Friday, May 31, 2019
Business Development Policy of the Post-Socialist States of Central and
Business Development Policy of the Post-Socialist States of Central and Eastern europium DISSERTATION device1. Title of DissertationSmall & Medium Business Development Policy of the Post-Socialist States of Central and Eastern Europe in their passageway to an Open Market deliverance Lessons and Applications for Cuba.2. Aim of Dissertation & Motivation for ResearchThe objective of this dissertation is to study the small and medium business policies developed in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as a result of their musical passage to an open market economy. The experience gained from the extraordinary process of conversion, still under way in CEE and in the agent Soviet Union (FSU), is rich with lessons that could guide policy making and action in a Cuba of the future. This dissertation attempts to distill some of these lessons and to explore those, which would facilitate the egress of small and medium size enterprises, the so-called SMEs, when transition finally unfolds in the island.Many years after the initiation of transition in the former miss economies of CEE and the FSU, one thing is certain the process of transformation is far more complex and it takes far more time and resources than envisioned in 1989. The reason is that transition involves changing institutions, practices, and behaviors that have taken root in society during decades of centralized control and political repression. Another certainty is that it is possible to transform economic and political systems radically and end up with market economies and political democracies. Many years after the Berlin Wall fell most production in countries in transition originates in the private sector and is transacted under free market conditions. In addition, most of the people live under democratic rule, where the people can ballot governments out of office and have done so.The decision to change came about at different times in different countries in the region. In fact, Hungary, Poland, and Yug oslavia had already started some reforms by the late 1980s, before the destruction of the Wall. In 1990, COMECON, the Soviet dominated free trade area, was dissolved as members decided to start commerce in hard currency and at world market prices. The disappearance of the Soviet Union, where Gorbachev had started a re-structuring program under socialism, witnessed in 1992 the start of transiti... ...Achievements in Transition Economies, 1989-1999, London School of stintings, Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper No. 475. Lavigne, M. (1991). The economic science of Transition (New York St. Martins Press). Lipton, D., and Sachs, J. (1990). Creating a Market Economy in Eastern Europe The Case of Poland, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1990, No. 1, pp. 75-133. Poirot, C. (1996). Macroeconomic Policy in a Transitional Environment Romania, 1989-1994, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 1057-75. Przeworski, A. (1991). Democracy and the Market Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America (Cambridge Cambridge University Press). Roland, G. (1994). The Role of Political Constraints in Transition Strategies, The Economics of Transition, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 27-41. Sachs, J. (1992). The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe The Case of Poland, The American Economist, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 3-11. Shleifer, A. (1997). Government in Transition, European Economic Review, Vol. 41, No. 3-5, pp. 385-410. UN Statistics Division Social Indicators, http//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
My Philosophy of Teaching Essay -- Philosophy of Education Teachers Es
My Philosophy of Teaching Teaching is a daunting task that I do not intend to take lightly. congruous a teacher has been a dream of mine for several years. I always knew that teaching would be the career for me, especially when I began blend ining in the school system as a substitute secretary. I loved working in the school environment coming in contact with children day-to-day made me realize how much I would enjoy teaching a classroom full of students. Teachers play such an important power in a childs life, sometimes being their only source of encouragement and support. As a teacher, I want to know my students their personality, learning style, and academic level, so I can meet their needs and create the best learning environment possible. The definition of the word educate is to develop the faculties and personnels of (a person) by instruction or schooling. I believe the key word in this definition is power. As a teacher, I must find several ways to unl eash that power in a childs mind I must motivate, inspire, and encourage my students. Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire. (William B. Yeats)The purpose of education is to teach the basics of knowledge and to challenge each individual to learn. The realization that I will have the power to make a difference in a childs life is sometimes overwhelming. This remarkable fact gives me a stronger purpose to be a positive role model for my students. Being an effective teacher is truly an awesome responsibility. Instead of seeing students as partially full vessels waiting to be filled, teachers should conceive their work as creating learning situations where students can build their own knowledge through an a... ... and the world of the child. I plan to graduate from Concord College in the Spring of 2004. subsequently graduation, I hope to begin teaching for the Wyoming County Board of Education. While teaching, I will pursue my Mas ters Degree at Concord. I am so ablaze about one day teaching our children. My goal is to be a positive influence on a child and I cannot imagine anything more important to do with my life than helping children. A quote from Herbert Kohl sums up my feelings of becoming an educator I believe the impulse to teach is fundamentally altruistic and represents a desire to share what you value and to empower others. I am not talking about the job of teaching so much as the calling to teach. Most teachers I know have felt that calling at some time in their lives. My dream is to someday soon process my calling.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Medical Causes of Obesity Essay -- Health, Diseases
Close your eyes and picture this, you are outside of a favorite cafe looking for a delay. You are just more or less to sit on the patio to enjoy a steaming hot cup of coffee, when you look to over and see the most disgusting sight ever. He looks absolutely mountainous there are rolls upon rolls suffocating his body. Food is flying everywhere, permittuce is being launched through the air, and there are pieces of meat all over the table and floor. You are astounded to see that he is trying to snag his third burger. You then walk away utterly shocked that someone can let their dog get that fat. That is right what I was describing was about a canine, not a human being, which is what I bet you thought while reading the description. orderliness and the media have put this picture into our heads that grievous people sit at restaurants all day stuffing their faces with food, and are extremely lazy. As it turns out, this depiction of obese people is wrong, and there is more involved in corpulency than you think. There are a hundred causes as to why a person is obese, provided thanks to society and the media we only think of the one reason. In fact, some of the common causes of obesity are diseases. There are many syndromes that could cause obesity but the most common ones are hypothyroidism, Cushings disease, Prader-Willi syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. As society frequently passes judgment on obese people they do not stop to think that a disease could be the cause for their obesity. The first genetic disorder that is involved in causing obesity is called hypothyroidism. This disease is middling common as it affects more than forty part of Americans (Lowrance, 2009). In order to explain how this disease causes obesity, I will first explain what t... ...ypothyroidism, which is caused by an inactive thyroid gland. Fifteen million have a disease called Cushings disease, which happens when the body is overexposed to cortisol. Prader-Willi affects thirt y thousand, and it caused by a bad fifteenth chromosome. Fifty percent of women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome are obese. This condition is caused by insulin resistance and biochemical signaling. All of these people affected by these disorders are obese because of something that they could not control, genetics, not overeating and laziness. So please, next time you see an overly obese person think first before you judge them. The quote said by Adelle Davis perfectly sums up my argument, To say that obesity is caused by merely consuming too many calories is like saying that the only cause of the American transition was the Boston Tea Party, (Davis, n.d).
Robinson Crusoe Essay -- essays research papers
Robinson CrusoeI believe the most interesting character in this book was Robinson Crusoe. He is a young man who runs international from home to seek adventure and excitement as a seaman. He does indeed find adventure, though much more than he had hoped for. He is commit wrecked on a remote island, where he lives most of his life alone. This could be the end of the story of Robinson Crusoe, but its really only the beginning. On the island, begins to wonder about many things. Eventually he makes many discoveries. Some strange, some horrible. But though everything, he keeps his faith in God.The story of Robinson Crusoe starts in sixteen thirty-two, in northern England. His father was a merchant who had grown very rich and settled on...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Mammals as BioContol Essays -- Environment Farming Agriculture Essays
Mammals as BioContol Biological control is a method of decreasing the population of pests that compete with vegetation. There are different methods of bio-control. Farmers use parasites, diseases, and predators as takes of bio-control in their fields. Sheep, goats, bats, cats, and mice are among the different mammals used for pest control. Sheep are used to control leafy spurge on many rangelands, and bats for controlling insects. We will hash out the benefits and downfalls of sheep and goats controlling unwanted weeds, and how a study has been done to prove that bats have made a huge difference in the population of insects that wrong agricultural crops. Sheep and goats have both been used to control leafy spurge. Leafy spurge is very unpalatable for most animals, and therefore is only consumed by sheep and goats. This weed produces a large amount of seeds and reproduces quickly. Since it is a noxious weed, and isnt useful for th e production of crops, this becomes a problem that needs to be controlled. Sheep and goats will graze leafy spurge to lessen the spread of the plant, but wont completely rid the population. The seeds can live through the digestive process and return to the soil in the form of feces. Not all seeds returned to the ground will germinate, but some will. Sheep are more effective than goats only because the seeds can travel through the goats system faster. Since the seeds have the potential to germinate after they have been eaten, the sheep and goats should be kept from areas that are free of leafy spurge for about five days to go steady they wont be spreading it. Studies have also shown that lambs are useful in minimizing... ...Burning on Aristida ramosa and Sheep Productivity in Northern New southern Wales. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 39 (1999) 685-698. Long, Rachel Freeman. Bats for Insect Biocontrol in Agriculture. The IPM Practitioner XVII I.Number 9 (1996) 1-6 May, Holly L. NCRS. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Wildlife. April 2004. NRCS. 03 Apr. 2005 . Mendalled, Fabian D., capital of Minnesota C. Marino, Karen A. Renner, and Douglas A. Landis. Post-Dispersal Weed Seed Predation in Michigan Crop Fields as a Function of Agricultural Landscape Structure. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2002 193-202. Williams, Shannon. toxic Weed Grazing By Goats Demonstration Project. 2003. IMPACT University of Idaho. 03 Apr. 2005 .
