Thursday, January 31, 2019
Fourth Amendment Exceptions :: essays research papers
The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution states that people have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against un commonsensible searches and seizures, but the issue at spend here is whether this also applies to the searches of open fields and of objects in plain thought process and whether the tail amendment provides protection over these as well. In order to reaffirm the courts decision on this matter I will be relating their decisions in the cases of Oliver v. United States (1984), and California v. Greenwood (1988) which deal directly with the question of whether a person can have reasonable expectations of privacy as provided for in the quartern amendment with regards to objects in an open field or in plain view. The differentiation between open fields and private property must be made before one can proceed to form an perspicacity regarding the constitutionality of a warrantless search of an open field. Oliver v. U nited States is a case in which police officers, acting on reports from neighbors that a patch of marijuana was world cultivated on the Oliver farm, entered on to private property ignoring No infract signs, and on to a secluded open portion of the Oliver property without a warrant, discovered the marijuana patch and then arrested Oliver without an arrest warrant. The Maine Judicial courtroom held that No Trespassing signs posted around the Oliver property evinced a reasonable expectation of privacy, and therefore the court held that the open fields doctrine was non applicable to the Oliver case. Upon hearing the case, the Supreme Court argues that the special protections accorded by the fourth amendment do not extend to open fields. Open fields do not provide the setting for those intimate activities that the Amendment is intended to shelter from politics interference or surveillance. The court refers to the case of Hester v. United States (1924) which s et the fountain for open field cases and interprets that case to imply that an individual may not legitimately demand privacy for activities conducted out of doors in fields, except in the area immediately surrounding the home. The patch of marijuana being no where near the Oliver home, and in an open field, regardless of its visibility from public access, left field the court affirming Oliver v. United States, and reversing the case of Thornton v. Maine, and in essence reaffirming that
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
The Way the Internet Has Changed Business Operate in the Global Market
The way the Internet has changed businesses operate in the global market present tense more and more multitude use the Internet in their perfunctory life and we goat clearly see the progress of businesses. The Internet has changed the ways businesses operate in the global market. The long-distance communications become practicable with the help of progressing technology. It helps businesses to develop and to operate in better and more prolific way.The Scientific and Technical progress enable people to discover with child(p) opportunities. The Internet, personal computers, laptops and other different up-to date devices and programs replace the more old-fashion ways of managing with different tasks. Moreover, people can be always well-informed. You can usher in the Internet in any time and any place, even with your teleph champion, in order to keep track of events and to be always ready to influence with new tasks. So, the Internet is moving and gives us more opportunities.A lso you can readBusiness Ethics ComprisesVideo conversation, Skype, E-mails, instant messengers and different conference label help us to organize meetings, to discuss different perspectives and problems in a wide circle of participants. Through the network people can develop better working atmosphere than in the office. More and more people start to make money through the Internet. They prefer working from office rather than in the office. As the result, they have better productivity and self-realization. In the same time that modern technologies has no boundaries.The Internet joins people either over the world. It became possible for people and teams from the great distance to communicate and to do their businesses through the virtual world in any time and place. Furthermore, the death and probably the greatest change are marketing. People can interchange and buy different things through the Internet. You are also able to pay up for everything through the Internet. It makes life easier and better, because you can do everything from your place to order, to pay and wherefore to get everything.There are a lot of different on-line services, courses and schools as well. In conclusion, the Internet within the latest technologies completelyows a great effect of different services and offers in order to improve and to simplify all human needs. Up to that point, the users enjoy the ways that the Internet has changed. On one side, it simplifies life of commoners and the owners of big businesses. On the other side, it makes good money and in this case it increases profits and wages.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Case 3- marketing Essay
1. how was Samsung able to go from copycat Brand to product loss leader?By introducing a overbold top-to-bottom strategy for the entire corporation which downwind called new management. In order to become a forefront product leader and not a copycat and cheap brand, Samsung chartered new fresh young designers whom exit develop sleek, bold, beautiful and that will always receive a bacchanal For response new products. Also, the fellowship was no longer going to solve with low-end distributers, instead they choose to work with specialty retailers such as Best Buy and Circuit City. downwinds goal was to dethrone Sony and become the biggest consumer electronics firm in the world.2. is Samsungs product learning process customer centered? Team base? Systematic?I do believe that Samsungs product development process has all those qualities since every new product has to pass the Wow Test during testing in order to be very attractive for customers, otherwise it is sent back to the design department. Throughout this test the company can also evaluate and review the new products. Also the new management is a top-to-bottom strategy so it is supposed to be centered, squad based and systematic it requires several departments to work together.3. Based on the PLC, what challenges does Samsung locution in managing its high-tech products?Samsungs products have been extremely successful during the brave years but today their high-tech products have lost their agitate and the companys profits and sales be declining. downwinds reponse to this matter was Samsungs new strategy mabuljungje which means horse that does not stop even tought their products are in the decline stage Lee does not plan to stop, he believes this is the time for the company to run and proceed going.4. will Samsung likely achieve its goals in markets where it does not dominate, such as smartphones? Why or why not?I dont belive it will pommel the markets where it does not dominate right now simply because even tought they are investing heavily to ensure and have the TV advantage inscription lies in the products of other companies such as Mac Store. Right now little percentage of the customers prefer Samsung instead of Mac why? Because their products are more recognized in society terms, have more class, unremarkably are the first ones to appear so they are inmediatly the leaders , the advantage is good and more.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Chemistry revision notes Essay
The oxidisation asseverate or oxidation number, is a value depute to a chemical species which represents its actual or nominal galvanising direction. The oxidation number in a free or uncombined ingredient is zero. This means that, met aloneic magnesium has an oxidation number of zero, and chlorine in Cl2 form has an oxidation state of zero. For simple ionic compounds, the oxidation state of the single speck ions is simply the charge on the ions. In or so compounds the oxidation number for hydrogen is +1 and for oxygen is -2.The exceptions include the hydrides (the oxidation state is -1) and the peroxides (the oxidation state for oxygen is -1). In the compounds, halides usually draw the oxidation number -1. The sum of all the oxidation numbers in a compound give way to be equal to zero. The sum of all the oxidation states in a complex ion is the same as the charge on the ion. Semi canaliseors A covalent element such as te or atomic number 32 which has a higher conductivity than that of a emblematic non- admixture but a much lower conductivity than that of a metal is described as a semiconductor.Semiconductors are also referred to as metalloids and they make pass at the division between metals and non-metals in the Periodic Table. Key facts 1. The electrical conductivity of semiconductors increases with increasing temperature. 2 Doping pure crystals of ti or germanium with real other elements produces 2 types of semiconductors n- type and p-type semiconductors. The addition of small quantities of certain substances to pure silicon greatly enhance its conductivity and makes possible the expression of negatronic devices.This controlled addition of impurities is called doping. 1. doping pure silicon with phosphorus or ratsbane (group 5 elements) these elements have 5 valence electrons, a few of the silicon atoms are replaced by P, As atoms 1 electron is left oer after the 4 bonds have been formed. The extra electron is free to conduct an electric current and the phosphorus-doped silicon becomes a conductor called n-type. B. doping with group B or aluminium (group 3 elements).By doping with an element having 3 valence electrons slightly of the silicon atoms are replaced by boron atoms, but because each boron has only 3 electrons, one of the four bonds to each boron atom has only 1 electron in it. We can think of this as a vacancy or hole in the bonding orbital. An electron from a neighbouring atom can move in to occupy this vacancy. As a result of this movement this type of conductor is called p-type.Superconductors 1. Superconductors are a special class of materials that have zero electrical resistance at temperatures near absolute zero. 2. Achieving temperatures near absolute zero is difficult and dear(p) so application of superconduction at these temperatures is impractical. 3. Recently superconductors have been discovered which have zero resistance up to temperatures above the boiling point of bland nitrogen- tempera tures which are less costly to attain. 4. Superconductors may have a early applications in power transmission and electrically powered forms of transport.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Graduate Unemployment in Malaysia
slothful graduates have become a cause of concern in Malaysia. The findings of a Graduate Tracer Study in 2006 involving 132 900 graduates from institutions of higher acquisition all over Malaysia indicated that 30.7% of graduates remained unemployed six months after graduation, trance 5.7% were salvage awaiting job placement (Tan, 2007). The Minister of Human Resources revealed that more female graduates in this country were unemployed because they lacked the germane(predicate) skills required in the attention foodstuff despite having excellent academic results. The number was much higher in comparison to male graduates (Nor Hartini, 2007). As there argon so umteen unemployed graduates at present, we need to find out why this caper exists and what can be done to overcome it.One reason for this riddle is that the focus of higher education institutions and the needs of the labor market for graduates are non as compatible as they were twenty years ago. The labor market is n ow more competitive and volatile. As a result, graduates, pillow slip difficulties in getting jobs because they are not ready for the industry (Tan, 2007). For instance, the acquaintance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) acquired by students does not quite make for the expectations of the industry.Lack of develop and skills are also causes of graduate unemployment. Generally, most organizations opt to employ graduates with experience. Furthermore, in Malaysia, the private sector today is not fire in recruiting local graduates because they lack essential skills, much(prenominal) as development in English and interpersonal skills (Nor Hartini, 2007). There appears to be a diversity between what employers require and what skills graduates have.In view of this, the government has implemented some(prenominal) measures to reduce the problem of graduate unemployment. One such measure is the installation of several genteelness classs for fresh graduates. For in stance, the Ministry of Human Resources, through their training agencies, has introduced the Unemployed Graduates Training Scheme in order to equip graduates with certain skills and experience (Chapman, Chew & Tan, 2007). The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry, likewise, has initiated a programme where established retailers have started recruiting graduates and diploma holders as allotment trainees. This scheme aims to not only provide employment opportunities for fresh graduates but also to give way them to fields in the private sector other than the ones they specialized in (Chin, 2007).Another measure involves a review of the tertiary education system. salving skill development should be incorporated into the education curriculum where students can participate in extra curricular activities to enhance spongelike skills such as personal qualities, interpersonal skills and critical and creative thinking (Nor Hartini, 2007). These soft skills should be acquired thro ugh participation in extra curricular activities while they are studying for their degrees. A lecturer, for instance, can develop students skills and knowledge by stimulating their minds with discussions and case studies. According to Nor Hartini, these skills will enable them to communicate effectively, manage relationships, lead a team, solve problems and succeed in the job market.Thus, it is straightforward that lack of skills and experience are the main causes for graduate unemployment. To overcome this problem, the Ministry of higher(prenominal) Education must ensure that the tertiary education system is relevant and up-to-date. It should continually evaluate the tertiary programs to help produce quality graduates who neat the needs of industries. Also, industries need to play their part by providing more opportunities for training fresh graduates while the graduates themselves need to be more open and yield up these offers.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe and James Russell Lowell Essay
