dont you love me?, Love you? I simply turn all to jelly when you touch me' (26, Ch. 4). This scene is indicative of their relationship as Jake and Brett hopelessly desire eachother but realize the futility of further endeavors. Together, they have both tried to defy reality, but failed. Jake is frustrated byBretts reappearance into his life and her confession that she is miserably unhappy. Jake asks Brett to go off with him to thecountry for bit: Couldnt we go off in the country for a while?, It wouldnt be any good. Ill go if you like. But I couldnt livequietly in the country. Not with my own true love, I know, Isnt it rotten? There isnt any use my telling you I love you, Youknow I love you, Lets not talk. Talkings all bilge' (55, Ch. 7). Brett declines Jakes pointless attempt at being together. BothBrett and Jake know that any relationship beyond a friendship cannot be pursued. Jak e is still adjusting to his impotence whileBrett will not sacrifice a sexual relationship for the man she loves. Since Jake can never be Bretts lover, they are forced to create a new relationship for themselves, perhaps one far more dangerous than that of mere lovers they have become best friends. This presents a great difficulty for Jake, because Bretts presence is both pleasurable and agonizing for him. Brett constantly reminds him of his handicap and thus Jake is challenged as a man in the deepest, most personal sense possible. After the departure of their first meeting, Jake feels miserable: This was Brett, that I had felt like crying about. Then I thought of her walking up the street and of course in a little while I felt like hell again (34, Ch. 4). Lady Brett Ashley serves as a challenge to a weakness Jake must confront. Since his war experience, Jake has attempted to reshape the man he is and the first step in doing this is to accept his impotence. Despite Bretts undeniable love for Jake, she is engaged to marry another. Mike Campbell is Bretts fiancee, her next planned marriage after two already failed ones. Mike is ridiculously in love with Brett and though she knows this she still decides to marry him. In fact, Brett is only to marry Mike because she is tired of drifting and simply needs an anchor. Mike loves Brett but is not dependent on her affection. Moreover, he knows about and accepts Bretts brief affairs with other men: Mark you. Bretts had affairs with men before. She tells me all about everything' (143, Ch. 13). Mike appreciates Bretts beauty, as do all the other males in the novel, but perhaps this is as deep as his love for her goes. In his first scene in the novel, Mike cannot stop commenting and eliciting comments on Bretts beauty: I say Brett, you are a lovely piece. Dont you think shes beautiful?' (79, Ch. 8). He repeatedly proposes similar questions but does not make any observant or profound comments on his wife-to-be. In fact, throughout the entirety of the novel, Mike continues this pattern, once referring to Brett as just a lovely, healthy wench as his most observant remark. Furthermore, Mike exhibits no self-control when he becomes drunk, making insensitive statements that show his lack of regard for Brett and others. After Brett shows interest in Pedro Romero, the bullfighter, Mike rudely yells: Tell him bulls have no balls! Tell him Brett wants to see him put on those green pants. Tell him Brett is dying to know how he can get into those pants! (176, Ch. 16). In addition, Mike cannot contemplate the complexitiesof Brett and her relationships: Bretts got a bull-fighter. She had a Jew named Cohn, but he turned out badly. Bretts got a bull-fighter. A beautiful, bloody bull-fighter' (206, Ch. 18). Despite Bretts brief affair with the bullfighter, she will eventually return to Mike who will no doubt openly welcome her again. Brett is a strong woman, who can control most men, and Mike is no exception. She vaguely simplifies their relationship when she explains to Jake that she plans to return to him: Hes so damned nice and hes so awful. Hes my sort of thing' (243, Ch. 19). Mike is not complex enough to challenge Brett, but she does go on and decide to accept his simplicity anyways. Furthermore, despite his engagement with Brett, Mike betraysHemingways ideal man. Although he is self-reliant, Mike possesses little self-control or dignity. .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 , .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .postImageUrl , .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 , .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7:hover , .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7:visited , .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7:active { border:0!important; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7:active , .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7 .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0dc2f61d48b01dbc8d73b0178e5445b7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo And Juliet: Various Types of Love Essay Engaged to one man and in love with another, Brett demonstrates her disregard for the 1920s double standards. Very early in the beginning of the novel, she reveals to Jake that she had invited Robert Cohn to go with her on a trip to San Sebastian. Cohn, a Jewish, middle-aged writer disillusioned with his life in Paris, wants to escape to South America where he envisions meeting the ebony princesses he romanticized from a book. However, he cannot persuade Jake to accompany him and then completely forgets about this idea upon meeting Brett. Cohn is immediately enamored with her beauty and falls in love with her: Theres a certain quality about her, a certain fineness. She seems to be absolutely fine and straight' (38, Ch. 5). Cohn is immature in his idealization of Bretts beauty, as he falls in love at first sight. Furthermore, like an adolescent, he attempts tosatisfy his curiosity about Brett by asking Jake numerous questions about her. After Cohn and Bretts short-lived affair in San Sebastian, Cohn is nervous around Jake: Cohn had been rather nervous ever since we had met at Bayone. He did not know whether we knew Brett had been with him at San Sebastian, and it made him rather awkward (94, Ch. 10). Moreover, Cohn is scared that when Brett appears she will embarrass him and so he does not have the maturity to behave appropriately in front of Jake and his friend, Bill Gorton. Nonetheless, Cohn is proud of his affair with Brett and believes that this conquest makes him a hero. When Brett appears with her fiancee Mike, Cohn still believes that they are destined for an ideal love despite her blatant coldness to him. However, it is apparent that Brett simply used Cohn tosatisfy her sexual cravings: He behaved rather well' (83, Ch. 9). Cohn does not understand the triviality of their trip to San Sebastian in Bretts mind and has become dependent on her attention and affection. In his rampant drunkenness, Mike blasts Cohn : What if Brett did sleep with you? Shes slept with lots of better people than you. Tell me Robert,. Why do you follow Brett around like a poor bloody steer? Dont you know youre not wanted?' (143, Ch. 13). Cohn is like an adolescent, as he vainly ignores the truth and continues to love Brett: He could not stop looking at Brett. It seemed to make him happy. It must have been pleasant for him to see her looking so lovely, and know he had been away with her and that every one knew it. They couldnt take that away from him (146, Ch. 13). Cohn over-exaggerates the significance of his affair with Brett. He does not understand that Brett simply used him and that their brief relationship has no meaning to her. Moreover, Cohn