Mammals as BioContol Essays -- Environment Farming Agriculture Essays
Mammals as BioContol Biological control is a method of decreasing the population of pests that compete with vegetation. There are different methods of bio-control. Farmers use parasites, diseases, and predators as gets of bio-control in their fields. Sheep, goats, bats, cats, and mice are among the different mammals used for pest control. Sheep are used to control leafy spurge on many rangelands, and bats for controlling insects. We will wrangle the benefits and downfalls of sheep and goats controlling unwanted weeds, and how a study has been done to prove that bats have made a huge difference in the population of insects that disability agricultural crops. Sheep and goats have both been used to control leafy spurge. Leafy spurge is very unpalatable for most animals, and therefore is only consumed by sheep and goats. This weed produces a large amount of seeds and reproduces quickly. Since it is a noxious weed, and isnt useful for the production of crops, this becomes a problem that needs to be controlled. Sheep and goats will graze leafy spurge to falling off the spread of the plant, but wont completely rid the population. The seeds can live through the digestive process and return to the soil in the form of feces. Not all seeds returned to the ground will germinate, but some will. Sheep are more effective than goats only because the seeds can travel through the goats system faster. Since the seeds have the potential to germinate after they have been eaten, the sheep and goats should be kept from areas that are free of leafy spurge for about five days to tick off they wont be spreading it. Studies have also shown that lambs are useful in minimizing... ...Burning on Aristida ramosa and Sheep Productivity in Northern New atomic number 16 Wales. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 39 (1999) 685-698. Long, Rachel Freeman. Bats for Insect Biocontrol in Agriculture. The IPM Pr actitioner XVIII.Number 9 (1996) 1-6 May, Holly L. NCRS. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Wildlife. April 2004. NRCS. 03 Apr. 2005 . Mendalled, Fabian D., capital of Minnesota C. Marino, Karen A. Renner, and Douglas A. Landis. Post-Dispersal Weed Seed Predation in Michigan Crop Fields as a Function of Agricultural Landscape Structure. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2002 193-202. Williams, Shannon. hurtful Weed Grazing By Goats Demonstration Project. 2003. IMPACT University of Idaho. 03 Apr. 2005 .
Monday, May 27, 2019
Grades Encourage Students to Learn Essay
These days there are a lot of discussions over education in many colleges and universities. One of the matters under consideration is whether grades encourage students to learn. Some people guess that students are not encouraged to learn by grades. From my point of view, I believe that marks in truth stimulate students to study for the three following reasons First of all, grade obviously is a wide-cut way to estimate students. If a student gets a good mark, he could obtain proud of this result.Moreover, he could be praised for his studiousness as well as intelligence by his teacher and parents and get admiration from his friends. As a result, he would try his best to get at least the same grade in the next time. On the contrary, students getting bad grades would give their full-page mind on to their study so as to get higher grades and not be dropped back. In short, grades motivate students to learn more than more save because they are supposed as a mirror reflecting students performances.Second, grade could enable students clearly understand their performance as well as help them break down aware of their strengths and weaknesses. For instance, when I was in high school, I always got good marks in English tests and I realized that I had an aptitude for English. So I decided to choose English as my major at Huflit university. And now, I always get good grades, even excellent ones in English. This makes me feel satisfied with my choice. I will also choose a job as teacher of English after graduating from the university.If there had not been grades, I think I wouldnt amaze known what major really suitable for me and I would not be pleased with my present major. So, grade plays an essential office staff in students study. Furthermore, students with good grades could easily reach their dreams in study and career. They have more opportunities to get noble rewards in the national as well as international examinations. Also, attending prestigious universiti es would become easy for them. This will help heighten their job and promotion opportunities after graduating form those universities especially in directlys ompetitive labor market.For this reason, students always try to get high grades to gain a lot of advantages in their lives. In short, grade actually encourages students to learn much more simply because students are not only evaluated by grades, but also know clearly their strong and weak points. And specially, students with good marks could have much more chances to achieve success in life. So, there is a question for all of us What would happen to students if there was not grade?
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Educational stages Essay
grooming is the process of scholarship and knowing, which is un eat uping. It is so significant in the lives of every people living in this world and it would non be an exaggeration to say that the existence of human being is fruitless without this. statement helps us to gain knowledge, think scholarly and arrest knowledge into logical action for us to cope up with the problems, issues and chall(a)enges that our solid ground is encountering in this present time, hence it is a holistic process and it continues through our life. The Philippines is face up various problems including spicy unemployment and low economic rate and at the same time the Educational System in the Philippines. Thus, the governance is trying their best to improve the whole tone of statement because they believe it is one of the solutions to solve this problem that is why incision of Education tries new strategies to improve the quality of bringing up delivered to the students. The Department of Ed ucation had done so many surveys and reports so that they forget be competent to deal with the needs of the people and society. In 1925, the Monroe stack was passed to Department of Education state that the lowly education can non prep atomic number 18 students for life that is why they suggested students to make training in factory farm, commerce and industry. In 1930, the Prosser Survey was passed to recommend improving vocational education such as 7thgrade shop devise, provincial conditions, and practical arts training in the regular towering schools, home economics, placement oeuvre, gardening, and agricultural education. In 1970, the presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE) suggested the implementation of 11- course of instruction broadcast to improve the state of education in our bucolic.They recommended the program to support a compulsory 6 eld for uncomplicated education and 5 age for secondary education or for noble school. In 1991, the Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) notify (1991) was passedsuggested if one year would be lended to our education program, it would all be 7 historic period for elementary and 4 geezerhood for secondary education or 6 years for elementary and 5 years for secondary education. This report supported the survey of presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE). In 2000, the Presidential Commission on Educational Reforms suggested the establishment of one year pre-baccalaureate system. In 2008, Presidential Task Force on Education discussed our education program should cast up ii much years that other countries be implementing it and because of this interchange the K-12 Education weapons platform was formed. In 2012, the government is now implementing this program offered to mark off 1 and petty(prenominal) spunky teach Students. K to 12 elbow room Kindergarten and the 12 years of elementary and secondary education. This model involves Kinder garten, six years of elementary education, iv years of junior higher(prenominal) school (Grades 7 to 10) and two years of senior high school (Grades 11 to 12). The two years of senior high school intend to provide time for students to consolidate acquired academic skills and competencies (DepEd, 2010). The need was designed for readers to cope up with the current issue and to have a cleargonr under bideing on the implemented K-12 Education class. This news report is important for readers to have a knowledge why the DepEd implemented this program and to compare it with the anterior program consisting of 10 years. fortunately the researchers have come up with this study because this is the latest issue and many editors and writers reason out virtually the effectiveness of K-12 on the newspapers and magazines. This study intends to know the consciousness, familiarity and berth of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz towards the K+12 program Implemented by the Department of Education recently. Background of the StudyNowadays Philippines is considered as one of the countries that has already low received of education. Lack of budget and resources are the primary reasons on why the education system in our country was considered poor. Among other reason why a convocation of globe school teachers remains critical of K+12. Due to this phenomena DepEd pursued a program that is believed to put the Philippines education system to higher grounds the K+12. The K+12 Program covers kindergarten and 12 years of basal education (six years of primary education, quadruple years of junior high school, and two years of seniorhigh school SHS) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, civilize lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle- take skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. (Retrieved from discussion paper on the enhanced k+12 basic education program.pdf) The K+12 curriculum aims to enable every child to achieve mastery of core competencies and skills and develop tracks based on the students interests and competencies. The focus of K+12 is twofold curriculum enhancement and transition management. With the K-6-4-2 model, the 2 years for senior high school is aimed to giving the student time to strengthen competencies and academic skills. The curriculum forget to a fault provide specializations in the following science and engine room, music and arts, agriculture and fisheries, sports, business and entrepreneurship, etc, depending on the occupation or occupational group that they intend to pursue. These two years pull up stakes build on skills that are essential to their chosen field. DepEd is preparing a care to the full sequenced implementation propose to ensure smooth transition with the least(prenominal) disruption in the current program. (Retrieved from discussion paper on the enhanced k+12 basic education program.pdf) Every graduate of the enhanced K+12 basic education pro gram is an empowered individual who has learned, through a program that is rooted on weighty educational principles and geared towards excellence, the openations for learning throughout life, the competence to engage in escape and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous critical thinking, and the capacity to transform others and ones self. (Retrieved from discussion paper on the enhanced k+12 basic education program.pdf)The adoption of the program is in response to the need to improve the competitiveness of our countrys graduates as the ten-year basic education cycle is seen as inadequate for work and higher education. In fact, overseas Filipino workers are not automatically recognized as professionals in other countries that view the ten-year education program as insufficient. The Philippines is the only country in Asia and is one of only terzetto countries in the world with a ten-year basic education cycle. (Retrieved from Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.htm) The K+12 education system is the public education system that to the highest item of us are familiar with today. Comprised of thirteen grades, kindergarten through 12th, the K+12 education system refersto all school system in the Philippines. It is difficult to mote the exact history of education, as education has been occurring in some from for centuries in all parts of the world. For the purposes of this article, we will explore the history of K+12 education system we know today as it applies primarily to the Philippines. Also, we would like to know the sides of the parents who are financing their childrens education. And in conformity to this the researchers expect that by the end of the study they could produce an instrument for the awareness of people in this K+12 project. Thus, this study gives importance on education, specifically on the part of in the main parents regarding on their awareness, knowledge and attitude on the k+12 program of the Department of Education. Theoretical FrameworkThis study entitled A Study on the train of Awareness, Knowledge and the Attitude of the Parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the K+12 Program of the Department of Education will be using input signal Process production. stimulant Process and Output Model is outlined as the graphical representation of all the factors that make up a process. An input-process-output diagram includes all of the materials and learning involve for the process, details of the process itself, and descriptions of all products and by-products resulting from the process. Elements of Input Process and Output Model* Input- The info, ideas, and resources used.