James Russell Lowell and John Greenleaf Whittier were poets during the Romantic era. In that time, poets often wrote some humans relationship with nature. Romantics considered contact with nature as almost a religious experience. Lowells The First Snowfall and Whittiers Snowbound fag be explored by dint of theme, notation, and figurative words.The First Snowfall and Snowbound mete out the obvious, similar theme, snow. Lowell writes, The snow had begun in the gloaming (Line 1). This is the beginning of the poem where hes introducing the subject of snow and describing the simple experience of the first snowfall. Whittier writes, The approach of the snowstorm told (14). He also writes about snow, and describes a frightful, spend snowstorm, rather than a simple snowfall.Lowells and Whittiers poems differ in tones. James Russell Lowell has an optimistic point of view toward the natural event, but the tone he uses is gloomy. Again I looked at the snowfall and thought of the great( p) sky (25-26). Lowell is comparing the falling of snow to the mourning process of his daughter. Whittier is more depressed by the storm. He describes the snow as, A hard, dull sharpness of cold (11). Later, Whittier learns to accept the storm and writes about sitting and laughing by the fireplace with his family.Both poets use a variety of figurative language in their poems. Lowell uses a simile to describe the birds he shoot the breezes outside his windowpane flying through the snowfall. And the sudden flurries of snow-birds, like brown leaves whirling by (15-16). Whittier also uses a simile to describe what he observes outside his window. And through the glass the clothesline posts looked in like tall and sheeted ghosts (39-40).As shown, these two poems foot be compared and contrasted through theme, tone, and figurative language. In the way the poets write, we can see their reactions to the snow. Even though they both wrote about snow, they didnt approach the question in the same way. Lowell and Whittier both lived in the Romantic era but lived different lifestyles, which affected how they saw events and formed the style of their poetry.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The Importance of Leadership
The Importance of falling It is the belief of umteen that drawing cardship is the vehicle or direction to two corroboratory and negative change. In fact, run shortinghiphip often determines the victor and/or failure of any organization, whether it be in business, education, religion, government organizations, and society in general.Clear evidence of this is seen in the recent-American Airlines woes, the closing of troubled schools across the nation, the public-scandal environ Enron Corporation, the positive impact of the Christian community by renowned-evangelist Billy Graham, the devastating-financial crisis of 2008, the re-election of Pre locatingnt Barack Obama, and others. With this opinion firmly in mind, and in context of the case study surrounding Sir Richard Branson and his attractionship ardour, this paper seeks to discourse the lead models spoken languageed in chapters 10 and 11.It will similarly propose a different leadership means that would enhance B ransons leadership prowess. Further, it will talk about a a couple of(prenominal) strategies that Branson can employ to develop and lead a worldwide aggroup working on a major project. Lastly, it will discuss some of Bransons leadership qualities and their personal and contemporary applications. Bransons leaders Style Illustrated in Chapters 10 and 11 Models Based on the straightforward amount of evidence presented in the text, Branson has proved himself to be an effective leader because of his vision, operating philosophy, charisma or appealing act upon, and financial success.Much of Mr. Bransons influence and success has been attributed to his direct-business involvement. Therefore, as illustrated in chapters 10 and 11, Sir Richard Bransons leadership t terminalency is sectionalisationicipative. To give emphasis on much(prenominal) revelation, Richard Branson is the Chairman of virginal meeting Limited (Ltd). He operates multinational entities that include air travel, f inancial services, and sell stores. Also, scores of people work for him. But regardless of the scope of Mr.Bransons responsibility and work demands he allocates a great deal of meter time to be personally involved with the day-to-day operations of the organization. Moreover, he actively listens to the concerns of his staff and customers in order to generate feedback and capture bleak ideas. To add to this, Bransons personal involvement and participating leadership dash has also gleamed in his business approach and priority. For example, employees and customers ar an integral part of his business culture.For this reason, employees are ranked first, customers second, and shareholders last (p. 344). The rationale behind such approach is thisif employees are recognized and feel appreciated, the level of customer cheer becomes high, and therefore re sour on investment (RO1) is realized or positive. In addition to Bransons personal involvement and participating leadership style, he surrounds himself with a diverse group of people so as to reflect the companys core beliefs, values, and desired outcomes.To add credence to this idea, in his book entitled, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of leading, (Maxwell, 1998, p. 110) remarked Every leaders potential is determined by people closer to him. In other words, leaders can make a significant difference when they associate themselves with commensurate people, as in the case of Richard Branson. More emphasis on this realizeographic point will be discussed later on. Another leadership style that reflects Richard Branson is transformational leadership.According to the text, transformational leadership involves anticipating future trends, inspiring followers to understand and embrace a new(a) vision of possibilities, developing others to be leaders or better leaders, and construct the organization or group into a community of challenged and rewarded learners (Hellriegel &038 Slocum Jr, 2011, p. 329). The above billet c ertainly captures and encapsulates Bransons leadership stylebecause he persuades many to bargain for into his inspiring messages. As a result, many expect become affiliated and in this manner are being rewarded.Also, Branson impacts the business community and a large scale. Further, he develops future leaders and enterprisers. Developing future leaders and entrepreneurs is requirement and it at the core of transformational leadership. An cleverness of such truth has been observe by the authors (Anthony, M. J. , &038 Estep Jr. , J. 2005, p. 298), Leaders are at their very surmount when they are raising leaders around them. In addition to Bransons transformational leadership style, his business approach is revolutionary.Undeniable evidence of this is seen in the amount and change of businesses he operates as well as the companys impressive-annual shekels sales$20 billion (p. 344). To add to this, Bransons hiring practice is also unconventional. That is, he generally hires p eople with gruelling communication and teamwork competencies that mesh with the pure(a) culture. Such practice helps Branson to be a better leader, which in turn strengthens the organization and its bottom line. So in brief, Bransons leadership style in terms of leadership models as presented thus far is participative and transformational.Suggestive Leadership Style to Enhance Bransons Effectiveness Even though Sir Richard Bransons leadership style is participative and transformational, his approach and behavior on a few instances is paradoxical. To illustrate, Virgin Group experienced massive losses ($20 million) in a couple of business venturesbecause Branson ignored prudent counsel from his top management advice as well as other critical-business measures. It is the opinion of many that transformational leaders have a tendency to be arrogant and until now ignored vital signals around them due to their intellectual inspiration and uncontroversial purposes.Such beahvior someti mes produced negative results. An example of this is seen in the horrific genocides or atrocities of the former-dictator Adolf Hitler. Therefore, by way of suggestion, Branson ought to add facilitate leadership style to his leadership competency. An insight on facilitate leadership style has been provided by the text The leader presents the problem to the team in a meeting, acts as a facilitator, defines the problem to be solved, and sets boundaries within which the decision must be made (p. 308).This leadership style is certainly advantageous for Branson in a number of ways. For example, as chairman of large groups of companies, Branson must not have a punt in every decision. Simply because such beahvior is perceived to be controlling, and the end results can be detrimental or costly as presented in the above example. In light of this, staff members must be authorize and heavily involved in the decision-making process of the organization. As a result, the period of time of effe ctive communication would improve, employee productivity would elevate, and the financial health of the organization.Strategies Branson can utilisation to Develop and Lead Major Project In todays ever-changing environment, there is no denying that Sir Richard Branson is a insecurity taker and he is not afraid of failure. Moreover, his track record and business credentials qualify him to negociate any major projects. So by determining how Branson would develop and lead a global team working on a major project, the following strategic steps ought be employed or excited (1) choose a research committee or advisory team and oversee it. 2) Empower committee or advisory team to discern a diverse group of individuals so as to generate disposed(p) and creative ideas and thus improve the project. (3) Assess or calculate risk factors and outcomes surrounding the project. (4) Adhere to sound business and management principles. (5) Have an clean mindset especially to internal and external change or resistance. (6) rate a large sum of money on the continued victimisation and research of the project and provide monetary and motivational rewards for research team. 7) take good-internal communication and public relations. (8) Establish effective-feedback mechanisms so as to receive come near reports, and make change/s if necessary. Strict adherence and execution to the aforementioned(prenominal) steps will most likely enable Branson to develop and lead a global team working on a major project. Bransons leadership qualities and their personal and contemporary applications Within the business world, Sir Richard Branson has unimpeachably experienced much financial success and setbacks. A commentary on this point has been noted by (Scott, 2010, p. 5), Theres another side to Bransonthe relentless work ethic, the failed companies, and tough times, but people generally breakt want to hear it. Such experienced has helped to strengthen Virgin Group Ltd. and set Richard B ranson apart in a profound way, and in time add to his leadership qualifies. Additionally, Bransons extraordinary business approach and entrepreneur competencies also complement his leadership qualities. Therefore, drawing on Bransons leadership qualities, the writer would seek to emulate his unconventional business approach and strong work ethic, especially in todays business environment and practices.In so doing, the writers carriage would be personally and professionally enriched, and thereby making a positive contribution to society in general. By further drawing on Bransons leadership qualities, fond responsibility would be imitated by the writer. In support of this, Branson pledged as much as $3 billion during the next 10 eld (through 2017) to tackle global warning (p. 344). Being socially responsible is laudably and even beneficial. To illustrate, it can attract investors, promote business growth, and help the sensible environment.To further mimic Bransons leadership qu alities, the writer would draw on his visionary approach so as positively impact human on a whole. It has been well said, Where there is no vision, the people pall (Proverbs 2918 King James Version). Other leadership qualities that are worth emulating from Branson are being an attentive listener, creating an informal environment to address and resolve problems. These qualities are so needed in todays society, considering that people are often ignored, afflicted, and exploited.As passionately argued throughout this paper, leadership is essential because it can make or mar the direction or success of any organization. More than ever, participative and transformational leadership qualities are needed. Such leadership attributes have aided Sir Richard Branson to develop unique business concepts and establish hundreds of business entities across the globe. In actual fact, they have helped him to gain much financial success. As a result, he has and continues to influence many individual s of all ways of life and spearheads many undertakings.References Anthony, M. J. , &038 Estep Jr. , J. (2005). Management Essentials for Christian Ministries. Nashville, Tennessee Broadman &038 Holman Publishers. Hellriegel, D. , &038 Slocum Jr, J. W. (2011). Organizational Behavior (13 ed. ). Mason, OH South-Western Cengage Learning. Maxwell, J. C. (September 18, 1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nashville, Tennessee, USA Thomas Nelson Publishers Scott, P. (2010). The Wisdom of Branson. Herald Sun (Melbourne), (), 85. Retrieved on November 26, 2012, from http//www. ebscohost. com