cannot conducthimself with dignity and he intrudes upon people and places where he is obviously not wanted. Naively, Cohn dwells on the fact that he has slept with Brett and obsesses with her. When Brett begins to show signs of interest in Pedro Romero, Cohn irrationally approaches Jake demanding to know Bretts whereabouts, punches him in the jaw, and then calls him a pimp (190-91, Ch. 17). Later that night he encounters Pedro and Brett together in their hotel room. His actions of knocking Pedro down repeatedly until he eventually tires demonstrate a divergence from his character. Cohn for the first time takes some action in what he feels, rather than merely thinking about it or complaining about it. However, despite his persistence, Pedro does not remain down according to Mike: The bull-fighter fellow was rather good. He didnt say much, buthe kept getting up and getting knocked down again. Cohn couldnt knock him out' (202, Ch. 17). Eventually, Cohn gives up on this pursuit, is knocked twice by Pedro, and loses his battle for Brett. These events show that Cohns boxing skills, a defense me chanism that he once used in college, will no longer pull him out of rough situations. Cohn fails to show the strength and courage needed to face the circumstances like a man. .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 , .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .postImageUrl , .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 , .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5:hover , .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5:visited , .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5:active { border:0!important; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5:active , .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5 .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud7f25170faf84ef7b236742601be3bd5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tok Reflection: the Mouse Who Ate the Cheese Essay Pedro Romero, on the other hand, comes closest to the embodiment of Hemingways hero. Brett is almost immediately enchanted by this handsome, nineteen-year-old, a promising matador. Pedro, a fearless figure who frequently confronts death in his occupation, is not afraid in the bullring and controls the bulls like a master. Pedro is the first man since Jake who causes Brett to lose her self-control: I cant help it. Im a goner now, anyway. Dont you see the difference? Ive got to do something. Ive got to do something I really want to do. Ive lost my self-respect (183, Ch. 16). In contrast, Pedro maintains his self-control in h is first encounter with Brett: He felt there was something between them. He must have felt it when Brett gavehim her hand. He was being very careful (185, Ch. 16). Brett falls in love with Pedro as a hero who promises new excitement. In the scene between Pedro and Cohn described previously, Pedro demonstrates his confidence and strong will. Knocked down time and time again, Pedro rises each time refusing to be beaten. His controlled and dignified demeanor in an unusual situation contrast sharply with Cohns fear and weakness. Soon Pedro and Brett run off together but when he demands too much from her, Brett asks him to leave. He was ashamed of me for a while, you know. He wanted me to grow my hair out. He said it would make me more womanly. In addition, Pedro really wanted to marry Brett because he wanted to make it sure could never go away from him' (242, Ch. 19). Pedro will not compromise his expectations for a woman and will not accommodate Bretts character even though he loves her. In his affair with Brett, he has performed according to his rules and when he discovers that his ideals are impossible for Brett toaccept, he leaves willingly. Pedro has been left untainted by Brett, sustaining his strong-willed, correct behavior. Moreover, Pedro leaves without sulking like Cohn or whining like Mike. Bretts acceptance or rejection of particular qualities in each of the four men she becomes involved with help define Hemingways male hero. Mike is not dependent on Brett but does not maintain his dignity and self-discipline in his drunken sloppiness. Cohn is a complaining, weak, accommodating adolescent who has little understanding of others or himself. Pedro is the near perfect embodiment of strength, courage, and confidence. Jake is the lesser version of this perfection as the hero of the novel. Hence, Hemingways ideal hero is self-controlled, self-reliant, and fearless. He is a man of action and he does not, under any circumstances, compromise his beliefs or standards. Jake, as the supposed hero of the novel, is challenged by his emasculation in the deepest sense possible, because the traditionalways in which masculinity are defined are insufficient and impossible for him. Jake needs the strength and courage to confront his impotence because he has not yet adjusted to this weakness. It is ironic that Cohn, a character least like the Hemingway man, has slept with Brett while Jake will never be able to accomplish this feat. However, because Cohn so inadequately fulfills the roles of a true man, Hemingway implies that the sexual conquest of a woman does not alone satisfy the definition of masculinity. Nevertheless, Jake fails to fulfill other requisites of the Hemingway man as he deviates from his own ethical standards. Jakesees that Brett is mesmerized by Pedros skillful control and extraordinary handsomeness and recognizes the possibility of furnishing her carnal desires with the most perfect specimen of manhood that he can offer in place of himself. Jake thus betraysthe aficionados of Pamplona and the trust of a long-time friend, Montoya, who fear that this rising star may be ruined by women. Thus, regardless of his physical impotence, Jakes true weakness is the impotence of his will and the supposed hero of the novel is flawed due to his failure to adhere to what he believes is right and wrong. Hemingway thus refrains from presenting a true hero in his novel. With the absence of a leading male ideal, Hemingway betrays the larger socio-cultural assumptions about men and masculinity and questions the conventional means in which they are defined in his society.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Introduction, Review of Accounting Process and Financial Statements
Introduction, Review of Accounting Process and Financial Statements Free Online Research Papers Accounting is the communication of financial information about a business to users such as shareholders and managers. The communication is generally in the form of financial statements that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management. Such financial information is primarily used by managers, lenders, investors, tax authorities, regulators, and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions between and within companies, organizations, and public agencies. It involves the process of recording, verifying, and reporting of the value of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses in the books of account ledgers to which debit and credit entries are chronologically posted to record changes in value. Before you can begin an accounting position there are accounting concepts and terms that must be understood first. Part I of my case assignment will discuss the five commonly use terms in accounting: I.Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This term is used to refer to the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting. GAAP includes the standards, conventions, and rules accountants follow in recording and summarizing transactions, and in the preparation of financial statements. GAAP can be derived from many sources, including promulgation of the Financial Accounting Standards Boards and Accounting Principle Board. Textbooks, articles, and papers are other sources that include the body of accounting literature. II.Double Entry Accounting. I never heard of Double entry Accounting until I started this course. During my research of this term, I have to come to find out what it means. Double Entry Accounting is a record keeping process that tracks just where your money come from and where it goes. By using Double Entry money is never gain nor lost, it is always transferred from somewhere to somewhere else. III.Historical Cost. This is the original money cost of an asset at the time of the purchase or repayment as opposed to the market value. Historical Cost is also the actual purchase price plus the incidental cost in getting the fixed asset in condition ready for use for commercial production for example: land, building, machines, furniture and vehicles. IV.Accrual Basis vs. Cash Basis Accounting. Accrual Basis is the income earned that’s reported in a specific period regardless when it was received. It’s also the expenses that were incurred, whether they were paid or not within that specific period. When using Accrual Basis Accounting, you have to record both revenue and expenses when they occur. Cash Basis Accounting is bookkeeping that records financial events based on cash flow and cash position. Revenue is noticed when cash is received and expenses are recognized when cash is paid. With Cash Basis Accounting, revenues and expenses are also called cash receipts and cash payments. Cash Basis Accounting also fails to meet the GAAP requirements. Accrual Basis Accounting is a method of accounting most business are required to use by law. V.Current Assets and Liabilities vs. Non-Current Items. Current assets are those assets that are cash or can be converted to cash in the short term, such as accounts receivable or inventory. Some people define current assets as those the business expects to use or consume within the year. A business’s non-current assets would be those that have a useful life of more than one year. These include fixed assets and intangible assets fixed assets are those assets that are not easily converted into cash in the short term meaning they are assets that only change over a long period of time. Land, buildings, equipment, vehicles, and furniture are some examples of fixed assets. Intangible assets also may be shown on a balance sheet. Non Current Items are goodwill, trademarks, patents, licenses, copyrights and franchises. Current liabilities are those coming due in the short term, usually within the current business year. These are accounts payable, employment, income and sales taxe s, salaries payable, federal and state unemployment insurance and current years portion of the multi-year debt. Some examples of current liabilities are short-term borrowing, long-term debt, and accounts payable. All current liabilities will be paid out of the current assets. If the current liabilities outweighed the current asset then the company is in bad shape. Investors should be able to understand and recognize that this is not the best investment. Part II of this assignment consists of analyzing three different corporation’s financial statements. I will be describing the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows; provide a prediction of each company. BP Financial Statement: Balance Sheet: The statement lists all the company’s assets, liabilities and the owner’s equity. The company took a lost in the assets as well as the liabilities from the previous year; however the company’s assets nearly doubled its’ liabilities which keeps the company on a good flow. I compared the years 2007-2008. Income Statement: The sales and revenues are listed for the past two years. It also break down the before and after taxation profits. The profits were up from the previous year and the earnings per share were also up. This statement will benefit this company quite well. Statement of Cash Flow: I have found that you have to have an open mind when reviewing BP’s Cash Flow Statement. It starts with the operating activities then the investing activities and then to the financing activities. In addition it is summed up with the cash and cash equivalents; however BP almost tripled their earnings from 2007. QuickSilver Inc: Balance Sheet (Consolidated): This statement list the company’s assets, liabilities and stockholder equity. It’s set up similar to the BP balance sheet. The company shows a lost in assets. Income Statement (Consolidated Statement of Operation): It was straight to the point and highlighted the earnings and losses from 2007 to 2008. Statement of Cash Flow (Consolidated): This statement is very detailed. It covers the operating activities, changes in operating assets and liabilities, cash flows from investing activities, cash flows from financing activities, effect of change rate changes on cash, and cash paid during the year. This statement will be most useful to this company. RTL Group: Balance Sheet: This company balance sheet was really easy to read. It was broken to the simplest form and within the guidelines of GAAP. I did notice a drop in the net assets. Income Statement: By looking at their income statement, this company is losing profits. This company took a significant loss in their profits from the previous year. From the loss they took I don’t really see any profit gains for 2009 Statement of Cash Flow: It covered the three basic section of what a Statement of Cash Flow should cover. Very easy to read and spot losses. This statement will be more useful for this company. In an attempt to predict the future trends of RTL. I saw losses from the income statement throughout. I believe it would be a risk to invest with this company right now. They took major losses in their profits for the year of 2008. Reference Research Papers on Introduction, Review of Accounting Process and Financial StatementsIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalLifes What IfsThe Project Managment Office SystemDefinition of Export QuotasRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanTwilight of the UAWOpen Architechture a white paperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesPETSTEL analysis of India
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Examining the alleged barriers to acceptance of credit cards Essay
Examining the alleged barriers to acceptance of credit cards - Essay Example However, in order to understand whether this is accurate, one must examine the characteristics of the cash-carry banking culture and also investigate how consumers determine risk in this area. It is somewhat of a bold statement to contribute the aforementioned factors as being legitimate barriers to credit card acceptance. Why is this? Schmith (2008) provides statistics of the explosive growth in credit card penetration across the world. In some countries, credit card usage has outpaced total national growth (i.e. GDP) and the trend in consumer credit card usage continues to escalate significantly (Schmith 2008). There is more evidence, rather, that disruptive innovations in the market place, such as mobile payment systems, are providing a new incentive for consumers to reject credit cards in favour of more modern technologies associated with payment and banking. A disruptive innovation is one defined as a product or service capable of supplanting or transforming an established marke t (Christensen and Raynor 2003). Hence, evolutions in payment systems, such as electronic banking or