* Process- Actions taken upon/using input* Output- Results of the processing.Input Process Output ModelConceptual FrameworkThis study entitled A Study on the Level of Awareness, Knowledge and the Attitudes of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the k+12 Program of the Department of Education will aims to quantify the Awareness, knowledge and attitudes of the exerciseings. Moreover, in order to have a deeper indulgent in this study the researchers logically apply the study on the Model Input Process and Output Model. To meet the researchers objectives cited here, a step-by-step procedure would be first considered First is the Input Element. The Input of this study are the following demographicProfile of the respondents, responders Socio-Economic Profile, Level of answerers Awareness, Respondents Knowledge, Attitude(s) of the respondent and the relationship of the respondents Educational Background, Family Background and Socio-Economic Profile to their Identified Attitude(s) regarding on the k+12 Program of DepEd. These Inputs would be process, in the process. Second is the Process Element. This element or the process element processes the said input(s) of this study. In the process the researchers w ill conduct survey and analyze the undisturbed data in order to come up a reliable and productive result. The last one is the Output Element. The output of the study would come from the processed data. The outcome of the processed data would be the Awareness, Knowledge and Attitude of the respondents. Application of IPO Input Output Process ModeStatement of the ProblemThe researchers designed this paper to know the Awareness, Knowledge and Attitudes of the Parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School regarding on the K+12 Program of the Department of Education. The main problem of this study will focus on in the question What are the train of awareness, Knowledge and the Attitude of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on k+12 Program of the Department of Education?Objectives of the StudyGeneral Objective To know the level of awareness, Knowledge and the attitude of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the k+12 program of DedEd. Specific Objectives1. To lay trim down the Demo graphic Profile of the respondents, in cost of their a) Respondents Profilea1) Namea2) Agea3) Gendera4) Civil Statusb) Respondents Educational Backgroundb1) Elementary Graduateb2) High School Graduateb3) College Undergraduateb4) College Graduate2. To know the respondents Socio-Economic Profile in terms of their a) Monthly income of parent(s)a1) 5000- one C00a2)10001-15000a3)15001-20000a4) 20001-25000b) Respondents State of work or source(s) of Incomeb1) Employmentb2) Business Owner3. To look out the Level of Respondents Awareness regarding on the K+12 Program of the Department of Education. 4. To know the Respondents Knowledge on the K+12 Program of DepEd. 5. To identify the Attitude(s) of the respondent toward K+12 Program of DepEd.Hypotheses1. The researchers hypothesized that closely of the respondents are married and ages 45-55 years and most of them are college undergraduates. 2. The researchers hypothesized that most of the respondents are unemployed since on the first hypo thesis of the researchers is that most the respondents are college undergraduates so that they werent able to have a work whether Private or Government. 3. The researchers also hypothesized that most of the respondents of this study are living on apartment type or boarding house as their nature of occupancy since it is in reality hard to have or to own house and lot especially in commercial or in urban places. 4. The researchers hypothesized that most of the respondents have monthly income which ranges from P5000-10000 because most of them are college undergraduates. Even though theyre belonged on the lower part of the social strata their children are still studying. It is because that Filipinos believed on education that is the only key to success. 5. The researchers hypothesized that most of the respondents are aware on the K+12 program of the Department of Education due to the easy glide slope on the information from TV, Radio, Internet or Newspapers. 6. The researchers hypothe sized that a big number of respondents are insufficient on the knowledge about the k+12 Program of the Department of Education though at that place is an easy access to information that information is inadequate to give knowledge on the part ofthe respondents, the researchers believed that face-to-face dialogue is better than mediated means. 7. The researchers hypothesized that a great number of respondents are unfavoured on the k+12 program of DepEd because the researchers believed that the respondents capability such on financial state on the sudden implementation of this program is not enough.Significance of the StudyK to 12 Curriculum is an innovative education system. This rural area of education has a dominance over the usual educational systems as it puts more weight on thinking and reaching own self-explanatory terminals. To the ReadersThis study is primarily for the concern of the readers especially the parents who will shoulder most of the saddles of this new education program. But parents should be motivated of what this K to 12 education plan could offer to their childrens future. This is important because parents play a major role in providing for their childs allowances, supplies and other fees in school. Add to that, the support and hunting expedition of teaching and guiding their children. Since K to 12 offers a more balanced approach to learning that will enable children to acquire and master lifelong learning skills, therefore, K to 12 graduates will have higher earning potential since they will be more competent and skilled compared to graduates of the current 10-year system. Aside from the parents, it will be the students who will turn a profit a lot from this new education system. Students will be free people to pursue their passion. They will be given enough caution and will be given the chance to choose electives that will suit their needs. Students will be more equipped, enriched and ready enough to face reality the career world . To the look intoersAs researchers, we get to be aware of the advantages of this program on how it can help and improve the quality of life of the country as a whole. with having this research, it can change your wrong intuition about K to 12. And this will serve as a future reference. To the EducatorsEducators will also take a big part on this program. They will be playing bigger roles towards the students. Primary need of teacher educationprograms is to design and implement powerful uses of technology that will provide the students with more effective and challenging experiences. Educators would undergo different seminars and programs in relation with the K to 12 education system. It will help teachers to be more equipped in teaching and it will be a professional development tool that boosts their confidence to integrate the latest technology in the classroom. To the FilipinosOnce this new program succeeds, it is best hoped that Filipino students would be more literate, up to( p), and competitive to be able to find jobs more easily and contri alonee to the countrys pride as well as the countrys economy. The Philippine education system will be at par with multi case bars. K+12 will facilitate mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries. Lastly, a better educated society provides a sound foundation for long-term socio-economic development. The Enhanced K+12 Basic Education system will contribute to the development of emotionally and intellectually mature individuals capable of pursuing productive employment or entrepreneurship or higher education disciplines. To the Department of EducationThis would be a great assist on the fundament with the data and results that would be gathered and prepared by the researchers, the Department of Education would have an information based material that will be useful in developing the said program.Scope and LimitationsThe researchers limit the study on the level of awareness, knowledge and the attitude(s) of the Parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School about K+12 education program. This study looked into the discernment of parents regarding the issue of K+12, as well scrutinizes the benefits they assumed to be develop from this issue. The researchers limited its study into 50 respondents via random sampling technique. Only parents from Grade 7 students of Pedro E. Diaz High School were involved. The study will be conducted from the month of July to the month of October year 2012-2013.Definition of Terms*Attitude- it is a manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a someone or thing tendency or orientation, especially of the mind a negative attitude group attitudes. Position or posture of the body capture to or expressive of an action, emotion, etc. a threatening attitude a relaxed attitude. (Retrieved from Awareness -is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of stillts, objects, or sensory patterns. In this level of consciousness, sense data can be confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is the state or quality of being aware of something. In biological psychology, awareness is define as a humans or an animals perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event. (Retrieve from * Curriculum-In formal education, a curriculum is the set of courses, and their content, offered at a school or university.As an idea, curriculum came from the Latin word for race course, referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adults. A curriculum may also refer to a defined and prescribed course of studies, which students must fulfil in order to pass a accredited level of education. (Retrieved from * Dominance-superior development of one side of the body, the power or right to give orders or make decisions. (Retrieved from * K+12-are a designation for the sum of primary and secondary education. It is used in the United States, Canada, Philippines and Australia. P12 is also occasionally used in Australia. The expression is a shortening of Kindergarten (K) for 46-year-olds through twelfth grade (12) for 1619-year-olds, the first and last grades of free education in these countries. (Retrieved from Knowledge- it is Human faculty resulting from interpreted information understanding