Chilean Mine Collapse
Chilean mine collapse George Montenegro BCOM/275 March 24, 2013 Allen Sutton Resource everywhere 30 Workers Trapped After Chilean Copper Mine clang article found in the Electronic Reserve Readings. Research supernumerary articles and information approximately the Chilean mine collapse. There are twain parts to the assignment, as detailed below. Part 1 Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper using this and otherwise articles as a resource. Because communications mustiness be designed with the audience in mind, answer the following questions in your paper What are some considerations to remember given the different roles and stack in the audience? o What would be the potential drop needs of the families of the miners in receiving a message about this possibility? o What would be the potential needs of the companys employees when receiving a message about this incident? ? What actions must you take before and after the message is delivered to ensure that it was original as intended ? Part 2 Draft two indite communications from the mining company announcing the accident, using what you have learned about the audience and effective messages.One communication should be directed to the families of the trapped miners and the other as an internal news release to employees in the company. For both, identify the to the highest degree appropriate channelface-to-face, e-mail, video, memo, and so on. Submit one consolidated MS Word paper encompassing Part 1 and Part 2 of the assignment. Clearly identify Part 1, and Part 2, in the consolidated document. arrange the document consistent with APA guidelines. Post the assignment to Assignments link
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Internal information Essay
Accounting write downs are a prime source of natural information. They detail the transactions of the business in the past which may be used as the basis for planning for the future (e. g. preparing a pecuniary budget or forecast). The accounting records are primarily used to record what happens to the financial resources of a business. For example, how cash is obtained and spent what assets are acquired what profits or losses are made on the activities of the business. However, accounting records can result much more than financial information.For example, details of the products manufactured and delivered from a grind can provide useful information about whether quality standards are being met. data analyzed from customer sales invoices provides a visibility of what and to whom products are being sold. A lot of internal information is affiliated to accounting systems but is not directly part of them. For example Records of the plurality employed by the business (persona l details what they get paid skills and get under ones skin training records) Data on the costs associated with business processes (e. g. costings for contracts entered into by the business) Data from the production department (e. g. number of machines capacity repair record) Data from activities in direct contact with the customer (e. g. analysis of calls received and missed in a call centre) A lot of internal information is in addition provided informally. For example, regular meetings of staff and management will result in the conversation of relevant information. SAMPLE SOURCES OF INTERNAL INFORMATION Balance Sheet of ICICI halt ENDING 31-Mar-00 Assets electric current Assets Cash And Cash Equivalents 1,479,000 diddle consideration Investments meshing Receivables 194,000 Inventory some other Current Assets -.Total Current Assets Long Term Investments 1,185,000 Property Plant and Equipment 48,000 Goodwill Intangible Assets Accumulated Amortization Other Assets 81 ,000 Deferred Long Term Asset Charges Total Assets 2,987,000 Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Short/Current Long Term Debt Other Current Liabilities 2,454,000 Total Current Liabilities Long Term Debt 57,000 Other Liabilities 215,000 Deferred Long Term Liability Charges minority Interest Negative Goodwill Total Liabilities 2,726,000 Stockholders rightfulness Misc Stocks Options Warrants Redeemable favored Stock Preferred Stock -.Common Stock 45,000 Retained compensation 44,000 Treasury Stock Capital Surplus 171,000 Other Stockholder Equity 1,000 Total Stockholder Equity 261,000 Net Tangible Assets $261,000 Source hayseed Finance Stock movement of I-Flex solutions Series Date Prev Close scatter set High Price Low Price Last Price Close Price Total Traded Quantity Turnover in Lacs EQ 03-Mar-2008 1,078. 95 1,037. 00 1,080. 00 1,020. 00 1,029. 90 1,042. 55 17954 190. 31 EQ 04-Mar-2008 1,042. 55 1,020. 00 1,075. 00 1,017. 00 1,047. 65 1,048. 25 36723 382. 44 EQ 05-Mar-2008 1,048. 25 1,070. 00 1,070. 00 1,030. 15 1,045. 00 1,039.20 22219 231. 63 EQ 07-Mar-2008 1,039. 20 1,021. 00 1,032. 00 983. 00 1,004. 95 1,001. 50 22103 220. 45 EQ 10-Mar-2008 1,001. 50 955. 00 1,040. 00 946. 40 1,005. 00 1,015. 50 19099 192. 55 EQ 11-Mar-2008 1,015. 50 992. 50 1,065. 00 992. 50 1,045. 00 1,054. 65 21805 226. 22 EQ 12-Mar-2008 1,054. 65 1,100. 00 1,100. 00 1,000. 00 1,004. 00 1,007. 45 13398 139. 14 EQ 13-Mar-2008 1,007. 45 987. 05 1,010. 00 952. 00 954. 00 959. 10 15931 155. 65 EQ 14-Mar-2008 959. 10 962. 00 992. 00 920. 00 990. 00 983. 15 21685 210. 01 EQ 17-Mar-2008 983. 15 925. 00 970. 00 925. 00 965. 00 942. 95 12307 116. 99 EQ 18-Mar-2008 942.95 931. 00 958. 50 925. 10 927. 00 936. 50 21230 200. 13 EQ 19-Mar-2008 936. 50 970. 00 978. 00 922. 00 925. 00 925. 55 21245 199. 40 EQ 24-Mar-2008 925. 55 948. 00 950. 00 895. 00 905. 00 908. 25 21626 197. 55 EQ 25-Mar-2008 908. 25 913. 50 1,008. 00 913. 50 990. 10 992. 55 58576 571. 10 EQ 26-Mar-2008 9 92. 55 988. 90 1,027. 00 974. 00 974. 00 986. 85 33402 335. 28 EQ 27-Mar-2008 986. 85 975. 00 1,003. 00 935. 00 951. 05 947. 10 118566 1,140. 60 EQ 28-Mar-2008 947. 10 970. 00 994. 00 956. 00 976. 00 984. 40 21658 210. 89 EQ 31-Mar-2008 984. 40 970. 25 985. 00 935. 00 948. 20 941. 10 39622 376. 60 Source NSEINDIA.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Kinds of Outline
What is an OUTLINE? An strategyis an organisational tool used by writers to gather thoughts so that they do-nothing be cl aboriginal laid out in an essay or book. galore(postnominal) writers feel that creating anoutlineis the key to effective writing, and it certainly represents the writing do work more efficient and focused. By creating anoutlinefor a piece of writing, the originator ensures that every last(predicate) the pieces of the puzzle argon presented in a logical, clear order, and that they fall well, drawing the reader to a logical conclusion.Anoutlinecan in any case be used to identify and eliminate potential atomic number 18as ofweaknessor lack of focus in a paper. Although anoutlineis rarely indispensable for a piece of writing, it can be extremely helpful. Papers which are written with the assistance of anoutlinetend to be of a higher(prenominal) quality, because of the greater level of organization. For this reason, outlines should be among the tools which ev ery writer knows how to use. Outlines help writers to unionise what they are going to say before they write it. 2. What are the kinds of outline?The most common type of outline is called theAlphanumeric Outline. Alpha as in alphabet and Numeric as in Numerals its the one that uses a combination of considers and letters to organize your thoughts. I. Start with Roman be for Largest Headings A. Then use Capital Letters 1. Then use Arabic Numbers a. Then use small letters II. Continue In This Fashion Until the Outline Is Finished Full- denounce outlines, as the term suggests, use drop off sentences on each line of the outline. These can take longer to write, and they do generate a much more thorough whim of what is going to be in the final paper.Topic outlines list the main division or whim of each line, but do not make complete sentences. well-nigh call the Roman numerals above a-heads, the capitalized letters, b-heads, and so on. Some writers also prefer to insert a blank l ine surrounded by the a-heads and b-heads (N. B. these people keep the b-heads and c-heads together, though). I. Why do over 80% of todays companies varan their employees? A. To prevent fraudulent activities, theft, and other work break through related violations. B. To more efficiently monitor employee productivity. C.To prevent any legal liabilities due to harassing or discourtesy communications. II. What are the employees privacy rights when it comes to EM/S (Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance) in the workplace? A. American employees nurse basically no legal protection from fuddled and snooping bosses. 1. There are no federal or State laws protect employees 2. Employees may assert privacy protection for their own personal effects. A less common type of outline is theDecimal Outline. This uses numbers, and each sub-heading has the number of the heading as part of it.This outline is used if you have a long, complicated outline and need to instantly be able to manifest e xactly where each section goes in the whole picture. dissertation relation &8212 1. 0 chief(prenominal) Topic 1. 1Subheading 1. 2 Subheading 2. 0 Main Topic 2. 1 Subheading 2. 1. 1 Supporting Detail 2. 1. 2 Supporting Detail 2. 1. 3 Supporting Detail . . . . . . . . . 3. What is a Thesis Statement? A thesis statement tells the reader how you will get word the significance of the subject matter under discussion. It is a road occasion for the paper in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.It now answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be humankind War II or Moby Dick a thesis mustiness then offer a way to understand the war or the novel. It makes a claim that others might dispute. It is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the dust of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation. 4. How similar or different is it from a main idea?The main difference is that thesis is generally used by teachers when referring to nonfiction works (you find them in history books and science books) while a theme is used when referring to a literary work (fiction). A thesis is stated plainly and early in a nonfiction work, while a theme is an idea or message that you get once youve read the book and youve taken some time to reflect on its meaning. The main idea, or thesis, should give your readers a clear and specific idea of your topic. The main idea can be thought of as a one or twain sentence summary of the whole writing project. 5.What is an fulfill Research? Action look into is known by many other names, including participatory research, cooperative inquiry, emancipatory research, put to death learning, and contextual action research, but all are variations on a th eme. Put simply, action research is learning by doing a group of people identify a line, do something to resolve it, gather up how successful their efforts were, and if not satisfied, try again. While this is the essence of the approach, there are other key attributes of action research that differentiate it from common problem-solving activities that we all engage in every day.A more succinct definition is that an action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an speedy problematic situation and to further the goals of social science simultaneously. Thus, there is a dual commitment in action research to study a system and concurrently to collaborate with members of the system in changing it in what is together regarded as a desirable direction. Accomplishing this twin goal requires the alert collaboration of investigator and client, and thus it stresses the importance of co-learning as a pristine aspect of the research process.What separates t his type of research from general professional practices, consulting, or daily problem-solving is the emphasis on scientific study, which is to say the researcher studies the problem systematically and ensures the intervention is informed by theoretical considerations. Much of the researchers time is spent on refining the methodological tools to admit the exigencies of the situation, and on collecting, analyzing, and presenting data on an ongoing, cyclical basis.Several attributes separate action research from other types of research. Primary is its focus on turning the people complex into researchers, too people learn best, and more willingly apply what they have learned, when they do it themselves. It also has a social dimension the research takes place in real-world situations, and aims to solve real problems. Finally, the initiating researcher, unlike in other disciplines, makes no attempt to remain objective, but openly acknowledges their bias to the other participants.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Hello Inc.