mobile banking, are transforming available options, making switching costs very low for consumers to select alternatives to credit cards. Do, then, risk perception and cultural characteristics of the cash-carry banking culture actually serve as barriers to credit card adoption? Research indicates that there are far too many explanatory factors for why consumers might reject acceptance of credit cards that are aligned with specific market beliefs and market needs. These factors include the appropriate design of advertising communications by a marketing business, competition...This is aligned properly with many consumer behavioural models that illustrate the processes of selection, organisation and interpretation that involves much psycho-social influence both inherent and stemming from the external environment. Thus, particular segments that do see risk associated with involvement in credit cards, either social, economic, or perhaps privacy related would have different motives from other markets that find trust and reliability in the rather mature credit card industry. The cash and carry consumer, one that values traditionalism in the financial services industry, might be adaptable to accepting credit cards if their evaluative criteria finds an appropriate match with the messages and other related stimuli provided by marketing entities. At least theory would seem to dictate this, but again without knowing exacting market characteristics, a well-justified hypothesis would be difficult to produce. However, there is ample evidence that credit card usage continues to explode and research did not uncover any legitimised data that cash and carry cultures and risk establish barriers to credit card adoption.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Assignment 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Assignment 7 - Essay Example Therefore, it is imperative to use the three main steps. Organizing involves, grouping the data collected according to the patterns formed by the data collected. Organizing the data will help the researcher to store easily and retrieve without confusing with other stored data. Description involves delineating the data collected. The large amounts of data collected have different features and characteristics. Describing them will be imperative, as it will help the researcher to identify data with the similar characteristics. In addition, description helps in data organization. The final step in the inductive process is interpreting, interpreting involves analyzing, assessing and elucidating the data collected in order to fathom. Interpreting, further, is important as it helps in finding solution to the research problem; it also helps in finding the most accurate conclusion. Every data collected has to include statistics. Statistics helps in understanding patterns presented in data collected. Nevertheless, in order to realize a pattern formed by data collected, researchers should collect data more than three times (Calhoun, 2008). Statistics involves collecting, organizing and interpreting numerical figures (Calhoun, 2008). Quantitative data is interpreted with statistics. Researchers can use expressive and inferential when analyzing data statistically. Both descriptive and inferential statistics have similar ways of quantifying data but differ in different strategies. Both statistics involves more than one group. In addition, if researchers are analyzing one group of people they can use both statistics more than once. Researchers can use both statistics to find the hypothesized results depending on the type and method of collecting data. Despite the similarities in descriptive and inferential statistics, they differ in the methods of analyzing data. De scriptive statistics uses mathematical procedures that help in organizing and
Monday, November 18, 2019
Character Write Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Character Write Up - Essay Example Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee is a movie based off a book, that considers the story of how the West was won from the perspective of those who were in the West. In essence, the movie does not examine how the white man ‘won’ the West, but how Native Americans lost it. One of the most significant aspects of this film is that it takes an in-depth look at the way that Native Americans felt about the White man’s intrusion onto their lands and their responses to it. Black Robe tells of the same tension between White man and Native Americans, although in this case the story is set in Canada. Most importantly, however, Black Robe takes a different perspective on Native Americans. In this case, many of the actions and interactions of the Native Americans are painted in a harsher light and few explanations are given for many of their actions. The purpose of this essay is to examine these two movies from a personal and contemplative perspective, considering what the struggles and portrayals of the various sides mean to me as a person. I will examine the way in which the viewpoints presented in these movies contribute to my own understanding of America and Canada’s history, and of the process of colonization itself. To do this, I will consider the perspectives of two characters in depth. These characters are Sitting Bull, the Lakota chief from Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee and Father LeForgue, a Jesuit missionary from Black Robe. Through these perspectives, I will consider my own thoughts on the struggle between Native Americans and the white culture and its domination. Sitting Bull Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee considers a later point in time and a critical event in American history, as well as the actions from both sides that led up to this point. In this movie, Sitting Bull is a critical character, fighting for the chance for Native Americans to retain their own culture and land. One of the most significant aspects of the film is that it shows the perspective of the Native Americans as their lands were invaded, while making the White man appear to be the barbaric group. The film opens with a fight between soldiers and the Indians in which both sides appear to be equally savage. The scene ends with American soldiers being surrounded and it is revealed that 261 Americans were killed. However, it becomes evident that the entire purpose of the Americans’ attack to begin with was to drive the Native Americans off their land, so that the gold that had been discovered there could be reached. Sitting Bull is one of the remaining Native American chiefs that resist the spread of the White man, and the attempts of the Americans to centralize them. There are several options that are before him and his tribe. He can fight the Americans, as they have been doing, killing White men and being killed or his tribe can move to a reserve and share in the culture of the White man. Finally, there is the risk that continuing to fight the White man would eventually result in the demise of the tribe and the Native American way of life. Sitting Bull perceives the policies and approaches taken by the Whites to be contradictory, full of change and deceit, and that the Whites do not intend to allow the Native Americ
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Great Fire of London Impact