that germinates from combination of data, information, experience, and individual interpretation. A information that changes something or somebodyeither by becoming grounds for actions, or by making an individual (or an institution) capable of different or more effective action. ( Retrieved from * Motivation- is a process that elicits, controls, and sustains certain behaviours. Motivation is a group phenomenon that affects the nature of anindivid uals behaviour, the strength of the behaviour, and the persistence of the behaviour. (Retrieved from 2REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIESThis chapter includes some related literature and studies of foreign and local researchers which are presented in the following paragraphs.Foreign literary worksRegarding knowledge, Palmer (1998) emphasized that people should acquire get range of knowledge, understanding, and concepts about the environment so that critical judgment can be achieved. Further, experiences and reflection in the environment should be allowed to refine environmentally focused skills, further relevant knowledge, and development of appropriate attitudes and environmental awareness (p.146). Orr (1992) reflected upon the concept of forming attitudes in order to build on ecological literacy. This ecological literacy should not be interpreted as the knowledge of facts and concepts only, but the knowledge necessary to comprehend interrel atedness, and an attitude of care or stewardship (p.92). Therefore knowledge, the attitude of caring, and a practical competence are the basis of an ecological literacy (Orr, 1990, p.51). Madsen (1996) emphasized the concept that awareness is the ultimate driving force that stimulates knowledge. The acknowledgement that an environmental problem exists entails being more cognizant of the facts about the state of the environment. This degree of environmental awareness involves a personal commitment to work to solv/e environmental problems (p.72). He emphasized the power behind the awareness factor by categorizing threesome levels of awareness as basic belief of an environmental problem, factual and scientific knowledge, and a commitment to solve environmental problems. Athman and Monroe (2000) stated that awareness and knowledge of environmental processes and systems play an important role in EE. However, these are not the only factors affecting the behavior outcome. Behavior is what people do, whether it is environmentally appropriate or malapropos (Hernandez & Monroe, 2000).Behavior in general is supported by knowledgeand attitude but there is not a direct cause-and-effect progression from knowledge to attitude to behaviour (Monroe, Day, & Grieser, 2000).Awareness was studied along with environmental knowledge and concern by Hausbeck, Milbrath and Enright (1992).In this study the authors paused that awareness and concern scores were significantly higher than knowledge levels.They tie in this result with the fact that a primary source of environmental information is electronic media (NEETF, 1998, p.14), where as awareness and concern can be picked up with slight substantive knowledge (p.31). Some predictors of environmentalism using the NEP 2000 instrument were age, education, and political ideology (Dunlap, Van Liere, Mertig, & Jones, 2000). Rovira (2000) concluded in an evaluation of parents, that environmental consciousness might be influenced by social factors such as social position, age, and level of education. The awareness, knowledge, and attitude of the parents can de influenced with the socio-economic and educational factors. Morrone, Mancl, & Carr (2001) include socioeconomic status (SES) as one of four factors in a study related to ecological knowledge. Respondents from low SES did not perceive environmental threats as seriously as did other respondents. Low SES respondents also rated themselves as more informed about the environment than did students and minorities. Parents play a vital role in the development and education of their children. Parents and families have the primary certificate of indebtedness for the development of their childrens character, with the support of their school and community. In addition, research clearly indicates that good schools become better schools when there is a strong connection with parents as part of the learning community. Thus, parents play an important role within the school com munity, but also through the attitudes they help to shape, and the direct supports they provide to their children. The researchers want to conclude that the knowledge, awareness and attitude of parents can have an impact on the credenza of K+12 Education system that our government has now implemented. conductical anaesthetic LiteratureThe researchers would want to focus now about K+12. It has long been a popular notion that any attempt to lengthen the required number of years in basic education will be faced with a howl of protests, particularly fromparents who will bear the brunt of additional expenses and students who will have to top more years in school. Im really hard-hitting to actively engage them towards a consensus because it would be pointless to come up with the program that is good objectively but is not unimpeachable to people. So I always feel its important that we engage people. I think its a matter of explaining to them, but also engaging them because Ive gotte n some very good inputs and suggestions from people. So I think our task is to respond to their concerns and anxieties. K+12 program pg 9 K+12 arent meant to be the pill that cures the illness that pervades Philippine education. The most obvious component is the additional two years that will be added to the basic education cycle (that and the inclusion of universal kindergarten). For President Aquino, k+12 will give public schoolchildren an even chance at succeeding. In the long run, it is the education initiative that supposed to open doors for economic advancement to young Filipinos. This envisioned becoming one of the Aquino institutions most significant accomplishments towards producing a highly-skilled and educated citizenry and building a more robust economy. If substantial improvements in the quality of public basic education can be introduced through k+12 the department argues, our countrys gross Domestic product can increase by 2 percent. It has also been pointed out that k+12 can help spur the entrepreneurial climate in the country. Ultimately, therefore, K+12 hopes to go beyond lengthening the basic education cycle. It hopes to empower our students, allowing them to complete more effectively for jobs abroad, have their academic credentials recognized automatically in other countries without the benefit of tertiary education. Among the 115 Unesco member-states, the Philippines os said to be one of only three countries (the other two being Djibouti and Angola) that maintains a 10-year pre-university education system. Proponents argue that shifting to a 12-year basic education cycle will give more time for teachers to teach a subject and for students to absorb what is being taught in school. The introduction of k+12 is and then envisioned to help solve some of the most pressing problems facing Basic education low feat test scores, a congested curriculum, and the inadequate preparation of high school students for work and college.Deped has pointed o ut that our 10-year basic education system produces graduates below the age of 18, which means they are too young to eitherenter the labor force or start a business on their own. K=+12 program pg.11 By 2020, the Philippines will join the APEC Trade Regime. Before these two events happen, we have to prepare our graduates to be globally competitive. There are no other alternatives but to align our degree programs with those of other countries. This is the main reason that the members of the Presidential Task Force for Education (PTFE), particularly CHED, are rushing the addition of at least one more and even two more years to our education cycle. All other countries in the world have 15 or 16 years of education from Grade 1 to undergraduate graduation. The Philippines has the shortest education cycle in the world (only 10 years of public basic education and usually only 4 years of undergraduate education, for a total of 14). European countries have 12 years of basic education and 3 ye ars of undergraduate education. The United States and Asia-Pacific countries have 12 years of basic education and 4 years of undergraduate education. (Myanmar is an exception because it has only 11 years of basic education before 4 years of undergraduate education. India is also an exception, because it has only 3 years of undergraduate education after 12 years of basic education.) Mutual recognition of qualifications and degrees will be undertaken by ASEAN countries and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. Thus, HEIs Higher Education Institutions must prepare for it now. The qualifications of our graduates must be improved to meet our development goals. Isagani R. Cruz pg.103 A good example of how equivalencies work is the Washington Accord (1989), an international agreement that specifies that a professional engineer must have gone to school for at least 16 years if she or he wants to practise in another country. With only 10 years of public basic education and even with 5 years o f engineering, we are still one year short. Another often-cited international agreement is the Bologna Accord (1999), which specifies that professional accountants, pharmacists, physical therapists, and so on should have at least 3 years of undergraduate education in addition to 12 years of basic education.Again, our 14-year education cycle is one year short. In fact, since most Filipinos want to live and work abroad anyway, there is no reason to think that ensuring employment abroad through equivalent local education will be met with resistance. The answer is simple students and parents cannot afford the extra year of food, clothing, shelter, and lost income. Isagani R. Cruz pg.104-105 Fortunately,we have a Philippine best practice to guide us in this matter of length versus content. When De La Salle University shifted from a semestral to a trimestral system in 1981, teachers had to rethink their syllabi. It was not and a matter of teaching 18 weeks worth of material in 14 weeks. That would have been not just impossible, but pedagogically unsound. The expected learning competencies per subject, and therefore the entire curriculum, had to be revised. It is, therefore, not just a matter of saying that there should be a Grade 7 or a Fifth or Sixth course of instruction High School or a Pre-University Year in college. Just as important as the decision on when to add the missing year or years is the decision on how to change the entire curriculum to make it rational and effective. Isagani R. Cruz pg.108-109 It is also clear that we cannot add the missing year to elementary school, because we would have to wait 7 years for a Grade 1 student to finish Grade 7, 4 more years to finish high school, and 4 more years to finish college. Isagani R. Cruz pg.111 CHED wants to solve a problem (the lack of years) of basic education through higher education. That, of course, seems inappropriate, because CHED is not supposed to business organization about basic education. The second thing is to understand that the extra year should focus on subjects that will prepare the student for college work (college as defined by Harvard and Oxford). Isagani R. Cruz pg.112-113 The Presidential Task Force for Education (PTFE) has hit upon the correct solution to this mismatch. It recommends that we should not expect everybody to go to college. The PTFE recommends that high school graduates be streamed into either college or good-vocational (tech-voc) programs. For tech-voc, our current ten-year basic education cycle is enough. With some improvements to be brought about by moving some college General Education Curriculum (GEC) subjects down to high school, the public school system should be able to prepare students to go into a tech-voc program that may take anywhere from one to