bar bow window United States http//database. iprofile. net/ friendship/ stripes_ kitty/ conjunctionOverview. hypertext mark-up language 1 Contents 2012 iProfile. All Rights Reserved. corporal Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 demos IT theme &038 Apps TABLE OF contents bar potbellyoration bay windoworate Overview Company Profile 6 store Performance Analysis 7 Org Charts &038 Contacts Exe have intercourseive forethought 9 cured IT Management 12 IT Management, go-ahead computer architecture 14 IT Management, Strategy, training &038 retchs 16 administrator Management, grade insignia Oronite Company 18 executive director Management, bar run a risk Capital 9 administrator Management, banding Australia 20 Contacts Table 22 Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT &038 Executive Biographies 32 IT Executive Interviews 46 2 bay windoworate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT radix &038 Apps TABLE OF table of cont ents streak potbellyoration Patricia Yarrington 46 John Watson 47 Gary Luquette 48 IT Executive Presentations 49 J. P. Morgan Oil &038 flatulence group discussion world-wide LNG 49 Australia Investor Meetings 50 UBS worldwide Oil &038 Gas Conference 2012 51 2012 UBS Thailand Natural Gas Field Trip 52 Credit Suisse life force Summit 2012 53 Barclays Capital CEO efficacy/Power Conference 4 IT base of operations &038 Applications engineering Implementations 56 QuantumRD 60 Thin theatre director 61 McLaren initiative Engineer 62 3 bodied Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT home &038 Apps TABLE OF CONTENTS stripe fellowship EnterpriseWizard 63 NRX Asset selective information Management 64 Microsoft SQL Server 65 Wonderware IntelaTrac 66 OpenWorks R5000 67 CartoPac Field Server 68 Windows 69 IT Footprint and Budget 70 4 corporationorate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT theme &038 Apps CORPORATE OVE RVIEW Chevron potoration 5 corporate corporal OverviewOrg Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT radix &038 Apps Chevron bay windoworation Headquarters Contact reading 6001 Bollinger Canyon driveway San Ramon, California 94583 United States Phone +1-925-842-1000 http//www. chevron. com Employees 61000 D-U-N-S Number 001382555 SIC 2911 D-U-N-S is a registered assay-mark of the Dun &038 Bradstreet, Inc. and its affiliates. Financial Performance Company Profile Chevron bay windoworation is one of the worlds leading integrated energy companies (2 in the US behind Exxon Mobil), with proved reserves of some 11. 2 billion position of oil equivalent and a daily production of 2. million barrels. The company operates in the worlds most important oil and bluster regions, and is a leader in refining, fuels, lubricants and additives. Chevrons interests range from chemical production and excavation to energy research and nanoscience. Along with a range of power fac ilities, the company is also the worlds largest producer of geothermal energy. Chevron, which is restructuring its refinery and retail businesses to cut costs, owns or has stakes in some 8,200 gas stations in the US that operate under the Chevron and Texaco brands. Outside the US, the company owns or has stakes in almost 9,700 gas stations.It also owns 50% of chemicals occupy Chevron Phillips Chemical. Sales by Division 6 incarnate potbellyorate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT pedestal &038 Apps Chevron quite a little Stock Performance Analysis Compared to might of Peers &038 Competitors 12 Months 5 Years 7 potorate corporationorate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT al-Qaeda &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron potoration 8 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT al-Qaida &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation wide-cut org charts E xecutive Management political boss Executive officer &038 Chairman muniment capital of Minnesota Bennett Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 James Blackwell Matthew Foehr Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 email& one hundred sixtyprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 immediately Tele +1-925-790-3434 John McDonald Joe Geagea Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Stephen Green George Kirkland Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 straits Governance military officer &038 Corporate Secretary Executive crime President, applied science &038 Services oral sex engine room Officer &038 crime President ill-doing President &038 Comptroller President, Chevron Gas &038 Midstream &038 Corporate life storyExecutive frailty President, upriver &038 Gas &038 valetudinarianism Presentation wrong President, Policy, Government &038 Public personal matters Vice President &038 Treasurer Presentation muniment Lydia Beebe life sentence chronicle Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Interview career John Watson 9 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation wide-cut org charts Executive Management (II) master(prenominal) Executive Officer &038 Chairman Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Roy Krzywosinski Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Joe Laymon Wesley Lohec Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Gary Luquette sandlike Macfarlane Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Melody Meyer Hewitt Pate melody. email& one hundred sixtyprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Interview Vice President, human being Resources, Medical &038 pledge President, Chevron newton America Exploration &038 President, Chevron Asia Pacific Exploration &038 Managing Director, Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Vice President, wellness, surround &038 Safety worldwide Tax Counsel Biography Biography Prese ntation Biography President, Chevron Oronite Company LLC Presentation Ronald Kiskis Interview Biography John WatsonVice President &038 familiar Counsel 10 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation plentiful org charts Executive Management (III) Chief Executive Officer &038 Chairman Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Rebecca Roberts email&clxprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Corp Tele +1-713-432-6000 chuck out Taylor Trond Unneland chuck. email& one hundred sixtyprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Biography Jay Pryor Corp Tele +1-713-954-6000 Michael Wirth Patricia Yarrington Corp Tele +44-1224-334-000 Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Vice President, Business DevelopmentVice President, Strategic mean Vice President &038 Managing Executive, Chevron Chief Financial Officer &038 Vice President Interview Executive Vice President, Downstream &038 Chemicals President, Chevron Pipe Li ne Company Biography Biography Interview Biography John Watson Rhonda Zygocki Executive Vice President, Policy and Planning Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 11 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts Senior IT Management Biography John McDonald Chief Technology Officer &038 Vice President Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-4750 Lynn Chou Biography ahmed. email& one hundred sixtyprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-1043 Denise Coyne usual coach, Technology Management &038 command coach, turn Applications &038 info Biography Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-4100 or +1-925-842-7212 Gilles Eberhard General Manager, IT Strategy, Planning &038 hurl gilles. email& one hundred sixtyprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Louie Ehrlich President, Chevron data Technology Corp Tele +1-92 5-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-790-3412 Jim Green Chief education Officer &038 General Manager email& one hundred sixtyprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Biography Biography lynn. email&clxprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Chief Information Officer, Corporate Department Biography Peter Breunig Head, R&038D, cleverness Technology Biography Ahmed Badruzzaman Karen Grote Chief Information Officer, orbiculate Marketing Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-4930 12 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts Senior IT Management (II) Biography John McDonald Chief Technology Officer &038 Vice President Richard Jackson aul. email&clxprotected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-9021 Ashok Krishna Celia Lin Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-790-3789 Corp Tele +1-925-842 -1000 Jana Multhaup Kirk Rehage Director, IT Security Chief Information Protection Officer &038 General Vice President, Technology Downstream Chief Information Officer, Americas Products email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Chief Information Officer, Chevron Global Gas Biography Paul Huttenhoff Biography Biography Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 General Manager, IT AuditCorp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-827-7491 13 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts IT Management, Enterprise Architecture Biography Peter Breunig General Manager, Technology Management &038 Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-4750 Kelly Becker Tom Bell email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-1470 Dennis Bourque Wendy Brumbach email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 email &160protected comCorp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Henry Cariaso lee side Conroy email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-358-7084 lee. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Joseph Fielding Sebastian Gass email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 sebastian. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Manager, Information Technology Manager, rising Infrastructure Technologies Biography Senior Manager, Windows Server Security Manager, Applications Development Manager, Enterprise Architecture Manager, organizational Capability Manager, Information Technology, MidContinent Manager, Business Analytics 14Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts IT Management, Enterprise Architecture (II) Biography Peter Breunig General Manager, Technology Management &038 Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-4750 Ricky Gilber t Manager, Manufacturing, IT Systems email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Dennis Mores Manager, info Center Office Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-358-7314 Shenita Ramsey Jennifer Scriabine email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 email&160protected comCorp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-842-5074 Client Manager, Information Technology Audit Manager, IS Operations Lisa Tharaud Global Category Manager, Enterprise Software lisa. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 15 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts IT Management, Strategy, Planning &038 checks Biography Gilles Eberhard General Manager, IT Strategy, Planning &038 redact gilles. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Josh Burdick Paul Fontenot josh. email&160protected comCorp Tele +1-925-842-1000 paul. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1 -925-842-1000 Patrick Garcia Jamie Gibbs Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 jamie. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Gene Guidry Franz Helin email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 franz. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Darryl Martin Laura Pollock Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Project Manager Manager, Global Infrastructure Design, Project Project Manager, Information Technology Program Manager Project Manager, IT Project Manager Project Manager, TCO Project Manager, Information Technology 6 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts IT Management, Strategy, Planning &038 Projects (II) Biography Gilles Eberhard General Manager, IT Strategy, Planning &038 Project Denise Sexton Dipak Vekaria denise. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 dipak. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Senior Project Manager, Information Technology Project Manager, Information Systems, Gorgon IM&038T Biography Biography gilles. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Tommy YanowskiProgram Manager, Global Supply &038 Trading Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 17 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts Executive Management, Chevron Oronite Company Ronald Kiskis President, Chevron Oronite Company LLC Biography Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 David Seals Chief Information Officer, Chevron Oronite david. email&160protected com Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 Direct Tele +1-925-216-0026 Jirong Xiao Vice President, Products &038 Technology Corp Tele +1-925-842-1000 18 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 ContactsBios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts Executive Management, Chev ron Venture Capital Trond Unneland Vice President &038 Managing Executive, Chevron Biography Corp Tele +1-713-954-6000 John Hanten Desmond King Corp Tele +1-713-954-6000 Direct Tele +1-713-954-6360 Corp Tele +1-713-954-6000 Colleen Mazza Matthew McElhattan Corp Tele +1-713-954-6000 Corp Tele +1-713-954-6000 Richard Pardoe Don Riley Corp Tele +1-713-954-6000 Corp Tele +1-713-954-6000 Venture Executive President, Chevron Technology Ventures Business Support Principal PrincipalVenture Executive 19 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts Executive Management, Chevron Australia Presentation Roy Krzywosinski Managing Director, Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Colin Beckett Rick Biddle Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Kaye Butler Kevin Cunningham Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Brian Dalzell Peter Fairclou gh Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 David Fielder Gerry Flaherty Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 General Manager, greater Gorgon Area General Manager, Human Resources Manager, Finance Manager, Operational Excellence, Health General Manager, Operations General Manager, Policy, Government &038 Public Planning Manager General Manager, Asset Development 20 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation full org charts Executive Management, Chevron Australia (II) Presentation Roy Krzywosinski Managing Director, Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 David Minemier Brian SmithCorp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Neil Theobald Mike Williams Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Corp Tele +61-8-9216-4000 Manager, Non-Operated Joint Ventures General Manager, Gas Marketing &038 General Manager, Wheatstone Development Managing Counsel 2 1 Corporate Overview Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation Contacts Company branch gens Last Name Title vagabond Telephone E-Mail Chevron Corporation HRD Helen Alm HR Business Partner, AD HR Project Team Others Direct +1-925-842-8236 email&160protected com Chevron Corporation HRD Leslie Ann Rodarte HR SAP Payroll executive Administrator Direct +1-925-842-0803 email&160protected com Chevron Corporation HRD Jennifer Backer-Walton Manager, Global HR account Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 jennifer. email&160protected com Chevron Corporation Ahmed Badruzzaman Head, R&038D, Energy Technology Head of Direct +1-925-842-1043 ahmed. email&160protected n. com Chevron Corporation Kelly Becker Manager, Information Technology Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 email&160protected com Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Colin Beckett General Manager, Greater Gorgon Area C-Level Corp +61-8-9216-4000 Chevron Corporatio nLydia Beebe Chief Governance Officer &038 Corporate Secretary C-Level Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation Tom Bell Manager, Enterprise Architecture Manager Direct +1-925-842-1470 Chevron Corporation Paul Bennett Vice President &038 Treasurer Treasurer Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation HRD average Berkley Manager, Human Resources Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Rick Biddle Manager, Operational Excellence, Health, Environment &038 Safety C-Level Corp +61-8-9216-4000 Chevron Corporation James Blackwell Executive Vice President, Technology &038 Services Vice President Corp +1-925-842-1000Chevron Corporation Dennis Bourque Manager, Emerging Infrastructure Technologies Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation HRD Susan Boyle Manager, Corporate HR Communications Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation Peter Breunig General Manager, Technology Management &038 Architecture C-Level Direct +1-925-842-4750 Corporate Overview Org Charts &03 8 Contacts email&160protected com email&160protected com email&160protected com 22 Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation Contacts Company First Name Last Name Title Rank Telephone Chevron Corporation HRDKyle Bromley Manager, Human Resources Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation Wendy Brumbach Manager, transcriptional Capability Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation HRD Linda Buchanan Manager, Employee Development &038 Organization Capability Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation Josh Burdick Project Manager Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Kaye Butler General Manager, Human Resources C-Level Corp +61-8-9216-4000 Chevron Corporation Henry Cariaso Senior Manager, Windows Server Security Manager Direct +1-925-358-7084 email&160protected com Chevron Corporation Lynn ChouGeneral Manager, Process Applications &038 Data C-Level Corp +1-925-842-1000 lynn. email&16 0protected com Chevron Corporation HRD Sean Connors Supervisor, Staffing Supervisor Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation Lee Conroy Manager, Information Technology, MidContinent &038 Alaska Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Corporation Denise Coyne Chief Information Officer, Corporate Department &038 Services CIO Direct +1-925-842-4100 or +1-925-842-7212 Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Kevin Cunningham General Manager, Operations C-Level Corp +61-8-9216-4000 Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Brian Dalzell Manager, Finance Manager Corp +61-8-9216-4000Chevron Corporation HRD Janet Duncan HR Business Partner Others Direct +1-925-842-7739 janet. email&160protected com Chevron Corporation Gilles Eberhard General Manager, IT Strategy, Planning &038 Project Management C-Level Corp +1-925-842-1000 gilles. email&160protected com Chevron Corporation HRD Jennifer Edris Team Leader, Human Resources Lead Corp +1-925-842-1000 Corporate Overview E-Mail email&160protected com josh. email&160protected com lee. email&160protected com 23 Org Charts &038 Contacts Bios, Interviews &038 Presentations IT Infrastructure &038 Apps ORG CHARTS AND CONTACTS Chevron Corporation Contacts Company First Name Last NameTitle Rank Telephone E-Mail Chevron Corporation Louie Ehrlich President, Chevron Information Technology Company &038 Chief Information Officer, Chevron Corp CIO Direct +1-925-790-3412 Chevron Corporation HRD Helen Fairclough Manager, HR Strategy &038 Talent Management, Downstream &038 Chemicals Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000 Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. Peter Fairclough General Manager, Policy, Government &038 Public Affairs C-Level Corp +61-8-9216-4000 Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. David Fielder Planning Manager Manager Corp +61-8-9216-4000 Chevron Corporation Joseph Fielding Manager, Applications Development Manager Corp +1-925-842-1000
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Joint Problems Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Health And Social Care Essay
Patellofemoral voicen jobs ar the intimately public everyplaceuse hurt of the down(p)er appendage, and change femoral or hep rotary dubiousness may plays a major(ip) economic consumption in patellofemoral nuisancePatellofemoral trouble syndrome ( PFPS ) is the second al near common musculoskeletal ailment presented to physical therapists ( Witvrouw et al, 1996. Hilyard, 1990 ) . Studies has shown Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome to be the most common individual diagnosing among smugglers and in athleticss medical specialty centres. Eleven per centum of musculoskeletal ailments in the office scenes are ca employ by anterior reefer genus smart ( which most normally consequences from PFPS, constitutes 16-25 % of all hurts in smugglers ) . The term PFPS is frequently used interchangeably with anterior spliff genus distress or smuggler s reefer genus .Patellofemoral pain syndrome rat be defined as retropatellar or peripatellar hurting ensuing from physical and biomechan ical alterations in the patellofemoral articulation. It should be distinguished from chondromalacia, which is real(a) fraying and h lace to the underlying patellar gristle.Patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome have anterior articulatio genus hurting that typically occurs with activity and frequently worsens when they are falling stairss or hills. It can besides be exacerbated by activities such as go uping stepss, crouching, kneeling, drawn-out posing ( Doucette and Goble, 1992 ) . The oncoming of thesymptom is normally insidious ( Arroll et al, 1997 Hilyard, 1990 ) . unrivalled or both articulatio genuss can be affected.Many factors are involved in complex interactions that influence the patellofemoral articulation and the exact etiology and pathophysiology of PFPS is frequently puzzling ( Fulkerson and Hungerford, 1990 Finestone et Al, 1993 ) . Many theories have been proposed to explicate the etiology of the patellofemoral hurting. These admit mechanical, tidy and oe r use theories. thither is consensus that malalignment and maltracking of the kneecap are major characteristics of PFPS ( Maclntyre and Robertson,1992 Gerrard, 1989 ) .The patellar maltracking consequences in stirred joystick emphasis and subsequent articular gristle ware ( forefingers 1998 ) . Lateral trailing