The Great Fire of London Impact The London fire started September 2, 1666 approximately at 1:00 am and ended four days later. London fire and the plague destroyed most of the city and its citizens. This historical fire did not only hurt the cultural but literature. The literature was burned to ashes as also the city. The positive aspect is the authors of this time could use this tragic experience in their writings. This helped shape the way authors write and express themselves. After all the harm it caused, it brought out the emotion, history, and creativity in the authors of that time period. In 1666, most of the houses in London were made out of wood, which is dangerously flammable. Many of the citizens owned barns and had animals. Therefore there was hay and animal feed thought out the city. These factors contribute to the 1666 fire. The Great Fire of London began on the night of September 2, 1666. It started as a small fire on Pudding lane in Thomas Farynors baker. The fire began to spread very rapidly due to the surrounding materials in the city. There were hay and feed piles from barns, which helped spread the fires flames from houses to houses since they are good conductors. The citizen living there tried to stop the fire by throwing buckets of water on it from the river. This did not help stop the rapidly spreading fire. A method called Fire- breaks was usually used during a fire by destroying the houses on the path of the fame (Jokinen). By eight o, clock in the morning the next day the fire had spread halfway across the London Bridge. There was one obstacle stopp ing the fire from spreading to Southwark. The other side of the river was a gap that was caused by the fire of 1633. The fire continued to glow for another three days, when suddenly it halted near temple church but came back to life towards Westminster. King James ordered the fire break, which the fire finally died down. The aftermath of the fire would be a huge issue. Thousands of citizens were homeless and financially ruined, 430 acres was destroyed, 13,000 houses, 889 churches, and 52 Guild Halls. The one positive effect of the fire was that the plague was reduced greatly. The rats that carried the disease were killed. Charles II did make an effort to make sure it wouldnt happen again. He was appointed six commissioners to redesign the city. The pan provided wider streets and building made up of bricks by 1671, 900 houses and public building were completed. The King had Christopher Wren design a monument to the great fire, which still stands on a street named Monument Street (Jo kinen) The Great Plague of London in 1665 was an epidemic that hit London hard in June of 1665. It was a long series that killed between 75,000 and 100,000 of Londons population of about 460,000 (The Great plague of London, 1665). The contribution for this epidemic that swept through London is the rat infested alleys to the crowed homes. The rats were carrying this disease, the rats from trading ships would carry them. When a ship came into the city the rats would be let loose and spread the disease. This was a huge continuous cycle because the rats kept getting transported from place to place. The first sign of the plague was swelling around the groin or the armpit, and then it started to spread all over the body. The next step was black or red spots developed like a rash. The rash caused pain all over the body and the victim began to feel tired. The temperature of the body increased and this affected the brain and the nerves, Speech was affected, stumbling movements as if drunk and finall y the victim became delirious. The average time of death from the first symptom was between four to seven days. It is thought that between 50% and 75% of those who caught the disease died (Symptoms of the Plague). The citizens started to flee from the plague. The richer residents fled to the countryside, which left the poor behind in the rat infested city. There were many miss conception about how this disease came and why it was still here. One of the answers to solve the problem was killing off the animals that were no use of food. Thousands of dogs and cats were killed to eliminate a feared source of contagion. Also mounds of rotting garbage were burned. The Plague Orders, first issued by the Privy Council in 1578, were still effective in 1665. These edicts prohibited churches from keeping dead bodies on their premises during public assemblies or services, and carriers of the dead had to identify themselves and could not mix with the public. (The Great plague of London, 1665). Not only was the city burned to ashes and the disease stopped there was one other physical object lost: literature. One of the objects destroyed during the London Fire was the literature before 1666. John Dryden commemorated the fire in his poem Annus Mirabilis in 1667. In his poem Annus Mirabilis salutes London upon her survival of the plague and the Great Fire in 1666 (john Dryden). Throughout his poem he interprets the Great fire as patriotic because it gave London the chance to recreate or redesign the city. . More great than human, now, and more August, New deified she from her fires does rise. Her widening streets on new foundations trust, and, opening into larger parts she flies (Dryden and Johnson 203) He also talks about how the characteristics of the fire will help change England as a whole. Also England will dominate, By an high fate thou greatly didst expire; Great as the worlds, which at the death of time Must fall, and rise a nobler frame by fire.( Dryden and Johnson 37 ). When he says Rise a nobler frame by fire shows how he thinks the fire was a noble thing such as a miracle and not a disaster. He later goes on to talk about Charles II and his capability to restore the city. The fact that Charles II did the clean up so quickly makes Dryden to believe the fire wasnt a curse. When the citizens read his book, different ideas came to them on what really was the London Fire. Was it a cure or was it a miracle as John Dryden stated? He persuaded some of the population into believing the horrific fire that burned the city to ashes was a worthy for the city overall. Samuel Pepys conveyed images of the people wandering the streets. He showed the desperate people stuck inside this never ending cycle of the plague, just looking for some sort of relief. His notes showed the severity of the situation in London. In July, he lamented the sad news of the death of so many in the parish of the plague, forty last night, the bell always going . . . either for deaths or burials. A month later, when Londons mortality rate rose sharply, Pepys noted that survivors are fain to carry the dead to be buried by daylight, the nights not sufficing to do it in.(The Great Plague of London, 1665). Another author at this time was William Boghurst. He was a nurse who studied and described the symptoms of the plague. He wrote Loimographia in 1665 as an eyewitness account. The one thing he wrote is how the standard treatment of the infected households or victims. He criticized how they quarantined and fumigated the houses of the infected. oft [been] enough tried and always found ineffectual.(Atkinson and Majury 297). The Great Plague appears in fictional works, such as William Harrison Ainsworths Old Saint Pauls (1847) and Daniel Defoes A Journal of the Plague Year (1722), in which he describes London as quite abandoned to despair.( The Great Plague of London, 1665) The London fire had different effects in categories. It was not only a political and economic issue but culturally too. There were new roads built along with the material used to build houses and other buildings. The plague killed the very long epidemic cause by the rat infested city. The books were destroyed in the fire along with everything else. The authors of the time used this experience to help their writings. For instance in Daniel Defoes a journal of the plague year ( 1722), William Harrison Ainsworths Old saint Pauls (1847) William Boghurst Loimographia (1665) and John Dryden and his poem Annus Mirabilis (1667) The Bibliography Atkinson, Logan and Majury, Diana. Law, Mystery, and the Humanities: Collected Essays. Print Bartel, Roland. London in Plague and Fire, 1665-1666; Selected Source Materials for Freshman Research Papers. Boston: Heath, 1957. Print Great Fire of London. New World Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. . The Great Plague of London, 1665. Open Collections Program: Contagion,. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. . John Dryden, MacFlecnoe, Annus Mirabilus, Criticism. John Dryden, MacFlecnoe, Annus Mirabilus, Criticism. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. Jokinen, Anniina. The Great Fire of London, 1666. The Great Fire of London, 1666. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. . McDayter, Mark. The Great Fire of 1666. The Great Fire of 1666. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. . Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. London: The Unique City. Harmondsworth, Mddx: Penguin. 1960. Print Symptoms of the Plague. Symptoms of the Plague. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. .
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The History of Computers :: Technology Technological Computers Essays
The History of Computers Most of usà ¤participate in this digital culture, whether by using an ATM card, composing and printing an office newsletter, calling a mail-order house on toll-free numberà ¤or shopping at a mega-mall where the inventory is replenished just in time. (Ceruzzi 1) In the Information Age of today society has become dependent on technology; every aspect of our lives have become centered on how fast and efficiently something can be accomplished. The use of computers aids our stride to becoming technologically advanced. But how did we as a society arrive at such a point? How did we end up becoming so reliant on computers? These questions will hopefully be answered by looking back at the history of computers to date. During the WWII, Eckert and Mauchly designed and built the ENIAC, an electronic calculator that computed firing tables for the U.S Army; it established the era of computing in the United States. After the War, the drum came about as the reliable, inexpensive but slow memory device. ERA sold the drum machines, advertising their dependability, large storage capacity and their high speed capabilities. Eckert and Mauchly in 1951 started the intrigue with computers with their UNIVAC, a computer with computing abilities; as time passed the UNIVAC became essentially important. During the 1960Às, The Case 1107 provided the main computing facility for Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland Ohio in the United States (Walker). The UNIVAC was extremely large yet quiet; its front cabinets ranged from floor to ceiling. The central processor was capable of computing simple arithmetic equations. The Case 1107 was one of the first computers on Earth to provide access from remote locations both at other locations on the campus and as far afield as Erie, Pennsylvania (Walker). A transformation in circuit technology during the 60Às, enabled the transitor to become reliable and cheap enough to serve as the basic circuit element for processors (Ceruzzi 49). By 1971, Intel had already released the world's first generally available DRAM chip and therefore, built the world's first single chip general purpose microprocessor. Two years later in 1973, IBM developed what is considered to be the first true sealed hard disk drive.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Information Technology Careers
These days, information resources have developed tremendously especially with the latest technology available. One way to manage them is by having a system that used to be called Management Information Systems (MIS). Nowadays, the terminology of Information Technology (IT) is widely used. IT has developed into a popular and a well paying job entering the 21st century. To become an IT professional, one must obtain a good educational background. Early preparation is important in high school. During that time, four years of math is required although more than four years would be better. The types of math classes are both Algebras, Geometry, and Trigonometry. Another important class to have is four years of English. Doing well in this subject is very important because this subject helps build good communication skills. Natural Science classes such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics are also needed to prepare for an IT career. Another class including foreign language is a subject to consider. The most important foreign language to know is computer language such as COBOL, C++, PASCAL, and BASIC. In addition, high grades are required in those classes. If you have a poor record in high school, attending junior or community college can make up for the bad ones. Those schools also serve as excellent preparatory schools for universities (Bailey 55). Many big colleges offer Management Information Systems as a major. If one chooses that major,MIS can lead into a successful profession as an IT. The type of school does not really matter, as long as they offer an MIS major with a well-planned curriculum. In IT or MIS, the job can be separated into many different classifications. MIS generally falls into four categories: programming, sales, data-base administrator, and Information Center Management (Bailey 155). The more detailed classifications includes Financial MIS, Manufacturing MIS, Marketing MIS, and Human resource MIS. A financial MIS provides financial information to all financial managers within and organization (Reynolds 401). â€Å"A marketing MIS supports managerial activities in the areas of product development, distribution, pricing decisions, promotional effectiveness, and sales forecasting†(Reynolds 413). A human resource MIS, also called the personnel MIS, is concerned with activities related to employees of the organization†(Reynolds 418). The annual salary for an IT professional after he or she receives his or her bachelor†s degree ranges from $35,000 to $45,000 depending on the company and his or her experience. Most IT professionals work in an industrial company rather than a government supervised company. According to Khawaja, â€Å"Government owned companies are less challenging. †Some IT professionals work in companies or organization such as IBM, Compaq, Intel, Microsoft, and Sun Microsystems. All of these companies have a good reputation in the IT market. If being an IT professional does not satisfy someone as a career such as being a network administrator, he or she can change the field of his or her profession. They can change their profession into a programmer, a system analyst, a data-base administrator or other fields that IT provides. Furthermore, he or she can work in the same environment even though they can change their profession into something else. That is Renadi 3 one of the advantages working as an IT expert. In conclusion, the development of information technology has transformed itself into a popular and a well paying job entering the new millennium. Possessing knowledge about computers and technology can be a big benefit. The advantage of that is because in the future, every stored or removed information involves the use of technology. As a matter of fact, the need of IT specialists is very essential to manage information properly â€Å"so that everyone who needs information has fast, accurate access to it at the time it is needed and in the form in which it is most useful†(Green 59).