three years. Everybody goes through six years of elementary school and four years of high school (plus preschool and kindergarten, where feasible). This is the DepEd cycle as we now have it. aft(prenominal) high school, everybody takes an exam.Those that pass the exam may go to the university stream. Those that do not pass the exam may go to the polytechnic stream (polytechnic sounds much better than tech-voc). The terminal Report of the Presidential Task Force for Education (PTFE) contains several recommendations to reform our educationalsystem. Many of these recommendations are not new, but were widely discussed and agreed upon in preceding surveys, such as the Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM, 1992) and the Presidential Commission on Educational Reform (PCER, 2000). (Isagani R. Cruz pg.114-115) There are numerous questions concerning the issues and problems lively in the Philippine Educational System as to how we can resolve it the best way we could to attain that kind of quality of education we have been searching and longing for. Where do we begin and how do we respond to such? existence schools are the building blocks of our societies. They can b e considered our foundational instruments. Although these venues of learning play significant roles, they are unable to provide the best they can, due to their numerous flaws. As Ive gone through different readings and researches, questions were arising in my mind as to what solutions are applicable in addressing the problems about the quality of education, affordability, budget, mismatch, integration of sex education in the curriculum, R.A. 9710 (Magna Carta for Women) and other concerns which are somehow related to it. I will always stand for what I believe in according to my observations that we have good guidelines and policies on education but what is lacking is the ability to implement such in accordance to the needs of every school, majority of which belong to the public education system. Generally, Philippine Education aims to provide quality and free education both for the elementary and secondary public schools but again this have not been observed and understood well caus ing it to be a burden most especially to the students and parents. StudiesThe researchers would want to focus on the outcomes of the K-12 education system to other countries. In fall 2005, 757,116 students wereenrolled in grades K-12 in atomic number 27s public schools, ranking 22nd in the country in terms of total state K-12 public school enrollment (NEA 2005). Researcher Tom Mortenson of Postsecondary Education Opportunity calculates a ninth-grade students chance for college by age 19 in each state and nationwide by combining high school graduation rates with rates of student college-going. In Colorado in 2004, a ninth-grader had a 42.2% chance for college by age 19. Nationwide, the chance for college is just 38.1% Coloradoranks 15th on this indicator. Of the comrade states used in this report, only Minnesota ranks higher, with a chance for college of 54.6% (Mortenson, 2006).In 2002, 57.3% of high school graduates in Colorado go along directly on to post-secondary education. This is slightly higher than the national average of 56.6%. In a study conducted for the Department of Local Affairs, researchers convened directors of Colorados regional hands Investment Boards. These officials reported difficulty finding qualified applicants for both entry-level and skilled positions, and concerns about a lack of basic skills in the workforce (Blansett and Gershwin, 2005). According to the conclusion of reading Together Assessing Colorados K-12 Education System conducted by Center for Education Policy Analysis at the Graduate School of Public Affairs and University of Colorado at capital of Colorado And Health Sciences Center, Colorado could and should be doing better in educating K-12 students. Notably, their states struggles with educating traditionally at-risk students has resulted in student proceeding and high school graduation gaps that are among the largest in the country. If they were to make substantial p rogress on closing these gaps, their achievement statistics would quickly rise to the top. Many of their peer states face greater challenges than they do in terms of state-wide poverty and diverse student populations, yet they have managed to find greater success with closing gaps. Until Colorado finds the collective will, the leadership, and the resources to solve this problem, they will continue to be average when they could be outstanding.Local StudiesThe 1987 Philippine Constitution puts special premium on education and accords it with the highest budgetary priority. Article XIV, dent 1, in particular, explicitly provides The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels. Article XIV, Section 5(5) clearly mandates the State to assign the highest budgetary priority for education. However, despite these constitutional guarantees, current performance indicators showed a dismal picture of the quality of education in the country. Partic ipation rates have worsened dropout rates remain high and the Philippines continue to perform poorly in both national and international estimation tests (Policy Brief, 2011). As a response tothis issue, the DepEd is pushing for the passage of a law that will implement the so-called K to 12 program, which will institutionalize pre-school and add two more years of high school in the countrys basic education cycle. However, in light of the tight fiscal berth and the mounting demands coming from all other sectors, the increasing cost of living and the additional burden that this measure will entail particularly for households, it is important to determine whether K to 12 is a viable and critical program that needs to be pursued (Ibid, 2011). Philippine Business for Education (PBEd), a group of top businessmen who are pushing for education reforms, welcomed governments strong resolve to finally put in place a decades-old proposal for a K+12 basic education cycle. The K+12 gives to the masses the extra years of schooling that for many years has only been available in private elite education institutions. Studies have shown that every additional year of schooling improves the income potential of a student as she/he enters the world of work (Malipot, 2010). The government wants to improve the quality of education not only for private education institutions but also for the public education institutions in the Philippines and as a result of that, the country will have higher employment rate. However, the problem that can arise from the implementation of K+12 education system is the acceptance of the parents. It has long been a popular notion that any attempt to lengthen the required number of years in basic education will be faced with a howl of protests, particularly from parents who will bear the brunt of additional expenses and students who will have to spend more years in school (Educator Magazine, 2011). The government is trying different strategies on how the p arents will have awareness and knowledge on the K+12 Education Program. Former DepEd Secretary Br. Andrew Gonzalez used to say, Im really searching to actively engage them towards a consensus because it would be pointless to come up with a program that is good objectively but is not acceptable to people. There should be political will, but its not like we ram things down peoples throats. You have to win them over, you have to explain-thats a very long process (Ibid, 2011). Luistro qualifies. So I always feel its important that we engage people. I think its a matter of explaining to them, but also engaging them because Im gotten some very good inputs and suggestions from people. So I think our task is to respond to their concerns and anxieties(Ibid, 2011). After two months of regional consultations, Education Secretary Armin Luistro revealed that the proposal was able to get support from 1,274 out of 1,417 participants or 77 percent in the 17 regions. Among the stakeholders, DepEd fo und that the most supportive group is the students. The program got 100 percent support from Regions IVA, IVB, V, VII, VIII, XI, and XIII (Caraga).But Luistro admitted that there are still many sentiments against it. Stakeholders in Region IX, for example, presented a lot of concerns and reservations. Out of 45 attendees, only six or 13 percent showed support to the program. In the NCR, the K+12 Education program was able to get support from 67 out of the 94 participants or a grade of 71 percent (Malipot, 2011).CHAPTER 3 interrogation METHODOLOGYThis chapter presents the research design, ideal and sampling technique, instrumentation and statistical treatment of the data used in the development of this study the most convenient and precise methods were used that enabled the researchers to obtained functional information.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODFor this study A Study on the Level of Awareness, Knowledge and the Attitudes of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the k+12 Progr am of the Department of Education, the researchers used Quantitative approach. In Quantitative research, the process is formal, objective and systematic in which numerical data are utilized to obtain information about the world. Moreover, this study is descriptive in the manner of interpreting the data. As pointed by John W. Best, in descriptive research, the variables and procedure are described as accurately and completely as possible so that the study can be replicated by other research. Thus, the researchers used the Quantitative Descriptive Approach and digit since it lent itself to the identification of the actual conditions relative to the K+12 curriculum and the relationship of the respondents with the recurring situation. The research method used in this study was Survey Questionnaire Method. Survey Questionnaire method according to Cruz (2011) is a set of questions,which is intended for the problem to be answered by the respondents. This is usually accompanied by clear and concise directions, which are sent to the respondent by mail or hand carried. This method is relatively simple and inexpensive for it requires small staff to handle it. A standard set of questions can be prepared and the respondents may feel a greater sense of freedom to express views and opinions because their identities are not known. For this study the parents of Pedro E. Diaz an answer the questionnaire with privacy at their own convenience.Sample and Sampling TechniqueFor this study, the group used probability technique specifically the random sampling in derivation or in determining the sample of this study. In random sampling, this is done by getting a certain percentage of the population to be included in the study. In this research 25 % of the total population is used. In relation to this study, the parents of Grade 7 students, randomly selected, from Pedro E. Diaz High School were the Study sample.Research InstrumentationThe instrument that was used in this stud y to gather pertinent data needed in this study is survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was developed by the researcher anchored with the research objectives. The items were organized based on the Level of Awareness, Knowledge and the Attitudes of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the k+12 Program.The survey questionnaire consists of the following Demographic Profile, Respondents Socio-Economic Profile, Level of respondents Awareness on k+12, Respondents Knowledge on K+12 and Attitude(s) of Respondent on K+12.Data Gathering ProcedureThe researchers asked permission to administer the questionnaire checklist from the school authorities concerned which included the Principal of Pedro E. Diaz High School.After the benediction of the authorities concerned, the researchers distributed personally the questionnaire to 50 parents on July 2012.The questionnaire checklists were therefore administered to all 50 parents. The retrieval of the instrument was through one week a fter the questionnaires have been distributed. With the fully cooperation extended to the researchers by the teachers the 100% of the distributed instrument was retrieved.Statistical Treatment of DataThe researchers used the random sampling technique to the get respondents. The 25 % of the population is used, thus Population = 200 parentsPopulation x 25 % = 50 respondentsThe data was obtained was tallied and tabulated. Tables and figures were used to illustrate the data gathered for presentation, interpretation and analysis. All data obtained from the responses to the questionnaire-checklist were collected and tabulated after which they are statistically treated using this percentage and weighted are on rank order.Chapter 4PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATAThis chapter shows study and interpreted tables of the information gathered.1. Demographic ProfileTable 1.1Age (Class) Frequency constituent29-32 2 4%33-36 7 14%37-40 5 10%41-44 12 24%45-48 12 24%49-52 9 18%53-56 1 2%57-61 2 4% tot up=50 Total100%The respondents percentage of ages 41 to 44 is 24 %, same with ages 45 to 48. The least percentage is 4 % which falls on the respondents aging 57 61. Table 1.2Gender Frequency PercentageFemale 42 84%Male 8 16% Total=50 Total100%There are 42 females which is 84 % of the respondents, wherein there are 8 males which is 16 % of the respondents.Table 1.3Civil Status Frequency PercentageSeparated 3 6%Widowed 2 4% espouse 44 88%Single 1 8% Total=50 Total100%The 88 % of the population is married. The least percentage is 8 % which belongs to individual(a) respondents. Table 1.4Respondents Educational Background Frequency Percentage Elementary Graduate 3 6%High School Graduate 32 64%College Graduate 12 24%Others (College Undergraduate) 3 6% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the educational background of the respondents. 