of the kneecap has been listed as a major subscriber to malalignment which consequences in unnatural joint compaction and later patellar hurting.It is normally theorized that maltracking is the consequence of vastus medialis ( VM ) weakening comparative to the vastus lateralis ( VL ) , ensuing in side considerable trailing of kneecap ( Mc Conell, 1986 ) . Weak pelvic girdle tidy body structure is besides thought to lend to unnatural trailing of kneecap. Ireland et Al found that adult females with PFPS are 26 % weaker rosehip abduction and 36 % weaker in hip internal rotary motion comparedwith healthy controls. Such weakness may do an addition in both varus force ve ctor at the articulatio genus a combination that may farther hush median trailing of kneecap.Lower appendage malalignment ( caused by abnormalcies such as an increase standing Q pitch, groundwork externaliseus or subtalar pronation ) frequently has been implicated as a cause of PFPS.Most patients with PFPS respond favorably to conservative intercession. These overwhelm quadrangle femoris gripe uping, patellar tape, patellar brace, hold outing, soft waver mobilisation. With the most common discussion being space beef uping utilizing lading comportment and non weight bursting charge physical exercises, weight flush exercisings are to a greater extent operating(a) than non weight bearing exercisings because they require multijoint motion, easing a run awayal progress to of muscularity enlisting and stimulate proprioceptors.In an attempt to supply warm decrease to trouble, Mc Conell proposed utilizing tape to modify patellar orientation and normalize patellar tra iling. When handling patients with patellofemoral hurting who demonstrate deficiency of control of hip abduction and external rotary motion during weight bearing activities such as walking and falling stepss, one end may to be to optimise heftiness map to command these gestures, as such motion can ensue in knee varus, an addition in dynamicQ angle and greater median forces moving on the kneecap. Hence, it would formulation sensible to go-ahead for optimum map of hip fibrous structure.1.2 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE STUDYDespite its prevalence, even the etiology and specific intervention of this hurting syndrome remain obscure and controversial. The premiss behind most intervention attacks is that Patellofemoral hurting syndromes is the consequence of malalignment and/or unnatural patellar trailing. Interventions are frequently focused locally and typically acknowledge quadrangle beef uping, patellar tape, patellar brace and soft tissue mobilisation. Based on the nonage narian researches, we theorized that the exercisings stressing neuromuscular control of both the quadriceps and hip median rotators may profit patients diagnosed with PFPS. Therefore, the intent of this mass was to look into the effects of hip median rotators and quadriceps beef uping design in patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome.Need AND SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDYNeed of the bailiwickTo cut take in feather hurtingTo better scope of gestureTo better operative activityAimsTo flummox the potency of median rotator musle and quadriceps beef uping in patellofemoral hurtingTo unwrap the effectivity of quadriceps beef uping in patellofemoral hurtingTo compare the effectivity of quadriceps beef uping and median rotator musculus beef uping exercising in patellofemoral hurting1.3 HYPOTHESISThe void guessing for this survey could be stated as There Is No Significant Difference In Reduction Of Pain surrounded by the assort having Hip Medial Rotator and quadriceps femoris brawn iness alter when compared with Quadriceps Muscle Strengthening entirely in Patients With Patellofemoral Pain .REVIEW OF LITERATURECibulka MT, Threlkeld-Watkins J. , 2005 has reported that patellofemoral hurting is the commonest of all the overexploitation hurts of the lower limb. Major cause for this is considered to be altered femoral rotary motion.Powers CM. , 2003 has demo that patellar maltracking and malalignment are the commonest triggering factors for kneecap femoral hurting.Mascal CL, Landel R, Powers C 2003 has concluded in their survey that musces of hip, bole and pelvic waistband are affected in patellofemoral hurting syndrome and hence intercessions directed towards these muscular structure should be include in the rehabilitation protocol.Bellamy N, Buchanan WW, Goldsmith CH, Campbell J, Stitt LW 1988 has produce a survey on WOMAC graduated table reasoning that WOMAC is the most dependable and valid graduated table for measuring arthritis.Braten M, Terjesen T, Rossv oll I 1992 has demo that ultrasound analysis of hip in anterior articulatio genus hurting reveals femoral rotary motion in most of the patients.i?? Sameer A.Dixit, M.D. , et al Management of patellofemoral hurting syndrome shown that physical therapy is strong in handling PFPS.i?? La Brier K, O Neill D.B, Patellofemoral syndrome, current constructs. This survey indicate that patellofemoral hurting syndrome is normally treated cautiously, surveies indicate that 60 % to 89 % of articulatio genuss result react favorably to conservative intervention. The exercising purpose include Iliotibial set, bedevil and gastrocnemius stretching, progressive underground square(a) subdivision elevation and hip adduction beef uping performed 2 measure/ twenty-four hours until symptoms subside and the 3 times /week, thenceforth.i?? Heintjes, Berger MY, Bierma- Zeinstra SM, Exercise therapy for patellofemoral hurting syndrome stated that the exercising therapy is more than sound in handling PF PS. There is strong grounds that unfastened and unlikeable kinetic strand exercising are every bit effectual.i?? Hudson Z, Daruthy E. Iliotibial set stringency and patellofemoral hurting syndrome. A instance control survey show that the topics showing with PFPS do hold a tighter ITB.i?? Fagan V, Delahunt E, Patellofemoral pain syndrome- a reappraisal of the associated neuromuscular shortages and current intervention options stated that physiotherapy intervention programmes look to be an efficacious method of bettering quads instability.i?? Power et, Al, ( 1997 ) , patient performed free walking, fast walking, go uping and falling walking with and without patellar taping. Taping determined patient s hurting reduced ( watercraft ) 50 % during exacerbating activity.i?? Ernst GP, Kawaguchi. J, Saliba E. Effect of Patellar Taping on articulatio genus dynamicss of patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome, suggests that patellar taping compared with no tape may better the articul atio genus extensor minute and power during weight bearing activities such as sidelong measure up exercising and rectangular leap.i?? Cristina mare Nunes cabral, Amellia Pasqual Marques, Effect of a closed kinetic concatenation exercising protocol on patellofemoral syndrome rehabilitation. The consequences of T he study drop by the wayside the suggestion that the proposed quadriceps femoris beef uping exercisings with ROM control should be prescribed for PFPS patients since they improve knee functional degree.i?? Avraham.F, Aviv.S et al. , The efficaciousness of intervention of different intercession plans for patellofemoral hurting syndrome. The survey with a sum of 30 bear-to-back patients ( average age 35 old ages ) diagnosed with PFPS indiscriminately allocated into 3 groups. assort I Conventional Rehabilitation plan included quadriceps beef uping and TENS, Group II- Hip oriented rehabilitation plan included stretching,hip external rotator potencyening and TENS. Group III -A combination of 2 plans.At terminal of test all groups show essential advancement in VAS and PFJES ( P &038 lt 0.0001 ) these melioration did non vary seriously mingled with the 3 groups. All the groups show a similar good consequence.i?? Tyler TF, Nicholas SJ, Mullaney MJ. The function of hip musculus map in the intervention of patellofemoral hurting syndrome. This survey concluded that overtures in hip flexure strength combined with increased iliotibial set and iliopsoas flexibleness were associated with first-class consequences in patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome.i?? Harmonizing to Muir KR ( 1999 ) . a individual plan of place quadriceps can significantly better ego reported articulatio genus hurting and map.i?? Cheng GL et Al in their survey conducted for four hebdomads intervention period, concluded that both TENS and isometric groups had important decrease in articulatio genus hurting.i?? Sheila O Reilly do a survey on 192 work forces and adult female s with articulatio genus hurting. They were enrolled in a plan consisting of isometric and isosmotic exercisings of the quadriceps or second joint, utilizing a opposition set and they had important lessening in hurting ( 22.5 % ) and betterment in physical map ( 17.4 % ) . She besides stated that beef uping musculuss most an creaky articulation could back up the joint and cut down hurting.i?? Lam PL, NG QY, Activation of the quadriceps musculus during semifinal crouching with different hip and knee place in patients with anterior articulatio genus hurting, the survey shows that there was comparatively more activation of vastus medialis oblique than vastus lateralis at 40A of semi knee bend with hip medially rotated by 30A .i?? Herrington L. AL Sherhi.A, A controlled test of weight bearing versus non weight bearing exercisings for patellofemoral hurting. This survey demonstrates that both weight bearing and non weight bearing exercisings can significantly better subjective and cl inical results in patients with PFPS.i?? Ng GY, Cheng JM, The effects of patellar taping on hurting and neuromuscular public presentation in topics with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. This survey states that there was a important lessening in anterior articulatio genus hurting ( P &038 lt 0.001 ) and vastus medialis obliques to vastus lateralis activity ratio ( P 0.05 ) during individual legged standing aft(prenominal) patellar tape.i?? Mark overington, BHSc ( Physio ) , Damain Gooddard, BhSc ( Physio ) . , A Critical assessment and literature review on the consequence of patellar tape, is patellar taping effectual in the patellofemoral hurting syndrome? This critical analysis has shown that patellar taping lessenings pain in the short term, may be utile as an auxiliary to physiotherapy in long termi?? T.K. Amell, J.P. Stothart, S. Kumar, The effectivity of functional pes orthoses as a intervention for patellofemoral emphasis syndrome A clients position. The consequences show s that orthotic drill is believed to be effectual in commanding the symptoms of PFPS.i?? Michael T. Gross, PT. Ph.D. , Jody L. Foxworth, PT, MS, OCS, The Role of pes orthoses as an intercession for patellofemoral hurting. The mechanism for pes orthoses holding a commanding consequence on hurting and map for these patients.i?? Dr. Robert Topp assessed the hurting, map, abilities, knee joint proprioception, pace features and quadriceps strength of 135 participants utilizing randomized isometric strength proviso group and a dynamic strength preparation group for 16 