Friday, November 8, 2019
Essay Sample on Marriage Couples Who Do Not Get Married
Essay Sample on Marriage Couples Who Do Not Get Married Marriage is the practice by which two people who love each other, create their relationship official, public and permanent. It is the amalgamation of two people in a union that putative lasts until passing away do one part. Marriages are prepared in paradise, but we all want to bring paradise on this earth. Marriage plays an incredibly important role in ones life. According to times magazine life is so swift moving that nobody has time to squander with his or her relatives. Being a human being everyone wants a second heart to share their pains. Wedding is ones delusion, which he or she try to fulfill at-least once in their life span. Logically, when a girl attains a comprehensible age she begins to structure a portrait of her wedding day, the environs they belong to and other wedding parties they attend. In spite of all that, most people are reluctant to the occasion thus preferring to stay together. If you are similar to most people, you ride into married life on dominant waves of love and intimacy that crashed sporadically into self-doubt and apprehension, only to ascend again, stronger than ever. In other words, one understood that you wedded for love. Most marriages come with the responsibility f taking care of children. Men consider themselves masculine and stronger, and are not charged with the responsibility to nurse and take care of children, and women are not comfortable with this (Sullivan, 2007, p. 232). That was the straightforward part. Plenty of research shows that wedding with love is more effective at bringing us together than maintaining us together. It has been found out that in most relationshi ps, women often disagree with the demands of the men, (Sullivan, 2007, p 231). We may have heard the aphorism, weddings are easy, it is difficult to maintain relationships, but the truth is that relationships are tough because a wedding is easy. Strong feelings of any manner transmit an illusion of certainty (Seligson, web). With the exception of bitterness, no emotional experience has more illusion of confidence than wedding. The responsibilities and pressures that come with the marriage and family are fewer these days, than in the past, and thus most people choose not to be tied to them (Sullivan, 207, p. 272). The need to feel persuaded is at least part of the grounds why we come to begrudge the people we love the most. The importance of wedding cannot be judged by the manner the society perceive it, but how deeply an individual craves for it. Since marriage is a long-term union involving two people, this ritual is given its owing importance throughout the earth (Cherlin, 53). Contrasting many one-time occasions, wedding does not cover the comfort of the ent ire community but few persons. Those who contain lethargy towards wedding should understand that wedding across the boundaries does aid a lot in creating concord between two different creed and ethnic group. There is a variety of wide religious doctrines concerning wedding, which reflect a lot on its abiding importance. Apart from portraying a pleasant scale for cementing the bonding among two people, the marriages cover up definite social prospect of the populace. While to some wedding is an underpinning of the organization of society, some considers it mutually a physical and spiritual acquaintance that endures into (Davis, web). Though marriage has lost its grips to many people, in the society, most people choose not to wed. The interested have been vested in the common interest of the couple living together but not necessarily getting married. That is according to the article in the times magazine. There is no contraction agreement that can replace the vows that are exchanged between two people. All other monetary support cannot be graced to replace the glory that dwells in a wedding. The round rings are not just symbols of beauty but a reminder of the lifetime commitment a person makes to the partner. Wedding is not a bylaw but an act of willingness. It is a Voluntary commitment of oneself to someone. Wedding is the best cement of any marriage. A wedding is symbolized by signs like the presence of a wedding ring on a couple finger, but most couples are afraid of the commitment that comes with the wedding (Sullivan, 2007, p. 102).