64 % of the respondents graduated from High School, 6 % is Elementary graduate same with College Graduate.2. Respondents Socio-Economic P rofileTable 2.1Respondents Monthly Income Frequency Percentage5,000- 10,000 30 60%10,001-15,000 11 22%15,001-20,000 3 6%20,001-25,000 6 12% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the respondents monthly income. The 60 % of the respondents have an income ranging from 5,000 to10, 000. The 22 % has an income ranging from 10,001 to 15, 000. The least 6 % has an income ranging from 20,001 to 25,000.Table 2.2Respondents Source of Income Frequency PercentageEmployment 41 82%Own Business 9 18% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the respondents sources of income. The 82 % of the respondents are employed privately while the 18 % of the respondents have their own business.3. Level of respondents Awareness on k+12Table 3.1Respondents Awareness Frequency PercentageYes 38 76%No 12 24% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the level of awareness of the respondents. The 76 % of the respondents are aware of the K+12 Program while 24 % of the respondents do not know exactly the program. If Yes,Table 3.2In Medi a Frequency PercentageRadio 8 21.67%Newspaper 9 24.17%TV 13 33.33%Internet 4 10.83%Others 4 10.83% Total=38 Total100%The table shows where the aware respondents acquired the information. 33.33 % of the respondents get the information from television 24.17 % get the information from newspaper 21.67 % from radio 10.83 % from internet and 10.83% get the information from other ways. Table 3.3Awareness of Respondents on Additional 2 years in Basic Education Frequency Percentage Yes 39 78%No 11 22% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the awareness of respondents on the additional 2 years in the basic education. The 78 % of the respondents are aware of the additional years while 22 % of the respondents are not aware of the additional years. Table 3.4Awareness of Respondents on needful Kindergarten on Education Frequency Percentage Yes 40 80%No 10 20% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the awareness of the respondents on required kindergarten on the education. The 80 % of the respondents ar e aware of the required kindergarten while 20 % of the respondents are not.4. Respondents Knowledge on K+12Table 4.1Respondents Knowledge on Required Junior and higher-ranking High School before Entering College Frequency Percentage Yes 32 64%No 18 36% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the respondents knowledge on required Junior and Senior High School before entering college. The 64 % of the respondents know about the required years while 36 % of the respondents do not. If yes,Table 4.2Respondents Knowledge on technical and minor course in Senior High School Frequency Percentage Yes 26 81.25No 6 18.75 Total=32 Total100%The table shows the respondents knowledge on technical and minor courses in Senior High School. The 81.25 % of the respondents know about the courses while 18.75 % of the respondents do not.5. Attitude(s) of Respondent on K+12Table 5.1Respondents Attitude on K+12 Frequency PercentageYes 35 70%No 15 30% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the respondents attitude on K +12 Program. The 70 % of the respondents agreed on the Program while 30 % of the respondents do not. Table 5.2Degree of favourableness Frequency PercentageStrongly Agree 7 14%Agree 26 52%Neutral 17 34% Total=50 Total100%The table shows the degree of favourableness of the respondents who agreed on the K+12 Program. The 52 % of the respondents agree on the said programwhile 14 % f the respondents strongly agreed and 17 % of the respondents are neutral.CHAPTER 5CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThis chapter shows the conclusions and recommendations of the researchers. ConclusionsAfter doing the survey to the selected respondents, the researchers arrived at the following conclusions 1. Most of the respondents are aware of the K+12 Program regardless of their educational background. 2. The main source of the information to the program is through television and many from the respondents are aware of the additional 2 years to the basic education curriculum. 3. Most of the family of the respo ndents is having an income that is not enough to sustain and support the additional years for education.RecommendationsThe researchers recommended the following1. The respondents for the future researches should be more than on this previous study. 2. The respondents must be categorized properly to get a reliable information from Filipino families. 3. The survey should be improved in scope and in reliability. 4. A longer duration of study is commended to achieve more accurate results.BIBLIOGRAPHYAthman, J., & Monroe, M. (2000). Elements of effective environmental education programs. Retrieved July 27, 2012 from Recreational Boating Fishing Foundation http// Blansett, S.P. and M.C. Gershwin. (2005). Developing a Statewide Work Readiness Credential in Colorado A Preliminary Assessment. Report to the Colorado Workforce Development Council. Denver CO Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Center for Education Policy Analysis, Graduate School of Public Affairs,University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center. (2006). Learning Together Assessing Colorados K-12 Education System. Denver COColorado Department of Local Affairs. Colinares, Nilo E. 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Saturday, May 25, 2019
Comparison Essay Cuba & U.S. Essay
In different countries they have different sparings structures.Some countries are very similiar to other economies while some are the take on opposite. For example a country could have a whealthy economy while another country could have a poor one , just similar the U.S. compared to Cuba.The U.S. consitution is designed to protect the rights of the states by establishing a federal system of government. The U.S.federalist system some powers belong to the national governemnt, others share governments and still others are shared by both. The constitution wanted to protect state rights.They also wanted a national that had suffient powers to maintain order and keep the country united.The difference between the U.S. and Cuba is consort to the constitution of Cuba, the country is a socialist state and a republic. Cuba is not a democratic republic, in which they people elect leaders to represent them. Cuba is genuinely a dictatorship controlled by Fidel Castro and communist party the hi ghest leading force of the society and of the state the party leaded by Castro, has about 400,000 members.The top officials in Cuba is fidel Castro who continues as Cubas supreme patriarch and leader whos pressence helps to legitimize the regine and preserve its intual cohesion. It remains to be seen if this intual cohesion can be maintained in the topic that Castro becomes incapatated or dies. Ricardo Alareor de Quesada is the president of parliament and Juan Almeida Bosque is the vice president of the council of state.In Cuba the government, the primary player in the economy, has undertaken limited reforms in recent years to stem oversupply liquidity, increase enterprise efficiency, and alleviate srious shortage of food, comsumer goods, and services but prioritizing of political control makes extensive reforms unlikely. Living standards foe the average Cuban, without accessdollars, remains at a depressed level compared with 1990. Income taxes and increased regulations introduced since 1996 have sharply reduced the number of legally self employeed from a high of 208,000 in January 1996.Much of Cubas recovery can be attributed to tourism revenues and foreign investment. Growth in 2001 should continue at the same level as the government balances the need for economic loosening against its concern for firm political control. Compared to the U.S. our economy is not stuggling as they are. From watching news recently Cubas from the U.S. send thier relavtives in Cuba american coin because american money is worth more than there.To conclude this essay Cuba is not a rich country and is struggling in there economy compared to the U.S. ,the U.S. has more organized goverment and equal economy.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Preparation of Acetanilide
Synthesis of Acetanilide Reaction O NH2 + H3C C O O C CH3 O N C CH3 H + H3C O C OH Aniline Acetic anhydride Acetanilide Acetic acid Purpose Acetanilide is a useful precursor to many pharmaceuticals such as acetaminophen and penicillin. Experimental Procedure. (Estimated time 1. 5 h. ) Unless otherwise noned, all manipulations should be done in the chemical fume hood. Place 100 L of aniline into a tared 10 X 75-mm test tube (standing in a small beaker or Erlenmeyer flask). nowadays add 0. -mL of distilled water with swirling, followed by 3 drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Add 10 mg of powdered decolorizing charcoal, or the pelletized form (Norit) to the resulting solution. Fit the test tube with a cork stopper and take it back to your hood. Gravity filter this suspension (25-mm funnel fitted with fluted fast-grade filter paper see instructor) into a 3. 0-mL conical vial containing a magnetic spin vane. Wet the filter paper in advance with distilled water and blot the exces s water from the stem of the funnel.Use an additional 0. 5 mL of distilled water to rinse the test tube and pass that through the filter paper into your vial. Your aniline hydrochloride solution is ready for reaction. Assemble the apparatus as shown to a lower place CONICAL VIAL W/ MAGNETIC SPIN VANE AND AIR CONDENSER Dissolve 150 mg (1. 10 mmol) of sodium acetate trihydrate in 0. 5 mL of distilled water in a 10 X 17-mm test tube. Cap the tube and set the solution aside for use in the next step.Feature Article Free-Radical BrominationAdd, with stirring, 150 L of acetic anhydride to the solution of aniline hydrochloride, followed quickly by addition (Pasteur pipet) of the previously prepared solution of sodium acetate. Stir to thoroughly mix the reagents (5 min. ). You should see the formation of a white precipitate. Allow the reaction mixture to stand at room temperature for around 5 min and then place it in an ice bath for an additional 5-10 min to complete the crystallization pr ocess.Collect the acetanilide product by filtration on a lower floor reduced pressure using a Buchner funnel. Rinse the conical vial with two 0. 5-mL portions of distilled water and use the rinse to wash the collected filter cake. Characterization. count and determine the percent yield of the product. Obtain an IR spectrum using the total internal reflectance attachment. Take a 1H NMR of your product if there is not enough we will pool samples together. Take the melting point of the product and compare it to the literature value. BUCHNER FUNNEL