hebdomad regimen and concluded that regular strength preparation could detain the oncoming of this painful disease and demand for surgeryi?? Van Berr et Al, ( 1999 ) found that aerophilic exercising was more effectual than opposition exercising in cut downing hurting. There was modest betterment in disablement degree for patients randomized to aerobic exercising.i?? Michelle C. Boilig, MS, ATC. , et al. , Outcomes of a we ight bearing rehabilitation plan for patients diagnosed with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. surmounts diagnosed with PFPS responded favorably and speedily to a curative exercising plan that incorporated quadriceps and his muscular structure strengthening.i?? Catherine L. Mascal PT, B.Sc. , Robert Landel, DPT, OSC, Christopher power, PT, Ph..D. Management of Patellofemoral hurting Tar seizeing the Hip, Pelvis and Trunk Muscle map instance study. This instance study present 2 patients with PFP who demonstrated unnatural kinematics at the hip and who respond favourably to an exercising plan specifically aiming to Hip, Pelvis and trunk muscular structure.3.MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY3.1 METHODOLOGY3.1.1.STUDY DesignThe survey was conducted in the data format of experimental pre-test, station trial survey design.3.1.2STUDY SettingThe survey was conducted in the naval division of physical medical specialty and rehabilitation, Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore-641044 under the supervisi ng of usher incharge, College Of Physiotherapy, SRIPMS, Coimbatore.3.1.3SAMPLING20 Subject who fulfilled the following(prenominal) criterias were selected through simple random sampling and charge to ii groups of 10 each.CRITERIA FOR SAMPLE SELECTION.I ) Inclusion standardsi?? Age between 25-35 old agesi?? some(prenominal) males and femalesi?? Unilateral patellofemoral hurting syndrome and median rotator musculus weekness.i?? Anterior or retropatellar articulatio genus hurting reported during at least two of the undermentioned activities rise and falling step, skiping and running, crouching, kneeling, and prolonged posing.i?? Insidious oncoming of symptoms non related to injuries.i?? Pain with compaction of kneecap.i?? Pain on tactual exploration of patellar aspects.two ) Exclusion CriteriaSymptoms straightaway for less than two monthsNo history of old articulatio genus hurtingMetallic element implantsFleshinessDiabetessPeripheral vascular disease egotism reported clinical groun ds of other articulatio genus pathology. Such as intra articular pathology, peripatellar tendonitis or bursitis, fold, disruptions or subluxations etc.Current important hurt impacting other lower appendage articulations.Subjects with any of the above utter conditions were excluded from survey.Procedure1. Group ASubjects were treated with Hip median rotator and quadriceps beef uping exercisings and stretching.2. Group BSubjects were treated with lone quadriceps beef uping exercisings and stretching.Both group received the place programme of stretching and beef uping exercisings ( mind APPENDIX Four )STUDY DURATIONThis survey is proposed to be carried out for the period of 6 monthsTREATMENT DURATIONGroup A5 sets of 12 repeats per twenty-four hours 3 yearss per hebdomad for 4 hebdomadsGroup B5 sets of 12 repeats per twenty-four hours 3 yearss per hebdomad for 4 hebdomadsParametersSubjective hurting strength during activities of day-to-day life measured with ocular couple graduated table ( VAS ) .Functional activities measured with western Lake Ontario andmcmaster universities degenerative arthritis index ( womac )3.2MATERIALS USEDOrthopedic rating chartThera setStrengthening sofa butt against tape3.3 Statistical ToolThe consequences of the survey were analysed utilizing independent t trialT =S == Mean difference of the first group= Mean difference of the 2nd group= Number of samples in first group= Number of samples in 2nd groupS = Combined criterion divergenceTREATMENT TECHNIQUESExercise FOR PATELLOFEMORAL PAIN SYNDROMEStrengthening Exercises1 Hip internal rotators beef upingthis exercising is performed with the patient standing in the exercising machine. Initially 5 sets of 12 repeats get downing with 9kg is through and later opposition is increased harmonizing to musculus weariness and hurting.2 Quadriceps StrengtheningA Isometricss position yourself as shown above. Keep your well(p) leg straight for 10-20 seconds and so loosen up. Make the exercisin gs 5-10 times.B Straight Leg fosteringPosition yourself as shown above. Raise your right leg several inches and bring through it up for 5-10 seconds. Then lower your leg to the floor easy over a few seconds. Do the exercisings 5-10 times.3 Partial Knee bends root with pess, shoulder width apart and toes somewhat turned out. Bend articulatio genuss from traveling in forepart toes. Squat every bit low as tolerable, intermission at lowest deepness and raise to get downing place. It can besides be through with(p) with back underpin on wall and with ball between 2 articulatio genuss.4 timbre UpStand sideways with involved leg next to 3-6 measure. lead involved pes on measure and easy raise radical structure weight with involved leg. Slowly lower original structure back to get down place gently touching heel onland, so repetition by easy raising organic structure with involved leg. recap as by increasing repeat. change magnitude measure 2-3 with repeat.Stretching Exercise1 a ) Iliotibial Band Buttock Stretch ( Right side ) .Position yourself as shown in the image. Writhe your bole to the right and utilize your left arm to force your right leg. You should experience the stretch in your right thigh. ( take charge the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercising 5 to 10 times ) .B ) Iliotibial Band Stretch ( Left Side )Position yourself as shown below, with your right leg crossed in forepart of your left leg. Keep your custodies in concert and travel them toward the floor. You should experience a stretch in the outer fragment of your left thigh. ( Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercising 5 to 10 times. )2 ) . Hamstrings stretchLiing in back and back uping thigh behind articulatio genus, easy straighten articulatio genus until a stretch is felt in the dorsum of the thigh. Keep it for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat it for 5 to 10 times. The thigh may besides be support on a wall.3 ) Quadriceps StretchPosition with one baseball glove on the wall and the other on the pes of the side to be stretched and the articulatio genus is flexed. Keep it for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat it for 5 to 10 times. Can be performed with hip flexure and extension.4 ) Calf StretchPosition against a wall with heel on the land to experience back of the leg stretch. Keep for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercisings 6 to 10 times.5 ) Hip And Buttock Stretch ( Left Side )Position left over right leg and manus is placed over left articulatio genus draw the articulatio genus somewhat towards the patient while sitting up directly. Keep the place for 20 seconds and so rest for several seconds. Do the exercising for 6 times.6 Hip Adductor StretchPosition in supine prevarication, with hip and articulatio genus flexure, and inquire the patient to kidnap the leg until the stretch felt. Keep it for 10-20 seconds, repetition it for 5-10 times.7 Hip external rotators Stretch puritanical stretching of the hip in the way of median rotary motion is done with the pa tient in prone prevarication. Stretching is done with the hip in impersonal and knee flexed to 90 grade. The stretch force is held for 30 seconds and repeated for 3 times.4. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSISGROUP A ( VAS )S.NoPRE TrialPOST -TESTDifference725615523835413514725835514615Mean6.11.74.4GROUP B ( VAS )S.NoPRE TrialPOST -TESTDifference734523743844633523734734532514Mean6.22.83.4VesselGroupMEAN VALUECALULATED T ValueTable T ValuePRE TrialPOST -TESTSouth dakotaA6.11.71.462.8880.01Bacillus6.22.81.33GROUP A ( WOMAC )S.NoPRE TrialPOST -TESTDifference35278372710413110393094233935287433584031113526938317Mean38.629.98.8GROUP B ( WOMAC )S.NoPRE TrialPOST -TESTDifference38299403283831740337423573630640319302283528740346Mean37.930.57.4WOMACGroupMEAN VALUECALWLATD T ValueTable T ValuePRE TrialPOST -TESTSouth dakotaA38.629.91.322.6060.05Bacillus37.930.51.07DiscussionThis survey was done to happen out the effectivity of hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping in patients with patello femoral hurting syndrome. Twenty patients who had PFPS for continuance of atleast two months participated in this survey. They were indiscriminately allocated to one of the two intervention groups. Group I received hep median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping plan and Group II received merely Knee quadriceps musculus beef uping plan. Patients were evaluated after two months of intervention and all patients completed the survey.The statistical analysis performed between Group I and Group II showed the undermentioned result. VAS mark showed the average betterment of 3.4 and 4.4 of hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping group severally.The statistical analysis performed between Group I and Group II showed the undermentioned result. WOMAC mark showed the average betterment of 7.4 and 8.8 of median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping group severally.The independent t trial was performed to analyze the consequences. For VAS the deli berate t value is 5.84 which is more than the table value of 2.101 in conformity to the degree of significance of 0.05, at 18 grades of freedom. The result is considered to be important prefering the rejection of void hypothesis.For WOMAC the calculatedt value is 2.606 which is more than the table value 2.101. The result is considered to be important prefering the rejection of void hypothesisTherefore, There is a important difference in decrease of hurting on utilizing hep median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping patients with PFPS.The consequences showed important decrease in hurting degree with both rehabilitation plan but the hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping showed greater diagnostic recovery than the knee quadriceps beef uping. Hence, based on the t value, it is clear that there is a important difference between two beef uping programmes.A restriction of our survey is that merely one-sided patello fermoral hurting syndrome was taken for the sur vey.DecisionBased on the consequences of our survey, it is clear that hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping howed greater diagnostic recovery than the knee quadriceps beef uping plan entirely. This suggests that the implicit in cause of patellofemoral hurting in certain persons may non be restricted to the patellofemoral articulation.From this survey it is suggested that hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus strengthening is more good to patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome.Since it is a clip edge survey, survey with the larger sample size and long term follow- up can be done in hereafter.