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Langston Hughes Biography
Langston Hughes Biography Langston Hughes was a human rights activist and a playwright who constantly led the revolution change against the segregation of the Negro in America. He is considered one of the most influential agitators for change in the social order in the history of activism in America. The poem highlights the plight of the Negro in the USA.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Langston Hughes Biography specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Resilience From the poem, Hughes outlines the virtue of resilience. Resilience refers to the quality of resuming to your original form irrespective of how much you are pressed with issues. The racial segregation in America is a social phenomenon that no one would like to experience, it should elicit bad memories in any individual, but the persona simply says,††¦.he laughs.†He seems to be unaffected by the racial discrimination that he is being subjected to, he simply dismisses it, ev en though we all know that such occurrences would make an individual bulge and assume a combatant attitude.(Rhynes 62) Patriotism Conventionally, anyone who gets treated wrongfully in an environment will be conditioned to deeply loathe such environment. A student battered in any high school will hate anything to do with high schools, despite the sub human treatment he gets from the fellow countrymen; he is still patriotic enough to proclaim his love for the same nation. In the last line, he claims authoritatively that â€Å"†¦I too am America.†He loves his country despite the ill treatment he is invariantly subjected to.Advertising Looking for essay on biography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hopefulness Perhaps, this is the most outstanding value that Hughes wanted to portray in his poem. In my opinion, it forms the primary trait of the persona. The author wanted to illuminate a ray of hope to the vic tims of racial segregation. He outlines this throughout the poem. When he says that he eats and grows strong, the value of hope is portrayed, he is not easily broken disheartened, he looks forward for change, and so he says, â€Å"†¦Tomorrow, i will be at the table.†A hopeful person quotes the future, while a hopeless person drowns in disillusionment. (Rhynes 102) The persona however, looks forward for the brighter tomorrow. From the tone of the poem, it is very obvious that the future that he is waiting for will be much better than the present time. (Rhynes 11) He argues that his tormentors â€Å"will see how beautiful I am.†Use of â€Å"will†infers to a future tense meaning the persona is still keeping hope alive of better tomorrow. (Rhynes 64) The calmness he portrays in the poem is due to his hope for a free America. (Rhynes 66) Patience The persona is a very tolerant person. He is not belligerent at all, even though it is obvious that he is subjecte d to surly conditions that undermine human dignity, he remains friendly to them, no wonder he says that â€Å"I laugh.†He also waits patiently for the outcomes of the future when he will be stronger and even â€Å"more beautiful.†Calmness and Tactfulness One would expect opposition from the persona to counter the oppressors, but he avoided the confrontation and instead remained calm. (Rhynes 33) He says that when sent to the kitchen, â€Å"he ate well†, he didn’t confront anybody but planned by eating well and â€Å"growing strong.†Eventually, he says that he’ll no longer be told to â€Å"eat in the kitchen,†Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Langston Hughes Biography specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rhynes, Martha E.I, too, sing America: the story of Langston Hughes. Greensboro, N.C.: Morgan Reynolds, 2002. Print.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Inseparability of Markets and Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Inseparability of Markets and Regulations - Essay Example As such, it protects healthcare consumers by ensuring that the services provided to them are satisfactory and efficiently meet their tastes and preferences. Through licensing, the board controls competition and deviant practices within the medical field. It also safeguards consumers’ interests by guaranteeing that medical costs are within the conventional standards and affordable level (Lee, 2009). GCMB has a board of directors that comprises of 15 voting members and an ex-officio chosen by the governor. Its current chair is Richard Weil. Among the 15 voting members, 11 are physicians with Doctor of Medicine grades, 2 are dynamically practicing physicians with Doctor of Physiotherapy degrees, and 2 members are consumer members, who main role is to represent the interests of healthcare consumers (GCMD, 2014). GCMB represents the cultural diversity prevalent in Georgia. The board members are drawn from different regions within the state and represent the various social, economic, and political interests of a diverse population. The board is a fair representation of the community it is serving since it has incorporated the interests of different groups into its mission, goal, and objectives. However, the board still faces a challenge in regulating medical practitioners due to increased misconducts in the medical sector and the diversity of the field of medicine. New trends in medicine have too posted a challenge for GCMB (Lee, 2009). For instance, lethal injection practices and physicians participation in executions have proven to be hard to control. The incentives offered to the board are not enough to finance its activities and the cost of providing the licensing services has upsurge posing a challenge to the relevance of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Human Resource Management of Microsoft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Human Resource Management of Microsoft - Essay Example Terry & Franklin (1994) define management as 'a distinct process consisting of activities of planning, organising, actuating and controlling performed to determine and accomplish stated objectives with the use of human beings and other resources'. In this study, we'll analyse the manner in which Microsoft, leader in providing software solutions, has been taking care of the needs of the different sets of employees. For the purpose of this study, we've selected Marketing and Technical, the two very crucial departments in today's context. During the study an effort would be made to figure out different types of needs of the employees in these two departments and how the management tries to fulfil those needs. Microsoft is a kind of brand which is known and available in almost all parts of the world serving millions of customers around the globe. The company says that1, "We're able to do great things in part because our incredible team is a diverse one". Well, the globalization regime knows no geographical boundaries and what matters is economic exchange and business ventures. That is exactly what Microsoft appears to have tapped in the global market while trying to take advantage of the 'strengths of diversity'. The stated diversity values at Microsoft are: In order to serve diffe... In order to serve different market segments, the company broadly divided its workforce in eight regions namely; United States; Asia Pacific; Canada; Europe, Middle East & Africa; Greater China Region; India; Japan and Latin America. This helps the company in planning the job profiles on the basis of prevailing market conditions. The fact that company has carved out separate regions for China and India is an indication towards the potential these regions hold. Microsoft being an international brand and having operations almost all corners of the world, with the help of its own offices in more than 100 countries around the world, besides having strategic arrangements with others. The company is therefore almost perpetually in need of new people with newer ideas to move ahead towards achieving the competitive targets for the company. In order to assess the needs of new workforce, the company prepares and keeps on regularly updating; i. The marketing strategies and sales targets planned for the year/ region. Microsoft prefers to have ambitious targets and with the levels of competition increasing and margins shrinking, efficiency and effectiveness are the key consideration in planning the requirement of personnel. ii. The employees' turnover ratio also plays a crucial role in such requirement. In fact the employee's turnover ratio depends upon the effectiveness of the HR management strategies and motivators being worked out. Microsoft considers its workforce a source of strength for the company and provides opportunities to the workforce for improving their skills, knowledge and capabilities by way of imparting sufficient training and development opportunities2. Company believes that the
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