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Chinese and Greek Mythology
The Diverging Commonalities of Creation Myths Long ago, people wanted to acquire a punter understanding of the beginning of the universe which ultimately resulted in the establishment of religions, beliefs and most pertinent, creation myths. Mythology provides explanations for the worlds mysteries especially in regards to the creation of Earth, Humans and the environment.This comparative paragraph analyzes the similarities and differences amidst a Greek myth entitled, The Beginning of Things, and a Chinese myth named, Heaven and Earth and Man, contrasted in the aspects of conflict, solutions, heroic action, and the education of the first gentles. Conflicts arise for diverse concerns but after(prenominal) the battles cease, peace is restored because of supernatural handling, the world advances and progresses to restrain future misfortune. Firstly, if peace is kept in the heavens of Greece then there will be less despair on Earth.The battle of authority results in a punishment s ystem being enforced to confine cruel people and prevent rebellions. In ancient Greece there was a constant power struggle for the gods because of the underlying fear that their children would replace them in the chain of command. The text supports the argument of discipline and enhancement after unreasonable decisions are made by the deities If any of them breaks the oath, for one year he lies breathless, and cannot partake of sweet nectar and ambrosia after that year he is cut off from the meeting of the gods for nine years more, and then only may he come back and join their company. Rouse, 3) During the remnant of the battles, evil is unleashed and causes chaos in the land. The justice system, which is created in response to Cronuses rebellion, is essential for any society to continue successfully. There is heroic involvement in two myths, with Zeus in particular in Ancient Greece. Zeus defeated his father and saved his brothers and sisters after being swallowed and trapped in his stomach. Cronuses awful performance deserves punishment which results in Zeus creating the Underworld and a standard of the amount of beat spent punished.In fact, the Chinese story alike includes a quarrel, different in rationale but improvement after the disagreement is a prevalent theme in both. Subsequently, in respect to the Chinese myth, after the war surrounded by fire and water, the pillar was destroyed Nu-Kua repaired the gaps in the sky by supporting the sky with additional blocks. The literature provides evidence to confirm this line of reasoning city block by block, she patched the holes in the sky. Lastly, she killed a giant turtle, and cut off its powerful legs to make pillars between which the sky is firmly held over the Earth, never over again to fall. Birch, 7) After chaos returns for the second time, when the elements fight against each other, involvement from spirits resolves the crisis and mitigates harm from homophiles. The irrational and aggressive c lash between fire and water causes last but also provides reasoning for the position of the oceans and world geography. Apart from the similarities, there are some(prenominal) discrepancies circulating around the topic of conflict. In the Greek myth, conflicts break from the desire to establish power and authority by rebelling. First, Cronus rebelled against his father Uranus and Zeus against Cronus followed.The competition is ca apply because children inherit their parents position and both gods prevent this from happening by swallowing or imprisoning them. On the contrary, the Chinese dispute is against the elements fire and water. In Chinese mythology, fire is masculine and symbolizes strength, aggression, impulsiveness. Water is considered feminine and symbolizes fluidity, downward energy but has the potential to be noisy. The conflict is probably caused because the elements are opposites and naturally enemies. This clash of the elements is a result of senseless hostility and not a fight for control.The difference in ending is what causes the significant differences in myths. Evidently, in Greek mythology acquiring status and supremacy is valued whereas there isnt a sense of hierarchy but rather teamwork in China. According to the Asian myth, the spirits all work together towards a common goal which is to enhance and protect the Earth. Another obvious common land in relation to either conflict is the presence of a supreme being which triggers and assists the chain of events which form the World. The Greek mythology had many different supreme beings which were accountable for various forces on Earth.The Chinese version, only included two main beings, one which was the result of the environment and the other was the creator of the human race. Comparative mythology also requires examining the distinction between the ideas of how both polishs though the Earth was created. An indication of how diverse the culture and beliefs of people is demonstrated in the topic of the formation of Human beings and the adjoin eco-system. The creation of humans, wildlife and geographic landscapes varies with the idea of the Greek Gods sculpting most organisms hemselves whereas the Chinese bank PanKus body transforms into the environment. The aspect of creation and the environment is portrayed really differently in both legends. The number of dissimilarities outweighs the number corresponding ideas surrounding the mystery of the beginning of the Universe and our existence. In ancient Greece, after a design of chaos and disagreement between the deities a clever titian named Prometheus establishes the first human and provides luminosity and warmth in a world, swallowed by darkness after the solarize sets.Prometheus sculpts animals and accidentally, the first human out of clay and began to teach them how to survive including hunting and making fire Prometheus was very much pleased with his new pet. He used to watch men hunting for food and living in caves and holes, like ants or badgers. He determined to educate men as well as he could. (Rouse, 2) After rebelling by taking responsibility for the Earth underneath the heavens, Prometheus entertains himself by making models out of clay. Accidently, he creates humans and spent most of his time teaching humans how to continue to exist.Prometheus sculpts humans by accident whereas NuKua from the Chinese myth wants to produce beings that will aid to cure her solitary state. To contrast, in the Chinese myth, the weather conditions, mountains, rivers and vegetation are all created by PanKus body. Additionally, after humans are created by NuKua, they are taught many vital skills in addition to simply the ability to survive Who in his life PanKu had brought shape to the universe, by his death gave his body to make it rich and beautiful to the Earth he gave his body (Birch, 6).In the Chinese story, the environment is not created by a specific spirit but instead transforms from a god in to the surrounding nature and landscape. A further comparison against the Greek tale is the little explanation about how the land and plants are created except for the separation of sky and ground which reveals an already quick ecosystem. Moreover, the humans in the Chinese myth are taught how to communicate, reproduce and to live in peace. The humans in ancient Greece are never taught skills beyond survival. Finally, there is an evident variation for the reasons to assemble humans.NuKua intends to create a creature that will provide her relief from isolation meanwhile Prometheus is only amusing himself and the first human emerges entirely unintentionally. Nevertheless, both fairy-tales have a couple of resembling principles. To begin with, humans are formed and educated by the deities. The first humans were taught to hunt, gather food, and spend a penny shelter to avoid perishing as a species. The principal objective is to aid humans to continue to populate and the justification in both fables was that supernatural intervention maintained the evolution of such a powerful species.Magical clay was used in both myths as the main material in the production of creatures and human beings. The motive for why these two parables are so similar is to emphasize how there is an external influence which assisted the formation of humans because it is difficult to believe that simple resources could have conceived such complex living, breathing creatures. Additionally, as a society in the present day, education is a requirement and essential for the patrimonial continuity of the human race, peace and maintenance of the Earths resources.By the means of education can ones potential be used to utmost extent. It is natural for the authors of these short fictitious stories to assume the heros and goddesses teach humans because then there will be no foundation to go on the sharing of lessons and information. In conclusion, it is in the nature of humans to wonder about the un known and search for answers. At the foundation of nearly every culture is a creation myth which explains how the wonderful mysteries of the Earth came to be.Despite geographical barriers, many cultures have developed creation myths with the same basic elements and structure. However, there are many cultural and societal influences which cause variations in the beliefs and alter the overall creation myth from region to region. Apart from the fundamental similarities, the Greek and Chinese ideologies deviated in trusted aspects of the myth because their values and morals as separate countries have impacted, adapted and evolved differently in response to world events.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Lord of the Flies Character Monolgues Essay
doodly-squats monologueOh god, what have I d 1? Simon, Piggy, its entirely my fault. I cant express what I feel, the pain, its overmastering and mind numbing. Ralph if only you could understand the grief that I am going through, in-fact maybe you do? Maybe youre hurting far more than me. Their deaths will get engraved in my conscience until the day I die. I would do anything Ralph, anything to get your forgiveness. At the moment I mountt think you can bare to suppose at me, I can barely look at myself. I mean how can I? Im a murderer. Only if I had the courage to say all this to you, I last the old me would have. No-one will understand the desire and hunger I felt hunt, it was pure exhilaration. I guess that is when things began to get out of raft.My mind became warped by the desire to kill, spill blood and maim. It was over-powering I tried to control it still the day Simon died I let out all my rage. It felt unsloped. Jealousy contend its part as well jealousy of you being leader and you liking Piggy more than me. Piggy was the easiest person to bully he was so unprotected yet you Ralph kept sticking up for him. This made me even angrier towards him. I will pay for my sins by going to jail when I return to England but the pain in my head is nonhing compared to jail. What more can I say? Only that Im sorryRalphs monologueI cant even begin the express the feeling of loss I have for both Simon and Piggy. They were my friends and they lost their lives trying to keep order. I despise Jack and I wish every day that it was he who had perished on the island and non Piggy or Simon. I suppose that I am to belt as well. Only if I had stopped Jack earlier none of this would have happened. The mere fact that I was once friends with Jack makes me sick. The flashbacks of that awful spring and Piggy tumbling off that cliff regularly haunt me. I cant get them out of my head, maybe thats a good thing beca physical exertion it