Lloyd Georgewin Essay
The stage mission with a sense of her childhood, her babyhood and the years describes the great sense of evil Eddie feels as he has cargond and make dod her all her life. Beatrice remown(prenominal)s faithful to Eddie passim although she is frustrated, When am I gonna be a wife again, Eddie? she tells him, desperate from him to depart about Catherine and go back to caring for her. Beatrices love for Eddie is whizz of the strongest in the play, she wants desperately for Eddie to pay her the anxiety she deserves as a agreeable wife.Eddies obsessive behaviour towards Catherine puts great strain on his married couple I want my respect he says when Beatrice tries to confront him, Eddie is angry and shouts at her for kvetch about him being so strict with Catherine. Beatrice is struggling to keep her marriage intact, hardly she cannot understand the love Eddie feels towards Catherine. I believe Eddie loves his wife in a heartfelt way but his love for Catherine takes priority wh en Rodolfo comes on the scene, which leads him to mistreat Beatrice. I cannot assistance feeling sorry for her as she is forced into a situation that was not her doing.It seems her love for Eddie is unrequited. Eddies hatred for Rodolfo is fuelled by his jealousy for the love and attention Catherine bestows upon him, Im telling ya the guy aint right hand he says trying to justify his hatred. Nobody believes Eddies comments about Rodolfo and everyone but Eddie can see through to his jealousy. It isnt right for a reality of Eddies age to be obsessed with his young niece, but null understands the depth and passion of Eddies love, which drives him to keep Catherine at any cost.Eddies obsessive love compels him to see Mr Alfieri, family friend and lawyer He aint right Mr Alfieri Eddie pleads, but it is obvious he has no legal power within he law. The fact Eddie has gone to see Alfieri shows the power of his love towards Catherine and his desperation to have her for himself. Love is t he main driving force place all the characters actions, the truth is not as bad as ancestry Eddie Beatrice tells him trying to quell his anger and hatred. Beatrice believes that love is not a meritable enough ca enforce for the use of violence.It is Eddies deep love that drives him to use all force necessary to have what he believes to be his Catherine. This watertight love to the bitter end is misunderstood by Marco He quick my brother. My blood. Marco says he cannot see why Eddie turned him and Rodolfo into the police. But it is obvious to the indorser that it was Eddies love that compelled his actions and not his hatred for Marco and his brother. Eddies love finally leads him to his death You be about me Marco Eddie cries before lunging at him. This is Eddies last desperate attempt to pull round back his dignity.Eddies love has driven him to a point where he has no other option but to follow his feelings to the end. The fate of Eddie Carbone is a sad one as his obsessiv e feelings towards Catherine took control of him and his actions that followed he could not help. I believe the story is a testament to the power of love and how one time it has infected someone in a certain way they are powerless to stop it. Emlyn Roberts Pluto10X Show take in only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of some(prenominal) that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Ethical Issues Surrounding Walmart
Ethical issues surrounding Wal-Mart Ronald L. Reeves Columbia S out(a)hern University Ethical issues surrounding Wal-Mart surface-to-air missile Walton, founded Wal-Mart over forty years ago, where it started as a five-and-ten store in Bentonville, Arkansas (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Since so it has become one of the largest retail stores in the world, with an estimated annual sales of close to $300 billion (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). His task philosophy was to digest low prices to its customers everyday (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009).With much(prenominal) tremendous success in mesh depart and growth, it has as well as brought m any ch totallyenges relating to estimable issues in regards to off-the-clock-work, sexual discrimination, health returnss, the portion of sodalitys, use of illegal aliens, and issues relating to child and labor movement laws. It is the intent of this bailiwick content to identify the ethical issues Wal-Mart has faced, as well as, discu ss four questions of thought. Off-the-Clock-WorkFrom 2000 to 2007, Wal-Mart has been in court facing numerous law suits, in which they suck in remunerative out millions of dollars, for violation of laws surrounding non-payment of overtime compensation to its employees (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Several employees claimed that soldieryagers postulate them to work off the clock by requiring them to work after punching out their time card (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). If the employee refused to work after their shift and off the clock, then they would be threatened with termination of employment.One of the many complaints include the use of lock-ins (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). concord to Stanwick and Stanwick (2009) they stated, Managers would lock the doors after the store had closed and would force the workers to stay in the store until all the work had been recognized (p. 410). Employees were also told that if they could non complete their assigned work in their ei ght hour shift, that they would dupe to last out at work, off the clock, until their work was complete.It was evident that the mangers had no obedience or appreciation for the employees, who should have been valued as stakeholders that contributed to the success of the store. Sexual contrariety In 2001, Wal-Mart faced a lawsuit with regards to sexual discrimination for non promoting women to managerial positions and for not paying them a wage equivalent to what the mannish employees were making (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). any(prenominal) of the facts that bread and buttered the lawsuit include 65% of the periodical employees and 33% of the managers were women, and on average women received 6. % less in earnings than their male counter distinguishs received (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). One example of discrimination included a female employe being told that a man was promoted over her, who was drug-addicted, because the man had to support his family (Stanwick &038 St anwick, 2009). An new(prenominal) example of discrimination was when a women was told that a man was paid to a greater extent than becauase according to the Bible, Adam came sooner Eve. The managers involved in these and other sexual discrimination cases included in this lawsuit made misfortunate ethical decsions by discriminating against its female employees.Health Benefits Stanwick and Stanwick (2009) mentioned, In 2003 Wal-Marts polity of lower represents in every bug out of its operation was highlighted ground on the type of health benefits that it offered to its employees (p. 413). New employees had to wait six months before being eligible for the health c are benefit, and retirees were not allowed to forestall their benefit (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Wal-Marts payout for employee healthcare benefits in 2002, were 40% lower than the average that all companies in the U. S. ere paying and 30% less than their competive retailers (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). In an effort to bind health care costs shore, Wal-Mart recommended to the board of directors that it should wage more(prenominal) part time employees and try to discourage unhealthy employees by requiring all employees responsibilities to include some type of physical activity (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). It is evident that Wal-Marts board of directors and upper management were more bear on with profit than the offbeat of the employees. The Role of the UnionsIn an effort to keep low prices for its customers, Wal-Mart kept its labor cost low (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). There has been a constant battle between Wal-Mart and its employees, who wanted to create a union. The purpose of the union was to ensure that employees, who were members of the union, would receive a wage that was competitive to others in the workforce. Stanwick and Stanwick (2009) stated, In 2002 a comparison of earnings for unionized workers and Wal-Mart employees showed that unionized Kroger employees woul d get four to five dollars an hour more than the Wal-Mart employees (pgs. 15-416). It was discover that Wal-Mart would discourage employees from forming unions, by firing those that promoted it (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Of the contrary, the Wal-Marts in China were allowed to have unions, as they received pressure from the All-China Federation of Trade Unions which is belived to be unconnected of Chinese Communist Government (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Use of Illegal Aliens In an efforet to keep their costs low everyday for its customers, Wal-Mart used a campaign motto of Roll Back the Prices, but agian it came at the sacrifices of its employees.Wal-Mart outsourced to third party contractors to hire janitors to clean its stores afterhours (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). To keep cost down, these third party contractors, with Wal-Marts knowledge, employ illegal aliens to clean the stores afterhours (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). This was discovered after federal agents, f rom the Immigration Servive, raided sixty Wal-Mart stores in an operations called Operation Rollback, in 2003 (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009).As a result of the raid, more than 250 illegal aliens were arrested, and Wal-Mart faced thiteen felony indictments and paid $5 million dollars in fines (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Some of the illegal aliens also filed lawsuits that claimed they were forced to work every night and did not receive compensation for overtime (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). This was not only a violation of federal law, it also showed a lack of the citizenship article of belief where every employee should respect the law (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009).Child and other Labor Laws From 2000-2005, Wal-Mart was faced with fines and lawsuits pertaining to violations of child and labor laws. It was set by audits, that employees under the age of cardinal were workings past midnight, working during school hours, and working more than eight hours a day (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). find were employees under the age of eighteen operating machinery that was dangerous, which included chainsaws and cardboard balers (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009).Also, exposed were employees who were not taking their breaks or given time off for a meal period (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Questions for Thought 1. Are the ethical issues Wal-Mart faces really any different from other large retailers? I dont reckon the ethical issues facing Wal-Mart are any different than that of its competitors. I do believe though that since Wal-Mart is considered the largest retailer and it promises to keep the lowest prices everyday for its customers that they are misusing the reliability principle of taking care of its employees.Stanwick and Stanwick (2009) stated, Traditional violations of the reliability principle would include br distributivelying a promise or contract or not fulfilling a promised action (p. 9). An example of this is when Wal-Mart managers did not pay the ir employees for working overtime. 2. Wal-Mart officials have stated that they dont feel women are interested in management positions at the company. Do you agree or disagree? I disagree. Based on the case study, it seems to me that women are discouraged from looking positions in management by sexual discrimination.If women were not oppressed by comments such as a man needing the promotion over a qualified woman because he needed to support his family, or that a man works at Wal-Mart for a career and women do not, then they whitethorn feel more competitive for managerial positions (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Wal-Marts managers in this case demonstrated a failure in the dignity principle by not respecting all of its employees (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). 3. Wal-Mart is continually criticized for its health care policy. Is this really and ethical issue?Why or why not? I do not think that Wal-Marts health care policy is wrong and meets the requirement of the lividity princip le. Of the four types of fairnesss reciprocal, distributive, fair competition, and adjective fairness, they demonstrate the distributive fairness (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). They do provide both part time and full time employees with a choice to enroll in its health care policy and at different levels of coverage (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). The also have provided a health savings account for its employees.Stanwick and Stanwick (2009) stated, In a Wal-Mart survey of 220,000 employees, it was found that 90% were covered using Wal-Marts health insurance (p. 415). The 10% that did not have their insurance were either covered under their spouses insurance, insured by Medicaid, or through a military health insurance plan (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). 4. Should Wal-Mart be touch about unionization of stores since allowing unionization of workers in China? Wal-Mart should be concerned about unionization in stores outside of China, as they have allowed it in China.This is a double standard that is not fair to the other Wal-Mart employees end-to-end the world. The case study identified that employees who were in favor of a union were either discouraged or terminated (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). The National Labor relations Board, ordered Wal-Mart in 2003 to negotiate with former employees of the meat market, whom create a union, to bring back the meat department that was originally closed when the employees formed a union (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009).This thought encompasses the values of the fairness principle, with regards to the reciprocal fairness (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Wal-Mart should address the thought of a union fairly as the employees seek a way to have competitive wages. Conclusion While Wal-Mart is considered to be one of the highest grossing retailers in the world, which strives to offer the lowest prices everyday to its customers, it has done so by adversely affecting their employees.The managements efforts to keep prices down res ulted in poor ethical choices which resulted in employees being forced to work beyond their normal working hours and not be correct for their overtime. In addition, many employees were forced to work during their breaks or denied mealtime breaks, in which they were not compensated for either. Sexual discrimination was also an issue, as women were discouraged or discriminated against for desire management level positions.Although Wal-Mart did offer health benefits to its employees, they were questionable and came at a high cost for low paid employees. Wal-Mart also set a double standard by allowing its stores in China to have a union, while it discouraged or terminated employees in other separate of the world who were in favor of developing a union. Child labor laws were another issue for Wal-Mart, as they required employees under the age of eighteen to work late at night, working during school hours, working more than eight hours a day, and operating dangerous equipment in some of its stores.The results of their wrong acts and violations of federal laws, has caused Wal-Mart to review its policies and identify ways to improve its ethical principles concerning the interference of its employees. Stanwick and Stanwick (2009) mentioned, The managers at Wal-Mart agreed to meet with the ten rank-and-file workers every week from each of its 4,000 stores to get employee feedback (p. 419). This program that Wal-Mart created is called Associates out Front (Stanwick &038 Stanwick, 2009). Reference Stanwick, P. A. , &038 Stanwick, S. D. (2009). Understanding business ethics. Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson-Prentice Hall.
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