means I will never forget their deat hs or who ca use upd them.The thought of Jack disgusts me, I cannot lay eyes on him for he is a murderer, a murderer who ruthlessly used his power to kill my friends. Eternity in jail is not enough for Jack, how can it be? Someone who has taken the life of another person unlawfully does not deserve the right to live. I shall write a book about my experience so that no one else has any indecisiveness about what to do in that situation. Thank God that most of the littluns are safe, I suppose they werent a immense enough trophy for Jack to conquer. Roger has to pay as well, although Jack controlled the actions of his tribe I was always uneasy with Roger because I felt that if Jack was not there, Roger would be the one to lead their tribe.Now I accept that Piggy and Simon are living happily in heaven and when Jack dies, there is only one place he should goRogers monologueI shall blame Jack for killing Simon and Piggy. In court I will say that he hale me to dislodge the boulder and k ill Piggy. Hahaha no one will know that it was my full intention to kill. I will play for the sympathy balloting in court and put on my best act so that it is Jack who gets sent down, not me. I feel like I baffled out, I couldve badgeringd so many more people during my stay on the island. Oh well now its back to civilisation and rules and laws. How boring I gigantic for a chance to do everything again but this snip I would make myself chief. I wonder what has happened to the beast. Maybe it will haunt that island forever. Now I am free because there isnt any beastie where I live, hehe. I can do what I like.Ralph seemed a good leader at setoff but he was too preoccupied with the fire and rescue. Jack was a better leader but he never fully got to that stage of real wanting to cause pain to theto the other children on the island. Instead it was always track down with him. He wasnt able to see that I was bored hunting pigs. I wanted to hunt littluns.Samnerics monologueWe were sca red of Jack, really really scared. We hope that Ralph doesnt think that we betrayed him. We couldnt help it Jack forced us to join him, he said that if we didnt he would torture us. Roger also kept making threats to us and answerually it slipped out that you were hiding nearby. Our time in Jacks tribe was really quite boring and scary. At all times we were frightened that if we did anything wrong, Jack or Roger would hurt us. about all of the boys felt that way, we only did what Jack told us to do because we were scared of him, there wasnt any other reason.Poor Piggy, he was really just to us and we miss him loads. We shouldve pushed Roger of from the cliff in retaliation but we were too stunned at the time. The shameful nature of our actions when were with Jack cannot be excused, especially the dark Simon died. We didnt leave early that night like we had told Ralph and Piggy but we saw and took part in the dance albeit on the outside. That island made fools out of us, we hope t o never return their again. Looking back it is hard to see how things turned out so bad. Probably the main reason things got out of hand was Jacks need for leadership. Many a time we saw that Jack hated following the orders of someone else.We will try to forget this solemn event in our livesEvidence for the religious perspectiveEvil within man , island= eden, forget previous life, lack of moral/spiritual guidance caused sin+ destruction, created a primitive tribe religion, only god can save1) evil with man golding believes this otherwise why make the character of Simon?(he is the one who says the beast is themselves)2) eden, hmm not always, described as scar, other island has jagged rocks etc, but simons hideaway eden like, fruit is mentioned a LOT.3) god does not save, simon fails, message that Golding is saying we cannot use God as an excuse for this, we must change this ourselves4) more than evidence for lack of moral guidance, no parent to give this, children think it is ok to torture each other + all the other horrible acts committed on the island5) jack creates a rival religion to Ralphs one, boys like jacks more due to the ancestral desire for meat, hunting. Ironically, there is a sort of order in Jacks religion because every1 is so scared of doing anything wrong, they dont do anything. This works against them when they are ordered to kill, etcThe legal angle,Cannot be held wholly responsible due to age, did they understand right from wrong?, premeditated?1) well, ofc they cannot be held wholly responsible, they were only 12 years old2) they could be because certainly Roger knew right from wrong, yet still he chose wrong, jack on the other hand was blinded by his passion for hunting3) some actions were premeditated, the trap thought of by Jack at their new hideout4) he sed that they cud use it to kill any1 who comes5) simons death was not really premeditated, the boys got swept up in a mad deep passion which caused them to kill him6) Roger+Jack beside s can be convicted of Piggys death, not of simons if some1 sed that they shud be convicted of simons death then all of the boys including Ralph+Piggy wud be convicted because of the first death caused by the huge fire, hmm maybe Piggy exempt+ littluns, rest convictedThe moral viewsimilar to psychiatrists view and parts of religious view.The other children slowly absorb Jacks views because he is the head of that particular family, jack however turned nasty due to a return to primeval instincts.Cruelty flourishes in conditions where there is much fear, lack of parental guidance, feeling of nothing to lose , despairHard to see if Jack felt despair, but certainly Ralph and Piggy do, instead they do not give up hope golding says capacity for selflessness and make out this is shown by Piggy (towards littluns + Ralph (when he helps the crying one talk bout beastie))Simon shows love towards all of nature, but he is not understood by others and is called batty.Again lack of parental guidanc e to tell them right from wrong+ children not on island are going wrong so imagine the difficulty for children on an islandHumanist viewFear- no one escapes fear, shown by the beast not including simon (he is afraid of speaking out)Tyranny,- Jack becomes a servant of his own thirst for blood,he does not rule himself, the hunger does, gets power and the situation becomes worse, breaks away from Ralph
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Similarities and Differences of Iphones and Android Phonesâ€Â
Similarities and Differences of I earphones and Android Phones Similarities and Differences of iPhones and Android phones The iPhone is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Incorporation. The iPhone runs Apples OS mobile in operation(p) system. This devices has a multi-touch screen, including a virtual keyboard and a Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity. Why buy iPhone? iPhones are very famous and expensive hardly it gives what the drug user wants like Entertainment, talk and Internet connectivity.In Communication the iPhone allows audio conferencing, call holding, call merging, caller ID, and integration with other cellular network features and iPhone functions. For example, if practice of medicine is playing when a call is received, the music fades out, and fades back in when the call has ended. In Entertainment the iPhone can sort its media library by songs, artists, albums, videos, playlists, genres, composers, podcasts, audio books, and a compilation which helps the user manage his or her songs.In Internet connectivity the Internet access is available when the iPhone is connected to a local area Wi-Fi or a wide area network which allow the user to browse the internet. For me the iPhone nowadays are very expensive and unaffordable especially the latest versions of the phone. The only problem with iPhone is that it only runs application made by Apple Inc. , but it is reliable for the user because of its features and performance in different ways and it also goes with the flow of modern time. Android Phones An Android Phone is a smart phone built with an Android mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. This phone also has the same features with an iPhone but non all because an Android phone only runs application compatible to its OS. Why buy an Android Phone? An Android Phone also has a fitted performance that can match an iPhone and it is more affordable than an iPhone. Some exa mples of companies that provide android OS to
Monday, May 20, 2019
Roman Education
Essay 1 The question at hand is According to ancient Grecian prescripts, historians and philosophers, what berth should education and property/ wealthiness play in determining who should govern? In bon ton to answer this question you must look into the very core of Grecian society. To learn about Greek society I flip read readings from ancient Greek historians and philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and Thucydides. Plato introduced Greece to the thought of idealism and his take on what an ideal society looks like. Aristotle believed that the way a household is ran correlates to society as a whole.Greece believed in democracy, therefore a household should be run in accordance to elevated, democratic views. The ruler of the house, the man, has more control than the women, the women more than the slaves, and the children have no control but are considered above slaves. Aristotle thinks a mans wealth is not always considered by his property value but by his experie nce. He said it is clear then that in household management the large number are of great importance than the material property, and their quality of more account than that of soundlys that make up their wealth. (Aristotle) Greek philosophers believed that in clubhouse to become a ruler you must have standards throughout your life. Aristotle said for neither life itself nor the good life is possible without a certain minimum standard of wealth. Again, for any given craft the creative activity of the proper tools will be the essential for the performance of its task. Aristotle is saying that any ruler must have grown up with standards. A childs knowledge is entirely as good as who is raising the child, therefore a ruler must have grown up under pack who have high standards of society living.This can point us in the direction of rulers handing the throne experience to sons or other family members. It seems logical to think that a person that has grown up under the watchfulnes s of a ruler would carry the same beliefs and ethics about society and life in Greece. This is provided explained in a quote from Aristotle Take the child he is not yet fully real and his function is to grow up, so we cannot speak of his virtue as belonging absolutely to him, but only in relation to the progress of his development and to whoever is in charge of him. With power comes wealth, and wealth is very authorized when it comes to being a ruler that can have things done. Thucydides said we employ wealth for use than for show. (Thucydides) That avouchment alone gives way to the thought that wealth can buy you anything, even leadership. Of course Greek people believe in idealism and want their leader to be pure and believe in in all their virtues. That does not mean that money cannot get you power, because it certainly does still to this day. Plato believes in more than just wealth and property. He believes in the pureness of ones soul and their virtues.He said and they wil l have to watched at a very young age, in order that we may see whether they preserve their resolution, and never, under the find out and force of enchantment, forget or cast off their sense of duty to the state.. (Plato) This is Platos idea of neat knowledge, the thought of a soul that has a clear thought of how to rule a society. When it comes down to it knowledge is more important in picking a ruler, but wealth plays a bigger role in placing a person in the position of getting picked. The Greek philosophers agree that knowledge of idealistic beliefs is more important idealistically in picking a ruler.
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